Crimson Fire

Mar 12, 2022
Possible bug. Minor

[Scene] MrsWardRepeatable360aStart1 & MrsWardRepeatable360aStart1Brown1
Time: Nighttime
Date: Sunday, August 18
When you choose to Check in on Mrs. Ward and Katey

I am pretty sure the picture is that of Devin.

It doesn't look like Mrs. Ward and doesn't makes sense as a younger Mrs. Ward either.
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Crimson Fire

Mar 12, 2022
Decent-sized bug: The options to bimbofy Kyle when he comes to fight you on the 19th (Math330aStart2Kyle2) don't require any brown skill.

edit: Oh, and can get a reference to an event that didn't happen. The line:

triggers on

<<elseif $heather_kyle == "bu" and ($int gte 12 or ((visited("CassandraMilfs072RepeatableStart1Hill1") or visited("CassandraMilfs072StartSoloHillClient1")) and $int gte 10))>>
which means having intelligence 12+ causes it even when the referenced scenes were never visited.
It is possible to Body sculpt without Brown lights. You can do this to Jill relatively early in the game (I think pre titus or right after titus) using Orange lights. The game mentions this is a surprise and that you didn't use brown lights at all.

So it might be a bug as the evidence suggests but there is world canon that non brown light transformations are possible. Maybe other lights can do so too.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2020
It is possible to Body sculpt without Brown lights. You can do this to Jill relatively early in the game (I think pre titus or right after titus) using Orange lights. The game mentions this is a surprise and that you didn't use brown lights at all.

So it might be a bug as the evidence suggests but there is world canon that non brown light transformations are possible. Maybe other lights can do so too.
Not sure if it was because of the latest update, but during the latest update I took out Jill for lunch, used a mental light, reconciled her two (skinny / thicc) halves , and I believe the outcome of that was a (permanent?) new model for Jill and within the text the MC is surprised that he did a body tranformation without a brown light. So body transformation without a brown light is definitely possible, but seems like so far our only proof (that we have recalled at the moment) is Jill.

Even then, maybe my scene there was the same as yours, but even if it is you're capable of doing it far into the game or pre-Titus if what you say is true.

Crimson Fire

Mar 12, 2022
Major Bug Delia arrives twice, once on saturday night, Aug 17th and again sunday night, Aug 18th

So I met Delia a day early wasn't paying attention to the days but I was in school on a sunday because of her chain and when I got out of school and i made my last bug report about meeting the wards. I went to bed and got the Delia scene again.

I am not sure what chain caused this but this is the scene chain that starts this Saturday night, Aug 17th.

[BeccaMidnight260aStart2bgreenLight1Leave1Pocket2] Takes me to [SundayMorning260aStart1]
Which takes me to [SundayMidnight300aStart1]

This doesn't skip the day as such because the Delia chain takes you to class and after class takes you to your evening choices on Sunday. Obviously you are not suppose to have classes on Sunday but you do when this bug fires.

After doing multiple events during the evening eventually it leads to...

[EveningHub230aStart1] Which leads to [SundayMorning260aStart1]
that does back to [SundayMidnight300aStart1]

Explaining how i got to [BeccaMidnight260aStart2bgreenLight1Leave1Pocket2] Saturday night...

On Saturday [EveningHub230aStart1] scene gives me a choice to hook up with a stoned Barberry where I meet Karen as well
in this scene [BarberryMidnight260aStart1] and

eventually my choices result in [BeccaMidnight260aStart2bgreenLight1Leave1Pocket2] as stated above.

I really hope i explained this well enough.

Anyway it appears that [SundayMorning260aStart1] is the problem as it skips the day leading to [SundayMidnight300aStart1]

Which you eventually go back to because of the Sunday evening hub scenes, thus repeating the Delia arrives and monday school scenes.

So shot in the dark might have found the code that causes this...

