You can't do that for this game, because for many event, there are different variations/scenes (content) depending on what you did before. For the exact same event, you could be able to interact with a character as a friend, as a lover, as a slave, as an ennemy, or even as a male or a female, and multiply the possibilities by the number of characters in the event. Also in many cases events don't exist at all unless you did this or didn't do that. So even if you could do all the events, you would miss a lot of content.That's part of the problem. There are so many interactions in the game it is actually very easy to play it multiple times and still not see everything there is on offer and after a couple of replays you'll start seeing the same stuff over and over, giving you the impression that you've seen everything when that likely is farthest from the truth. As someone who generally dislikes excessively multiple choice games, it can be very disheartening to know that you're only seeing a fraction of the games content despite replaying and trying something you think it new.
For example, I played about 200 hours of the Witcher 3 and saw what I thought was all the game had to offer. Fast forward a couple of years and I see on YouTube some videos about side quests I had missed entirely, either because I didn't explore enough, or because I made a different choice that locked me out of more content. And thats a game with relatively few choices.
I'm sure there are people who play games like this (multiple choice, multiple outcome type games I mean) who play with a pen and paper and keep track of every choice they've made so that they can try different approaches in replays, but that's an unreasonable expectation to have for the audience.
Now, I'm not saying this game should change to sandbox. I like the way it is (despite my general aversion to such game types). I just want a "free-roam" type thing for when you've reachged the end of the current update instead of it going to a black screen so that I can look at all of the options I unlocked through the playthrough. Though I've no illusions that that may not be possible.
My advice is : play it the way you like it a few times (maybe forcing you to make different choices you wouldn't usually make, you could have good surprises, focus on different characters/lights). Then try the walkthroughs, they will show you things you never discovered before, and then you can try to mix what you liked in your own playthroughs and what you discovered in the walkthroughs.
I played this game dozens of times and I always start from the beginning. I only use a save when making a choice I'm not sure I'll like or not so I could go back and continue my playthrough. This game is a rare chance to play an adult game and having fun for hours without ever being bored. Imagine if we could have so much lifespan for all our favorite games Sit back, enjoy a new playthrough and ask yourself "What am I going to do this time ?"
If the game was like you describe, I'd play once every 4-5 updates.