I can't recreate the error and don't see anything wrong with the code. Try loading an autosave and see if it fixes it.when i try to go to the chair after rin helps stop me from turning into her i get this error message:
action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 2
for object control_brain:
Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [2] out of range [2] - -9.sync(100434,2)
at gml_Script_txt_script
gml_Script_txt_script (line -1)
gml_Script_check (line -1)
gml_Script_script_alt1 (line -1)
do i have to restart the game? or can this be fixed in some way?
If you'd like I'm happy to take a look at the save file
Should be in AppData\Local\Coffee_Story_Extra