VN - Ren'Py - Completed - College Bound [v0.6.16] [FOZ]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Thanks Dev for satisfying a personal fantasy of miné cuz honestly I always wanted to play a game where u already have a GF still go on increasing your conquests behind her back with no fking NTR bullshit to worry about (though I did feel like MC got cucked by lesbian shit not cool mate, not cool at all) .
    I mean storywise it ain't something to brag about but definitely enjoyable. The sex animations was gorgeous to watch though deep down I do hope that u could add longer sex scenes for the upcoming updates. Character models are insanely sexy.
    I did enjoy dominating the bitch principle & I don't know if it's my thing for the MILF's but I'm starting to like her more than the GF:), weird right??
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so fucking great, it has everything I want in it. Hot busty milfs that you can hookup with, a bitchy principle with a nice body that you can hate fuck and just a bunch of beautiful girls of all shapes sizes and ages. So much temptation for the mc in this game even though his girlfriend is really cute I just don’t see how you can stay with just one, love the renders and the speed of the updates is incredible, wish more devs could follow your pace
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this on Steam first, and I absolutely loved it! The animations are great, the situations engaging, and the writing is stellar. There are so many unanswered questions about the MC's girlfriend, and I can't wait to see what comes next in College Bound's development! Keep up the great work, FOZ!
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Most probably here we have a winner in top three overrated games competition.
    The renders are bellow average, the story is cliche and implemented as poorly as it could be, the choices dont matter, many forced scenes all of sudden...counting all flaws would take a time and be as boring as this game is.
    So, one star rating for its mere presence here.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Good afternoon.
    Previously I played their game and I really liked it, but I see that it is labeled as lesbianism and when I play it I see that there is no option to avoid this situation.

    These lesbian situations should be avoided for players who don't like them.

    I say goodbye congratulating everyone who works on this game. It's good!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I was really impressed.

    Actually belivable story, with really original, unique and attractive character models which is something that is needed is this genre.

    I think the pacing could be improved but there's really nothing to point other than that.

    Try it out and you'll have fun.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Loved the models but the choices feel lacking in impact for the most part. The fact that MC even answers his phone when he is about to de-flower his gf pissed me off so much. I don't get to choose what is more important to me? Lol. Dumbass runs off and delays sex for a friend who wasn't really in that much trouble and then don't even fuck her? LAME! Honestly doesn't feel at all like a game and more like a story where you occasionally click. I think this "game" could be way better if the player had a bit more agency in the story. Not the worst time I've spent on a game here but nothing special either other than the models.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Good work guys . A game with good potential ,the characters are fresh but the story feel a little dated , maybe more choice paths will spice up the game , the plot with the college principle is really hot especially with all the suspense with her embezzling money off the College funds or some other shady business .But the update need to be longer with more plot twists . See you letter guys at the next update.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    My favourite thing about this game are the character renders. All the women in this game are rendered in very high and realistic detail - way more than any other game I’ve ever played. The bodies sag, and their skin has stretch marks, they have freckles and a lot more stuff that makes them look real. The girls are pretty diverse and have great personalities. You also get to pair up with some teachers too. I won’t give spoilers, but you get to blackmail the principal after she obstructs your student exchange. Even if you don’t care about the plot, play this game for the character designs alone.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    Pretty good game with a few annoying aspects.

    The character models and visuals are excellent. The animations are good. The story is nothing new and is overdone. The writing helps make up for the overused story a bit. The writing is better than average.

    The game has some unique and interesting characters. Character development is pretty good.

    A couple of complaints with the character models. Many of the females in the game are too thick with large waists, hips, and asses. It looks a little out of place on several of the female models/characters. Also, a few have too much cellulite. I appreciate the realism but feel that it was taken a bit too far in some cases.

    I wish the sex scenes were longer and more involved, however, this is more of a wish than a problem with the game. Many games don't put enough emphasis on the lewd scenes. The lewd scenes are above average but they could be better. There are plenty of lewd/sex scenes in the game which I greatly appreciate!

    I generally don't like games with forced relationships like the forced girlfriend in this game (which you can't break up with) but if this is primarily a cheating themed game then it makes sense.

    I'm not a fan of dream sex. It cheapens the whole experience if it happens for real in the game.

    I'm not a fan of imaginary nudity, where you see the girl naked yet she still has clothes on (like you have x-ray vision or something). It cheapens the whole experience if you later see the girl naked in the game through sex or some other means.

    Between the dream sex and the imaginary nudity, it knocks off one star automatically. I can wait for the real thing to happen, I don't want cheap substitutes! I'm not some kid in a candy shop who can't control himself.

    The game introduces quite a few new characters throughout the game. This is good and bad. Bad in the sense that there isn't sufficient time to develop relationships with most of them. Hopefully, that will come in the future.

