All I can say is that the file is a big boy lol. It is possible to open though, I've had someone do it for me before when one of the story files crashed, it just takes like an hour for it to open up. If you can get someone else with a better computer (not saying that as an insult, mine is trash) then they can save it as a story file and then you should be able to open it up in Twine much easier than the HTML file. That worked for me, at least.Hey, I wanted to import the html in twine 1.4.2 (with sugarcube), to mod it a bit for myself but I have a problem, twine crashes every time I try to. If you are ok with me modding it (I won't share it), do you have any idea why it doesn't work ?
EDIT: Also, I should mention that if you want to mod the game and share it with people, that's totally cool with me. It'd be silly to wag my finger while putting up a game with real images lol.