HTML - College Daze [v0.510b] [G28]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily, EASILY, the best HTML game out there. This game has a.... confusing, storyline, which is hard to follow and has maybe too many moving parts, but as a control/corruption/incest game, there's none finer.

    Thousands of permutations each play through, to the point where it's almost impossible, without following a script or walkthrough, to get exactly the same story twice.

    Good story, despite its burden, with great pictures of fantastic models. Thoroughly recommend.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very impressed with this. I'm not a huge fan of real porn but I liked many of the models here. The developer put in plenty of variation. The number of choices and their impact was fantastic and I liked how the developer put in notes to tell you what you did to end up with or without a scenario. Underlying all of that is an interesting plot that left me wanting to go further to figure out what is happening. Besides immediate impact to the story, the choices also cause some amount of "leveling up" making this feel a bit more game like than other html games that I've played. Even unfinished this easily makes my top 3 html games.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    As of College Daze Update 488A

    College Daze continues its great story whilst it be slowing down due nearing the of Story It remains one of the LARGEST multi route game with excessive replayability. Having played through close 90 times there is always likely something you will miss one your first 10 playthroughs and more likely to discover more.

    Story : You play John Doe (Default Name) a recent student the College of Grate, with Mrs Maywood (Family friend/Mum) which upton arival you discover Magical lights to allow you influence poeple and the world around you for sex and other stuff.
    Gameplay: You must figure out how best you powers and energy to fuck, make into lovers, slaves or other.
    Model choice : while this may not appeal to all people it does cover vast majority of tastes.

    Overall I would have given it more than 5 out of 5 if possible I highly Recommend
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    the best real porn game on this site or in general. the story is captivating as it is alluring, to the point i actually replayed it almost 10 times already. looking forward to what the future scene will hold.
    so contrary to the so called opinion of impatient people wanting this to end, i myself instead hope the story goes on atleast so it goes all the way to version 1.0.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game got me into HTML games, but it isn't without its faults.


    Solid English. Call me privileged, but nothing kills immersion quicker than poor second-language English or MTL. The writer is obviously fluent, and in my opinion, writes sex scenes quite well.

    LI Diversity. Plenty of ethnicities, body types, and maturity levels to choose from.

    A little subjective but a good diversity of tags. I didn't know I had a thing for transformation, but here we are.

    Overall, the porn itself and the porn writing I think is exceptionally well done, which for many people including myself, is all you really want in a porn game.


    I'd like the game more if it had sound. However I know that from playing other games that have attempted it poorly, that it can be a bit of a minefield. So perhaps it's a design choice, however even just some background music would be welcome in my opinion.

    The game's take on RPG-esque stat building is unique, albeit a little frustrating for me. I know some people want it to feel more like a game, but I'd be happier if the branching paths were more choice based.


    As others have pointed out the overarching story is a little too ambitious, to the point where it becomes extremely difficult to follow or care about, especially when you have porn brain. For me the breaking point was around
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    when I realized I could not tell any of them apart by name. It only gets worse from there, as newer and shallower characters get thrown at you. It's hard to fault the Dev for including more porn in a porn game, but it's getting to a point where the story is getting in the way.

    TLDR; I would call this the premier HTML/Realporn game on the site, but the dev should quit while they're ahead and bring this one to a concise conclusion. I'm a little biased, because their next game is shaping up to be a hit as well, and I'd like to see them be able to work on that further :)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Minus one star for feature creep and lack of focus. This game starts out amazing but as you play you quickly find out that there are too many characters for you to care about, the plot is nonsensical and due to the way the game is structured it is way too easy to miss good scenes and stumble into boring or even bad scenes. You have to use a checkpoint mod to play this game otherwise you cannot see the characters you actually care about. Also the creator is very stubborn about adding a free mode. At a certain point, less is more and the creator just keeps adding and adding and he loses the forest for the trees.

