VN - Ren'Py - College Kings [Act 2 v5.2.6] [Undergrad Steve]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Top 5 in my opinion. I've never walked the FWB path for all girls but instead have multiple saves with different paths. Hands down Aubrey is Bae! The rivalry between fraternities and the nonsense you get up to is a lot of fun. Bare knuckle brawls, booze and boob's! What more could you need?
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    There is something here. The writing makes the characters somewhat likeable and gives some dimension. The fighting is fun and I like texting and commenting on the social media app. The animations are not good and unfortunately that is a crucial part of any porn game in my opinion.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    A lot of promise with this one, but unfortunately it doesn't deliver, The models are nice if too similar to each other. However, that's where the positives end. The free roam is a little too un-intuitive especially when many times it devolves into finding items. The story has a villain, which is just there to cause outrage with no chance of retaliating against him. There are too many bugs at this stage to even bother reporting them all. Finally, the biggest sin of this game is that it's too easy to miss sex scenes because of this or that condition even with the walkthrough.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The first season was epic. This was one of the first VNs I ever read and it was a story filled with fun, love, humor, drama and sex with characters that genuinely made the reader care about what happens to them. It was so good I bought it on Steam. I was genuinely looking forward to Act 2 and bought that on Steam as well. But after I started it, I decided to wait for bit. Wait for a bit more content. Something felt off about the story development. Whether it's the pacing of the events taking place or the way certain characters were acting ... I don't know. But I was at odds with the opening.

    Unfortunately, this feeling never got alleviated. In fact it got worse. I found myself not caring about characters who were already established but were at times acting so out of character I had to go back to the first Act to double check if I had somehow romanticized them too much. Then there are new characters who were being introduced but I couldn't care less about them and were at times so forgettable I didn't remember them when brought up later. I honestly don't know how any of this could get fixed in my opinion. I think this is just a difference of opinion between the dev's own intended story and me.

    Act 1 is a 5/5
    Act 2 is a 2/5

    If you like this title show the dev some support. Buy it on Steam or become a contributor. These guys work hard and let many of us freeload on sites like F95 in hopes they'll gain more support. So take some time, contribute whatever little you can.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game was great at the first season, but quickly went downhill after.
    Ridiculous plot points, addition of random unmemorable characters which were never mentioned of again, plus unnecessary addition of drama for the sake of keeping the plot going. The recent change to UI as well as unfleshed plot in the last season really sealed the fate of this game for me - It feels similar to how the show-writers of GoT had great source material at the start to copy off from, and then suddenly falls flat when they no longer had materials to copy from.

    On a side note: This is the only game on F95 I've seen that actively has a warning against mentioning another game in the reviews. I'm not a fan of that other game, but why does it specifically only mention that game?
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This game deserved 5 stars , but this game really lost it charm. The first time i played this game i really felt that the choices mattered. now i feel like i can chose what i want and there is nearly any consequence.
    Its a good game but i have too high expectation for this game.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Just an innocent freshman at San Vallejo College, you are oblivious to the path that lies ahead of you. Growing up gets real when you learn about the unique cultures of the place you must call home. As loyalties form and tensions rise can you lead your fraternity to the crown and with it become the king on campus?

    Content: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Graphics: ⭐⭐⭐
    Screenplay: ⭐⭐
    Characters: ⭐⭐

    Overall: ⭐⭐
    College Kings: Act 1 is a complete plot and narrative mess.

    It starts off well, with some characters that (seem) interesting, but there comes a point where literally nothing happens.
    There is no definite plot to indicate where the story they want to tell us is going, nor are there characters that make you interesting because of what happens to them; I can count the interesting characters on less than the fingers of one hand.
    Visually it's also nothing to write home about, and its clunky animations and some annoying bugs I've had playing the game don't help.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good games, specially for A-Game beginners. Biggest downside is that the game story does not have a proper end. It should have a better closing chapter, or at least a better conclusion to it, as the end feels like it came out of nowhere.
    Other than that, it is still a good story with a lot of likable characters and good interactions amongst them.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is good, it has a ton of content, the models are decent (even if sometimes they enter the creepy valley) and so are the (short) animations.
    Personally I enjoyed it quite a bit, probably because I didn't try to get laid forcefully with every single girl.
    I let Emily go, I (kinda of) helped Ryan with her, I went mostly the Chloe route (with the random fuck from Aubrey and Mrs Rose) and tried to be mostly "friendly" with the others.
    Sometimes, like others pointed out, some interactions appear out of nothing (like the engine has some flag saying "you are already friend with that one", when being an occasional acquaintance would be a better description), but I try to overlook those.
    It's not some incredible piece of work, mind you, similar games (and maybe better ones) exist, but at least you can see a lot of work put in this.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    If "mediocre" had a poster child, you're envisioning this game. This was my first AVN experience and I'm happy to say that it can be better than this.

