HTML WebGL Coded my own dialogue system which allows for embedded images & other customizations


Game Developer
Mar 8, 2023

In this way I bypass a lot of restrictions that come with the engine's own scrollview object and the content that can render there.
The text supports bold, italics, different font, different color, etc. The visual editor of the dialogue is wysiwyg.

Next I'll be working on allowing the user to extend the dialogue frame upwards, in case they want to see more at once, and after that a history of the conversation if they choose to see it.

After that a Mood system in the dialogue mode where you can pick certain branches that will influence the character's mood towards you. With a very good mood you can then ask for favors and they will have a much higher chance to be fulfilled.

Was considering allowing the user to change the font size or font face but this complicates things due to the spacing images require.

Any more ideas on what customizations could be added to the dialogue system to make the player's experience better?