    Why must I play a boring dumb DnD minigame? How come it's possible to miss out on new content? Why introduce new characters when you are supposedly wrapping up? At a certain point the creator just needs to say no to patreon requests and have a more focused vision. This game is still worth your time but just know it can be very frustrating watching in real time the development of this game crashing off the rails in real time.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    College Daze is an excellent example of a developer with the talent to do something great following through with the hard work it takes to realize it.

    The best part of the game, whether you think the story is anything special or not, is that player decisions matter. A seemingly throwaway choice that you make in the early stages might (and often will) turn out to be a boon or mistake in later stages.

    The game has a lot of tags, but for the most part anything that comes off as a fetish-type is up to the player to encounter, assuming they take full advantage of the game's well-integrated stat and relationship systems.

    Piggybacking on the two previous paragraphs, the game allows you to play your way without falling into the boring karma trap that even triple A studios struggle with. That's not to say that there aren't paths that open up for particular play styles, but it's all done very organically. There's a lot of replay value here.

    There are a lot of characters to interact with. I'm not sure how far along in development the game is, but nearly every character I've encountered has content. Obviously, some more than others, but I've yet to find a character lacking. One can obviously tell where version limitations kick in, but the developer has done a fantastic job of at least giving players sizeable sample experiences in those cases.

    So far, I've been nothing but impressed and hope this project stays on course.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game just wish I could keep playing with out a sudden stop and wait for next update so I can try everything I can in the game I like how u cam use magic and impregnate characters and change their sex I like that their is cheats but wish I could use all at the same time instead of only one or two at a time I wish we could choose who our character looks like
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't get it. Like, It's fine, I guess, but 4.7 stars fine? I don't think so.

    Story: Forgettable. Generic. Found myself just skipping text without reading, which is a bummer. Pacing and characters are bad.

    Engine: Rather basic barebones Twine. The engine is used competently, I guess, but compared to games that really put the system to work like Transylvania, it's rather weak.

    Gameplay: Linear branching path. Basically a visual novel with choices, I found it rather dull.

    Visuals: Porn gifs. I'm not a fan, it's just not very sexy. I find it difficult to recognize who's who and I can't tell the difference between generic porn-star 1 and 2. Would be better with AI or commissioned 2d artwork.

    Sexiness: Protagonist goes from normal dude to absolute horndog who will fuck his own sister or literally any female (or transformed male) at the drop of a hat. There's no sense of tension or escalation, it's just 0 to absolute fuckfest in not even ten seconds flat.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4942259

    I love the plot and choice of this game but god those porn gifs are so extremely boring. Is it so difficult to pay someone to do the animations? Gifs are lame, and if I wanted to see porn I would search for porn.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I think College Daze is one of the top Games here. The dialogues and story are well-written, like the idea of this game, alot of content. You can replay it everytime and find other nice ways to do something.

    Thanks to the developer for your work and game. Hope you will create much more games.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    College Daze is one of the few HTML games I always enjoy. The combination of a compelling story, well-crafted narrative, and abundant content makes it a standout in the realm of HTML visual novels.

    Intriguing Story: The narrative is very interesting. The plot is intricately woven, keeping players engaged and eager to find out what's next. The character development (both in corruption or love) are well done.

    Well-Written Dialogue: The writing is top-notch to me, making you feel like immersed in the story.

    Abundance of Content: One aspect that pleasantly surprised me was the sheer volume of content available. There is quite the amount of gameplay time, many characters and much content.

    Visual Appeal: HTML games are usually not my cup of tea (frequently sandboxes and real-porn vids) but its ease of use is an advantage.