    The game starts very strong, but doesn't know when to end and falls flat eventually and becomes uninteresting as you're forced to interact with LIs you've already rejected in the past and spend time with them without any player input. Not to mention this game has some of the worst writing I've ever seen from a dev that speaks fluent English.

    One plus is the girls look fucking great and the lewd scenes aren't half bad, just don't go in expecting anything mindblowing and you'll have some fun until it gets boring quickly.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    There is a good game in here somewhere. The problem is the dev seems to constantly be rushing to the next big moment rather than letting the story breathe and fleshing out the girls.
    The KCT system exists to force multiple playthroughs and even worst there are moments where your choices just don't matter because the game wants to force you into something (Chloe and Aubrey decision).

    The models looks good, the animations are very good but it just isn't very well thought out.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Collage Kings is a very mixed bag. The game has good visuals, most of the girls are pretty and modeled well.
    This game really wants to be so many things and it really never works as one single unit. In my opinion, to have a good story you need to first set up the setting and the characters. Collage Kings never really does this and it ruins much of the game.
    Many times characters will just have sex with you for 0 reason out of the blue, there is no tension set up and there is no indication that they like you. This ruins most of the "pure" girls in the school as the buildup is just not good.
    However i did actually enjoy the moments where the game just tries to have fun and in particular the fun sandbox moments sprinkled throughout the game. But when this game tries to do anything emotional or tries to be serious, it just falls flat on its face.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Its just to weird a story overall and most of it i dident really find that interesting since its very vanilla, sure there is a bit of fun with a little fighting and quite a few girls to go after so its pretty much a typical college thing with frats, fights, drinking, girls and so on, but to many LIs just dosent make sense, and the trait system is more annoying then fun since it blocks LIs if you dont have the right one, so it limits the LIs you can get with which isent much fun.

    Dident really like how Riley turns lesbian/BI just from a single random kiss from a girl, even though she said she never done anything with a girl before and even while MC is fucking her shes trying to start a lesbian relationship with someone, which makes it weird and a bit idiotic if your on her path and to make it really idiotic she fails getting with one girl then 2 mins after she shes after a 2nd girl.... her story is just fucked up.

    Another thing that did annoy me is how they show Aubrey getting fucked by some dude at the very start of the game, shes one of the few i did like the looks of but MC never talks to her about that so you can only assume shes in a relationship with Adam which is also an idiot, so she got destroyed as a possible LI from day 1 which is idiotic since shes a constant part of the story and yet you never learn anything about her and Adam, but she comes on to MC right after you see her fuck someone else? which feels stupid and you can fuck her as well if you want and not once does MC talk about seeing her fuck someone it only leaves 2 options shes either a whore fucking everyone or a cheater which MC wouldent want to touch either due to hes last girlfriend, and yet game constantly trows her in your face instend of just letting you close her path, to make it even more stupid she will also drop MC if you dont accept to share her with another girl...

    And heres another funny/idiotic fact, Aubrey that turns MC down because he dosent want to share her with another girl, is against polygamy? she only wants Monogamy? i mean coooome on how can that make sense to anyone.
    And Riley is hoping for MC to accept polygame even after you told her she had to pick between you or the girl......

    And if you miss the one chance to tell her no to sharing Aubrey, you will play most of chapter 1 being with her, maybe even staying faithfull to her since its not a harem game and all to get a scene where she and Riley comes to MCs room offering a 3-some and if you turn that down, both Riley and Aubery will then leave MC to have sex between them selfs...... so sure hope your not on Either or even worse Both of those girls path, its pretty much as close to NTR as you can come, might even be NTR since MC is in a sexual relationship with one or both of them and they leave him to fuck someone else, game just tries to hide it behind FWB tags on the LIs.....

    And as for the wasting time when you close down a path with a LI like Riley or Aubrey or anyone else, your still forced into a shit ton of content with them which just isent fun if you have no interest in the LI, like going to a LIs parrents wedding thing? i mean why the fuck wouldent she take her girl friend instend or go alone, why force the player to go with a LI that has 0 interest in him?

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    It really is one of the worst ways ive seen stories done with LIs, it feels like such a huge waste of time being forced to go through a shit load of content with LIs whos already turned down MC, its just so pointless, MC is just a pure slave to every LI and never say no to any of them, he really should have a dog collar with a chain it would fit him so well.

    As for chapter 2 it gets even more boring, main focus is on two girls so if you dont like either theres just not much to come for, not that there is much anyway since alot of LIs paths will already be closed off when your done with first chapter and theres no way i would play this game multiple times to try out diffrent LIs since you will already have seen 90% of their stories in your first playthrough which ruins any replayability.

    And even though game does have virgins i guess theres a reason it dosent have the tag, the virgin scenes are awfull to say the least, its a 100% normal sex scene, theres no blood which is a matter of taste, but girls has absolutly no pain or anything either so it cant really be call much of a virgin scene, but atleast they did the right thing and not put the tag up.