 /div><div tiddler="SundayMorning260aStart1" tags="" created="202209100230" modifier="twee">&lt;&lt;if visited(&quot;WeddingStartMorning300aStart8Ceremony1&quot;)&gt;&gt;\s\n&lt;div class='img-container1'&gt;&lt;img src= &quot;images\s300\slocation_disturbance1.jpg&quot; /&gt;&lt;img src= &quot;images\saug02\sfiller.png&quot; /&gt;&lt;img src= &quot;images\saug02\sfiller.png&quot; /&gt;&lt;img src= &quot;images\saug02\sfiller.png&quot; /&gt;&lt;/div&gt;\s\n\nIs this night ever going to end? \n\nYou're about to drift to sleep when you hear a loud crash right outside of your dorm room. You look around, but you seem to be the only one to notice it. \n\nLooks like it's on you to see what happened. \n\nWith a heavy sigh, you roll out of bed, hopeful that you'll eventually get some sleep. After all, you've got classes in the morning. \n\n[[Continue |SundayMidnight300aStart1]]\
This appears to have a Sunday morning start and the first continue button is Sunday midnight.

Now there are over 30 instances of [SundayMorning260aStart1] so I have no idea if this is the cone but I found only 1 example of a continue button going to SundayMidnight300aStart1. So I THINK this is the problem. But i don't know how this scene is chosen vs all the over Sunday morning scenes, because I don't know how to code. And and there are over 80 times WeddingStartMorning300aStart8Ceremony1 is in the code and that seems to requirement for this scene.
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Crimson Fire

Mar 12, 2022
Not sure if it was because of the latest update, but during the latest update I took out Jill for lunch, used a mental light, reconciled her two (skinny / thicc) halves , and I believe the outcome of that was a (permanent?) new model for Jill and within the text the MC is surprised that he did a body tranformation without a brown light. So body transformation without a brown light is definitely possible, but seems like so far our only proof (that we have recalled at the moment) is Jill.

Even then, maybe my scene there was the same as yours, but even if it is you're capable of doing it far into the game or pre-Titus if what you say is true.
i don't know when this is possible but the scene you mentioned is the one I recall.

I beleive but am not sure you can do this pre titus, it might post titus but close to the titus event. My problem is i can't remember as i have been jumping back and forth doing scenes to help bug hunt the game that I can't say for sure when this event triggered. I have done the titus event about 5 or 6 times since this release choosing different paths to find bugs. So the order of scenes is a but fuzzy. Given that Titus can trigger over multiple different days doesn't help either.

I tend to focus on Jill all playthroughs because she as a Spy protects you. It might mean nothing end game. But i focus on making Jill a Spy and girlfriend and becoming Barberry's thrall but messing up the ritual with Suzie. It seems to make Suzie obsessed with you and easier to turn against Barberry and Jill is another pawn of barberry's that isolates the Prof. I pretty much focus against barberry because of what she did to Monica. It easier to get upset when Monica is Gabbie Carter from the alternative image pack.
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Active Member
Feb 28, 2021
Not sure if it was because of the latest update, but during the latest update I took out Jill for lunch, used a mental light, reconciled her two (skinny / thicc) halves , and I believe the outcome of that was a (permanent?) new model for Jill and within the text the MC is surprised that he did a body tranformation without a brown light. So body transformation without a brown light is definitely possible, but seems like so far our only proof (that we have recalled at the moment) is Jill.

Even then, maybe my scene there was the same as yours, but even if it is you're capable of doing it far into the game or pre-Titus if what you say is true.
Actually Jill isn't the only example of an orange light transformation. Jake during D&D can be transformed into Jane permanently. Also, while not permanent, Devin has a few orange light transformations at the gift shop.

Major Bug Delia arrives twice, once on saturday night, Aug 17th and again sunday night, Aug 18th

So I met Delia a day early wasn't paying attention to the days but I was in school on a sunday because of her chain and when I got out of school and i made my last bug report about meeting the wards. I went to bed and got the Delia scene again.

I am not sure what chain caused this but this is the scene chain that starts this Saturday night, Aug 17th.

