Easily a 1 out of 5. I don't see any potential, and the passive-aggressive way the dev begs for money is EXTREMELY greedy and offputting.
He begs for money at every damn opportunity, always saying stuff like: "Due to lack of funding, this area is not completed."
Dude, go work a normal job and work on this as your damn hobby, or at least release a real game before demanding money.
Also, there is an object in the game that sparkles and is essentially just an aggressive way of demanding a donation. Even tries to make you feel bad.
Really creepy.
Okay, enough about the begging; let's review the game. If the game is good, all can be forgiven.
Art: The art is inspired, and unique. Is it good? No. It's mediocre. The proportions are way off, the face does not fit the personality of the FC, and the tiny, minuscule amount of art in the game is just meh.
2 / 5
Story: Shittiest generic story I have ever read. Beyond hope. It's blatantly dumb, stupid, nonsensical. Even for a damn RPG maker game. Most MTL translated JP games make more sense than this one. 1 / 5
Writing: Average, shit, low effort. Not the worst, but nothing stands out Some extra lore, some people might care about. 2.5 / 5
Gameplay: ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. The game and system are LAGGY AF. You fight against deers using a damn ATTACK SPAM fighting style, with unfinished combat. Also, you can't even spam attack because the FC has no attack, but you have to use "Slash" instead, which is tedious AF. This is the WORST, ABSOLUTE WORST RPG maker mechanic I have ever seen. This would have been shit 30 years ago. Absolute peak trash. 0/5
So overall? 1 / 5 - I can't say a single good thing about the game. I tried to like it, but it's just that bad. I am sorry! This is coming from someone who actually wasted a good amount of time on it.
Played the new update because I want to update my Review:
Armor still lasts WAY TOO LONG
Battles are still insanely shitty, it's a joke. SLOW CLUNKY JUST ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK - DESPITE LVL UPS!
Animations with full armor are shown despite Colette having no or broken armor.
No event/reaction even when she's walking around naked.....
Even when she is naked, her sprite avatar on the map is shown wearing armor. Lazy you did not even bother with the details.
Enkis use Armor to break even when Colette is naked. Sometimes, 3 times repeatedly. BAD CODING. You can improve the damn AI. Did you even bother with it?
When battles start, the custom battle track is delayed, and the original track plays for a split second.The H scene with the male Enki makes no sense... absolutely! also that's not what I'd consider "pinning down". Also it's so hard to even get pinned down, and even when you do get pinned down there is a large chance that Colette just escapes... Man this design. Out of 10 tries the Enki succeeded ONCE. ONCE!
If you sleep with damn broken armor you get a game over, nah also getting it WITH clothes. Dev you suck at this whole process.