    Girls 2/5
    They dident do much for me, maybe its the grey teeths that makes em look wierd which does seem to be fixed in chapte 2 or maybe its just the character type but i found most of them meh and the very few i did like was either a whore, a lesbian or already in a relationship, or just dident want to be with MC, so yeah game just wasent for me personaly.

    Animations 3/5
    They are ok but nothing special, still good enough to enjoy though and mostly with multiple positions.

    Music 3/5
    Its pretty standard music, i would have liked some better stuff with songs/voices instend of just basic backgroud tunes, but atleast it does change every now and then so it dosent get boring but never gets really good either.

    Choices and Trais 1/5
    Some LIs are really tuff to get since just a small worng choice can turn her into a permanent friend, traits blocking LIs paths if you got the worng one, so you cant be with everyone in a single playthrough.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I keep trying to like this. The dev is great about regular updates and it is clear they are trying to make it look and run professionally, but it never quite works for me.

    First of all, I hate all the crap with the phone. It is constantly pulling me out of the story as I try to figure out what I need to do with it. Plus, I hate all the simulated texting, just display the text if you want the player to see it. Why force them to pull up the phone, find the text in question and then respond. It would be different if you could ignore some of the texts, but you can't. If you do, you have to eventually reply to it or it crashes the game.

    Then there is all the silly fighting stuff. I just don't get it. On top of that, I don't understand why everyone is so high on the MC. I played the MC as a non fighter; he got punched by Grayson, walked away from another. Then he joined the Apes and refused to cooperate and still was able to join and Grayson still sees some kind of leadership potential with the MC.

    At one point, one of the girls is facing expulsion so she calls the MC for help. In my playthru, the MC barely interacted with her and the first time I played it I couldn't even remember her. So why in the hell would she even call the MC for help? I mean, he met her in the street, blew her off for Aubry, had coffee with her but skipped the bowling and suddenly he comes running to her aid? Why would she even bother calling him?

    The whole story/game is filled with nonsense like this. It's just a rambling wreck of a story with strange and forced interactions giving you the illusion of choice, free roams with no real point or benefit and a phone OS that is so bad and so annoying, it even makes me wish it was one of those silly iPhones all the iSheeple use.

    On a positive note, the sex scenes are pretty good and there are a decent amount of them. And to be fair, the dev is talented from a production standpoint and I understand they have gone through a couple of writers, but it's a maddening game that has the bones of something really good. To bad it falls way short of the mark.

    And that might be the problem for me... the story is just a mish mosh of events that make no sense. There is no growth or development, just the MC stumbling around with no real sense of direction.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a terrible, non sensical mess. Plenty of other games out there that are way better than this and you all know which game(s) that is. But we aren't allowed to mention it other wise the forum gods will nuke you into oblivion. Don't download it. It's a waste of time.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    its a good game nothing more to say. i am also not gonna mention how similar it is to other games i played. hint hint. jk (pls dont delete my comment) try it out im having fun playing it. the girls are really pretty and the interactions and choices are fun too.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Can't understand how this game has a high rating. It's probably the most scummy obnoxious app i've ever opened:

    - tries multiple internet connections
    - popups on the main menu
    - awful UI that wont let you just load or start a game without a bunch of extra steps
    - LOUD music right from loading, before even readying the menu
    - opened steam on its own

    The renders are pretty decent, nothing exceptional. The story is mediocre but the writing is fine. But you wont see all that until youve gotten through the worst parts of the 1990's internet that inspired this game
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1465339

    This is one of those hard to rate games. On one hand it has several things going for it including the girls in the game (though I wish like in most games they weren't all so white). The fighting is definitely a plus because we get a some action. However, this game also has many of the problems present in a lot of games. It has no general direction aka slice of life, which is always a detriment in my opinion because we don't need a "normal" life story as most of us already know that. Then there's the paths, which again become a problem because of the popular, confident, and loyal mechanics meaning you can inadvertently go down the wrong path and not know until hours later. This leads to plenty of wasted hours for a game that doesn't really provide you enough of a reward for that.
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4942259

    Everyone hates this one but at least the cast is quite differentiated from one another and they're mostly interesting. Annoying quests though bring this one down and the writers do have a tendency to write nonsense and not respect the sense of choice that attempt to create.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is all about friendships. You can enjoy this game even when you're friendzoned... which is quite rare! I like this game that it is challenging, it adds thrills to the gameplay! (I bet the reason for the rating of this game being so low is because you get friendzoned a lot, lol) The only downside is that there are a lot of bugs. I don't recommend playing right after new update. Wait for bug fixes.


    if you don't want to experience the happiness of being loved by lots of sexy ladies at the same time...

    if you don't want to experience the thrill of playing psychological games...

    if you don't want to feel like you have real friends who get you...

    if you don't want to feel happy even though you're friendzoned af... lol

    if you don't want to think about characters even when you're not playing it...

    if you don't want to chuckle alone in your room at midnight... (this game will make you laugh! ;)