    I really want to recruit a bunch of guys, wear ski masks, kidnap Liu, and gangbang the fuck out of her in some abandoned warehouse for hours (hatefuck). Same with Lucia and maybe her friend Tiffany. All three of these girls need to be taught a hard lesson!

    Overall, it is a fun and lighthearted game. If you don't take it too seriously you'll have a good time.

    It you are up for a fun and lighthearted romp then I recommend giving this game a try. Remember, cheating is encouraged in this game (otherwise it will be quite boring).
  11. 5.00 star(s)



    Cheaters, you have come to the right place. Cheating is a subject matter that is incredibly rare to find in any of these games. Sure, pretty much every single game has the tag, but the cheating is almost never addressed in the writing. It's either hand waved away with some harem logic, or just not acknowledged at all, with all the girls essentially being in a bubble.

    Here, we definitely see that cheating is one of, if not the, main theme of the story. That said, the game doesn't take it overboard and revel in the cheating aspect egregiously, so people who don't come here for specifically that can still enjoy the game. I'm pretty sure you can avoid all cheating as well, although that would leave the game rather barren and boring if you ask me.

    The MC is written rather well, with generally logical reactions to situations and contemplation that make sense. He is in the sweet spot of being charming and competent (+ pretty funny and easy going), but not being some absurd Gary Stu. He is cognizant of his cheating, as are his cheating partners, and he does feel bad, but he won't dwell on it to the point of shame or self deprecation. Just the right spot. At some point, I'm hoping he develops a sort of twisted thrill with it, but that's just me haha. The girlfriend is rather sweet. Well, all the characters exhibit some character flaw. The gf probably shows it in the most overt manner, but she is a real sweet girl and a great girlfriend. Thus, the thrill and immorality of the cheating is heightened.

    The actual plot... is rather thin. There really isn't a major core plot other than the looming trip to Paris at the end of the school year. The game is much more about character interactions. That's fine if we consider this as a cheating game, which I do.

    Graphically, the dev certainly has their own style. The models are extremely unique, as is the overall style of the models. It's a breath of fresh air after all the same styles of DAZ and HS we see all the time. I mean, I do think the usual style is "hotter," but unique styles are always welcome, as long as they remain aesthetically pleasing.

    The dev has found the style they like as far as sex scenes go. It consists of some dialogues on top of still pictures and animations, then a "no dialogue" animation loop with some control settings for speed (slow, and slightly less slow), which is followed by the cumshot and some more dialogues. Personally, "no dialogue" animations do absolutely nothing for me. I would prefer if the dev draws out the dialogues to extend the scene.

    So basically, this is one of the rare games that has actual cheating as a main theme. If it was just that, it wouldn't be deserving of a 5*. However, the dev shows some writing chops to back it up, maintaining a nice balance between the eroticism, drama, and humor.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is surprisingly great. I wasn't sure at the very beginning, because it started into the action right away, and I barely knew the characters yet, but after the first scene, it really starts to get good.

    College Bound has a refreshing new take on the college experience. You have a beautiful girlfriend, but her best friend (wow) is also interested in you, not to mention multiple teachers, and the principal, who is probably up to no good professionally, and secretly wants to be dominated, which is a nice bonus. Even a local cop lusts after you. Not to mention the sexy landlady.

    In addition to the cute redhead, you have a beautiful east Indian friend, which is a great addition to the game, plus a goth girl who is really hot too, and smart as well. With quite a few hot teachers, a mom or two, and some sexy best friends, College Bound has it all.

    All in all a really fun game to play, and the dialog is believable, and high quality. It also has quite a bit of humor, I laughed a lot playing it, which always adds an extra layer to these games.

    The sex scenes are quite good also, definitely better than most games, and the animations are very good quality. The interface is nice also, with the ability to click on a few different positions in some scenes. I would not mind a few more options for the positions from time to time, but I am sure that will come with further updates.

    The dev is doing a great job with College Bound. Highly recommended.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a fairly high quality title that deserves better context and English. Fixing those two small things could really make this title one of the best around.

    At the moment, the "Conversation" encounters are kind of pointless. They allow you to experience the dialogue multiple times but there aren't any choices in them so it just leads to you clicking two things and then hitting "End Conversation". The time would be better spent if the dialogue was just delivered in the way the rest of the title does it.

    I suspect the story is heading in some very deep and dark places but has yet to get there. It's definitely worth checking out, especially if it gets some much needed polish in additional updates.

