VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Coaxdreams - The Fetish Party [v1.0] [Coaxdreams]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    As noted by others, the game does a good job of driving home the idea that actual BDSM is far more about consent, safety and mutual respect than most porn games would let you believe, but sadly it provides little if anything to someone eager to actually EXPERIENCE BDSM in a game. Not only are there no long-term "routes" to play/choose but even the "scenes" themselves are much more an "ending" rather than a proper CG scene.

    Basically, if you came to learn some really basic stuff about BDSM, you got it. But if you came hoping for any length of actual BDSM gameplay, you'll leave severely dissatisfied. This is basically "BDSM: The Minglinglinglingling" (sorry, hard to know when to stop just as with bananananana... dammit!)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Short AVN that playfully teaches newcomers some variations of playing together and the basics of interaction in the BDSM scene. The principles of respectful communication, consideration and clear consent should not be limited to this scene. Since the game does exactly what it claims, graphics is good, and the intention welcome, I give it a good rating. However, anyone expecting more extensive BDSM H-scenes here (there's just one) will be disappointed. I would be delighted if the author were to tackle sequels that delve deeper into one or more practices.