    Conclusion: Stand-out and impressive HTML game. Interesting story, well-written, and amount of (diverse) content make it a must-play for anyone here.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best and most well developed HTML games I've played. Solid paths, multiple play-throughs, this game made me become a patreon. If you're a fan of multiple choice MC games, do give this a try out.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing is exceptional and it really hit's the domination angles in a natural way. I find myself going through the game because I find the characters and story arcs real interesting. Extra bonus points for impregnation related content.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best game out there, absolutely the best HTML game out there, brilliant, amazing writing, so much choice and replayability. Just play it already if you haven't, there's stuff for everyone.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Crimson Fire

    Have to say this game is one of the best examples of quality and consistency of releases. We get regular releases, the game's story is progressing. Characters develop, choices appear to matter and the videos/pictures fit most situations where they are used. This game is 3 1/2 years old but because of the steady release schedule we have now a lot of content both in multiple choices that can be taken but also in repeatability because of how fleshed out our options are. There is so much content that the community literally made a mod to allow you to go back in time to playout multiple paths in one playthrough.

    Hats of to the Dev.

    ~Golf Clap~ to you sir.

    Actual review after my brown nose momment above.

    This game is dense and it actually get more content and options are the game progresses. When the game first came out it was semi linear before you meet titus. But the dev has gone back and fleshed out the options you have and allowed for more clues and information to reach the player earlier if you invest in those choices. Yet the games still gets new content on the story side progressing time and the story forward.

    Choices Matter.

    You have so many options that actually change outcomes that you can't explore all options in a single playthrough. Results of a choice may not manifest until days after the fact. If you recruit a girl to your side you wont know she is protecting your friends until many days later.

    You can permanently change people appearance so the pictures and videos used for the character are changed.

    You can side with different factions in the power struggles of the game.

    You can be kind or cruel. Allow people autonomy or steal their free will.

    The story.

    The game's story actually allows you to use the power you have gain in so many different situations you don't feel they are just narrative tools for the writer but actually abilities you can use. This is important in a story about magic and spell that you actually feel you can use your spells in the game relatively freely vs narrowly defined moments that many games that have spellcraft in their story.


    Lots of it. With both stills and video., as well as text descriptions.


    The characters in the game are varied in their opinions of the Main Character. They have agenda's separate from the MC and depending on your choices may join forces with you or not. Rio seems to be the only scripted ally in the game, with others being harder or easy to get onside with the MC. Some character's personalities can be changed dramatically. While still others can be forced into you faction by removing their free will. Saving a character can make them eternally grateful, some will join you because they hate their current leader. There are so many characters that you can't explore them all in a single playthrough.


    One of the best games on the site lots of options in terms of kinks. Some supported with more content than others. Pretty easy to avoid content you don't want to partake in.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a true gem for a lover of either power fantasy, mother corruption and general corruption.

    For a V0.390 it has A LOT of content available, with many routes (not finished and with low cohesion), it feels more like a v0.5+ game. The amount of decisions you can take are phenomenal, and with a pace fast enough that it will not bore those looking for a fast fap.

    bad aspects is lack of pimping or sharing content, more long-lasting choices and more kinks or transformation options.

    Hopefully this game will continue to get heavier and not lighter, as with many corruption games.

    All in all, 10/10 gem of incest, corruption and power fantasy with good potential.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    You can play this over and over again without getting bored and surprise surprise, seeing the same sex scenes again. Because it uses a skill/magic system which changes the way you treat girls. Amazing just amazing. Gems like these should NOT be abandoned and be taken to completion.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    A power fantasy game such as this benefits greatly from a sandbox format, providing the increased freedom that power would logically bring to allow the player to stretch their power.
    Instead, this game presents a power fantasy in the form of a choose-your-own text adventure, with a singular mediocre storyline the game railroads you through regardless how much you'd quite prefer to stop a while and smell the roses.

    The worst part is that there is no reason this could not have been a sandbox, but with a storyline the player progresses at their own pace. Instead, the car starts and never stops. There is some exploration and freedom available, but not much to speak of.

    That is, until you hit an arbitrary date limit, the game hard locks, and you are unable to continue any further because of the game's misplaced priority on the main plot. No more exploration, no more talking to characters. You get unceremoniously smashed against a brick wall and told to come back later.

    It's a waste of potential for what would otherwise be a fun game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Top-tiered Html game out there. There is a HUGE amount of choices and the impact is well considered later in the game. It's replayability is on an insane level! Very, very good game! You gotta be into MC though (duh!)