    In conclusion, I think the game kind of expects you to cheat on Summer but seldom gives you any actual reason to. I appreciate that it is optional, though.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    College Bound [v0.3.4] [FOZ]

    This game is good: Nice renders, animations, has music, decent story, varied cast, etc. My only shtick is that the sex scenes are mostly boring because of how the dev decided to feature them. Pose 1 > Pose 1 FAST > Pose 2 > Pose 2 FAST > Moneyshot 1 or Moneyshot 2. Loop animations and barley any dialogue. Kind of kills the mood, hope they'll rework them. Otherwise a good game with a high bar. (Blanca is best girl ;))
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    the humor is through the roof in this one. makes me laugh in the most unexpected moments. renders are of great quality, some women/girls are really beautiful or sexy. i find miranda, despite being a model bitch, is the cutest one of them all. captivating story, distinctive characters, music (used in meaningful moments in synch with the story), sex animations all are strong points. the ratings are not lying here, this is definitely a high quality game in all respects.

    edit: stretchmarks are ok, they give a more natural look with older or less fit women, but maybe use them more sparingly or less emphasized please?
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    In the 3+ years on this site, I have only given a handful of reviews, in fact, it's been about 2 years since my last review. That being said, I found this game impressive enough to review and give this 5 stars.

    Renders, animations, and story are all great.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I have revised my opinion of CB on several occasions... always in an upward direction.

    The early iterations of the game seemed very unsophisticated to me: a bit kinky but with a clunky, WVM-eque interface and an equally one-dimensional plot. The renders seemed OK, but not great.

    With each new version the game improved in every respect, to the point where it's now actually good-to-excellent: a 4.5 star effort. Renders and animations are better, with an improved interface. Character development, while still a weakness, is on the upswing. Most of all, it developed a narrative thrust and an emphasis on its primary kink... which is cheating.

    Good cheating games _must_ contain an element of jeopardy, of risk, to be compelling: you have to actually like your partner, and confront the prospect of cheating as a dilemma that requires an affirmative choice. The primary love interest in this game is a sweet, sexy, nice woman; the alternatives are exceptionally sexy and compelling. Cheating hurts her, even though she does not know we are cheating; that gives our choices in the game emotional weight.

    I hope that the dev can keep this up... they are on to something good, which could turn into something great.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game ! A very good writing that makes me crave for the next updates.
    A few points to improve:
    - While blanca, summer, and the younger girls are hot, the milf have way too many aged aspects. In contrary of many games it's a good attention, but sometimes it just turns me off.
    - Animations and porn scenes.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game, not breaking any new ground, not falling into the trash either. Story is "okay", I don't think you're supposed to but I sort of hate the girlfriend character already (so it's great that MC is cheating on her all the time lol), she is just written as if she doesn't actually care about MC but acts as if she does. I like busty models so loving those. Animations are good. It's a "good" game, albeit an unfinished one... maybe 1-1.5hrs of content at v0.2.11.

    I also feel like "the woman MC is living with" is supposed to be his mom? But... dev decided half way through that he wanted patreon money so retconned it out? Just sort of odd, not a real complaint I guess.

    Constructive feedback:
    1. It'd be cool if the scenes in the gallery were grouped by character, so you knew how much content there was.
    2. "Fast" sex scenes are not "fast". The speed difference from default is super hard to even notice, imo.
    3. Longer scenes would be cool, just throw some more dialog (kinky dialog please) in there to drag them out a bit, or even better would be to make them multi-pose scenes that you can swap between (or even even better, both).
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Game opening scene ins kind of funny and while its pretty little detail i realy like it. When we first open game we saw ''Are you over 18?'' screen you hover your mouse to yes choice and girl start lose her bra and when you hover your mouse no she makes ''stop'' with her hands :D
    + We have decent quality for renders and animations.
    + We have animations and they are decent.
    + Our story is not someting unique nor original but we have story and characters with potencial while DEV seems like wasting it...

    Bad Points
    - Facial expressions in sex scenes or in normal scenes looks kind of unattaractive, espacily couple of girls like Summer looks awfull and even scary...
    - All sex scenes are focused on POV camera angle and its pretty much boring. There is no third person or third person like camera angle in sex scenes and its makes all sex scenes too much close and plain boring. We need more angles/positions for sex scenes.
    - Sex scene animations and physics needs improve.
    - Like i told we have story with potencial but writing becames worse with every update instead of shine that potencial... Espacily Blanca's interesting character wasting (or literaly ruining) by our DEV constant hypocrite development about her: while she is saying she wants became our girlfriend she still constantly bragging about it how amazing she is with her job, how other guys drolling over her, how much money she is making with her job etc is pretty hypocrite and poorly writed. And even with latest update when MC told her she is our girlfriend and told her he is actualy not happy about her job but literaly nothing changed, even after couple seconds later after learning how much she earns MC decided to make video with her... And as a player we got zero choice over it... Oh and its not end, now we do learn she gonna went ''business'' trip, we will go with her and she will make more videos and of course as a his new boyfriend or as a player we still have zero control over it again...
    - V0.6.13 Mat scene was disgusting... ''Leave the room'' option should have avoid that disgusting jizz on his face scene...

    For The End
    Its started as a good game, became average and with latest update its gives vibe of poor game... Having literaly zero choice about Blanca path and she became our main girl is just annoying ASF... DEV should have give his players choice istead of doing this hypocrite development...