[BeccaMidnight260aStart2bgreenLight1Leave1Pocket2] Takes me to [SundayMorning260aStart1]
Which takes me to [SundayMidnight300aStart1]

This doesn't skip the day as such because the Delia chain takes you to class and after class takes you to your evening choices on Sunday. Obviously you are not suppose to have classes on Sunday but you do when this bug fires.

After doing multiple events during the evening eventually it leads to...

[EveningHub230aStart1] Which leads to [SundayMorning260aStart1]
that does back to [SundayMidnight300aStart1]

Explaining how i got to [BeccaMidnight260aStart2bgreenLight1Leave1Pocket2] Saturday night...

On Saturday [EveningHub230aStart1] scene gives me a choice to hook up with a stoned Barberry where I meet Karen as well
in this scene [BarberryMidnight260aStart1] and

eventually my choices result in [BeccaMidnight260aStart2bgreenLight1Leave1Pocket2] as stated above.

I really hope i explained this well enough.

Anyway it appears that [SundayMorning260aStart1] is the problem as it skips the day leading to [SundayMidnight300aStart1]

Which you eventually go back to because of the Sunday evening hub scenes, thus repeating the Delia arrives and monday school scenes.
Are you jumping around with checkpoints? This sounds a lot like what happened to me once, where the Barberry/Naomi scene triggered multiple times after using checkpoints.
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Dec 25, 2016
It is possible to Body sculpt without Brown lights. You can do this to Jill relatively early in the game (I think pre titus or right after titus) using Orange lights. The game mentions this is a surprise and that you didn't use brown lights at all.
Yeah, but this was an experimental zero-magic game; all I had was the absolute bare minimum experience of 1 green light from their first appearance, followed up by 1 'theoretical study' of green lights from the mandatory choice in the library. Otherwise completely ignorant.

Crimson Fire

Mar 12, 2022
Actually Jill isn't the only example of an orange light transformation. Jake during D&D can be transformed into Jane permanently. Also, while not permanent, Devin has a few orange light transformations at the gift shop.

Are you jumping around with checkpoints? This sounds a lot like what happened to me once, where the Barberry/Naomi scene triggered multiple times after using checkpoints.
No I wasn't using the mod to time travel and create check points. I was using the mod to see variables.

The run through i did was cheated. So that all options were available in terms of stat checks and spell experience. Make it easier to bug hunt when you don't have to worry about spells or stats.

The method I use was to save the game after the first day then advance 3 or 4 days using choices i intended to play then save. Go back to the pervious save and do those days over picking different options and trying to find bugs. It is how I was able to find a few. because i was sort of QAing the options. Once I was happy with the scene in the 3 or 4 day chunk. I would go back to the save with how I intended to play and then advanced a few days making choices i wanted. Saved again went back to the pervious save and picked different options during these says.

It isn't the most perfect method but I have no tools and I am only testing options that branch off of this "Intended" playthrough. But i has discovered bugs. So it has some value.


Sep 17, 2021
I want to make Jake a Gigachad, How many woman can he get laid and how many of them that he can impregnate?(I only knew Heather, Hill and Maywood)


Active Member
May 3, 2017
Probable bug :

On the second day (first Sunday) at the restaurant, when using a green light on Brittany (checkpoint RestaurantTravelgreenLight1), according to the botnet mod, when you select "Tell her to go streaking", she gains +1 public. But if you select an other option first (footsies or feel her tits) and then "Tell her to go streaking", according to botnet, she doesn't gain +1 public.


May 23, 2017
I don't know if this can help some people but here's a list of console variables

--- CORRUPTION --- = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150

--- LOVE --- = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150

--- LUST --- = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150 = 150

--- TIME OF DAY --- = 0
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Crimson Fire

Mar 12, 2022
You say that and Gabbie Carter is definitely great but Siri definitely has a greater hold over me :love:
Tell you what, i will give you all my universe's Siris and i will keep all of your universe's Gabbie Carters. Deal?

There are more than a few bimbo version of characters that i would say no thanks and non bimbo characters for that matter. I like the alternative image pact selectively for that reason.
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