VN - Ren'Py - Completed - College Seduction [v1.1 Extra] [tremmiGames]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    3 Stars. The game while promising has some annoyance, the script seems good. The interesting part that I liked was the script with the three potions Succubus, Veritas, Puppeteer this kept the game entertaining. The main character's look did however not fit into the game, everyone else in the game looked normal to attractive while the look of the MC was creepy, also as stated by F95zone user 1player "the creator forgot to apply the body skin texture on the genitals. Looks very weird like this indeed."

    There is one part where the main character has doggy style sex with Charlie, and he looks completely insane like a mental patient escaped from an insane asylum, I think the developer could have done a lot better job on creating the main character, because all the other characters in the game looked a lot better than the MC.

    I think the developer did a great job on the female characters, because there are games where the female characters look terrible or have ridiculous sized breasts, and the developer did not go crazy and make ginormous breasts.

    Answering the questions in the class, I would have rather had multiple choices to choose from on the history like A, B, C, D. Also if you type the wrong thing you cannot go back and redo it because the developer made it where you cannot scroll back in the game, so I had to download something called UnRen to add in the rollback feature. Also without a roll back feature if you accidentally click the mouse or hold enter button too long you go forward and cannot go back to re-read the text because the developer turned off the roll back feature, that is unless you know to download the file to add it back in again.

    I would have liked to have seen more game away from the college because the majority of it was you're at the college or at your room which is at the college campus, it looks like even the gym may have been a college gym? I dunno but it felt like it was part of the college to. Even though the game is called College Seduction, I would have liked to have had some time away from the college more often, Megan did leave and that is about it.

    The main audio theme that appears through the game strangely is very low, even with audio at 100. When other audio or character's moaning comes it will then become very loud having audio cranked to 100.

    So I give it three stars, it could have been better, but thankfully it was not worse.
    Likes: kido
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    well game works and no bugs so that's a plus, story is silly (more silly than usually) so needs to throw logic out of window, graphics are ok (some assets are better than others), sexscenes are nice but could be better, it takes quite a while to finish so again plus.

    overall nice game but could been better.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2001147

    One can't turn a consistently bad game into a good one just by making slightly better renders and proof reading the script for half decent english dialogues. The core story itself is uninteresting and the various tasks from minigames to quizzes to having to shop online from a laptop that appears and disappears makes this a tedious playthrough rather than an enjoyable pastime with some porn thrown in. To fap to this one would have to be pretty desperate and considering the choice here on the forum, one would have to be quite twisted as too, because none of the sex scenes are arousing or memorable. Animations are staggered so not very good. The characters are less than likable and none stand out in any sphere be it beauty or personality. I regret wasting my bandwidth and my time on this.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    3/10 This is supposed to be more of a detective work. I'm in the habit of skipping letters. But here you will immediately lose track of what the game wants from you. Why? This game has no value without a functional roll back. One of the first works that fascinated me for a while to improve my language in Eng. But the result is disappointing. The models are nice. Cut scenes miserable. Perhaps this can be improved. Gameplay = -10. Right from the start, I don't know what the essences are for. Why is it divided into days and not into events. If I miss one, I want to be able to discover it next time. The excitement is zero here. Both with the girls and from detective work and a constant understanding of what the developer intends to do. You need to read each sentence and understand the perversion of your decisions. This work punished me.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Not much has changed. the renders are 10% better but still awful compared to the better/best on f95 and full of posing and lighting errors. the story is still as twisted and convoluted as before. the gameplay has slightly improved as has the game mechs but the story is so boring and badly written in some sort of engrish that it's painful to read. There is nothing to boast about here, if you can fap to this you must be desperate. There is so much quality on this forum now that this better be left in the dungeons. There is no pleasure to be had contrary to the dev's claims. But try for yourself, it's so bad it's almost funny.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Should have just finished Main seduction instead of making a horrible messy sequel
    Rollback not working
    Story is weird
    Played until you met the college girls and you have to pick a anwser for the question for the girl you like more
    Only good thing are renders
    Should have made a walktrough mod instead off a pdf file
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    almost True Stories

    Day 19.1 - The game is getting better, some is still in broken English. The graphics have improved. Some of the animations are ok other are silly looking.
    The whole game is changing and it can be annoying having to replay the game from the beginning. Version 15.5 I would give 2 stars.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    [Based on version 9.5]

    yeah so this game is terrible. The plot is disjointed and nonsensible. The characters are boring a fuck. The sex scenes make no sense, and are pretty pathetic.

    The renders are meh, facial expression are more often then not terrible. the animations are REALLY bad, two frame animations were bad 5 years ago today in 2020 they are just pathetic given how many great examples of animation in games are out there.

    The only redeeming thing about the game is that it doesn't do time sinks no BS grind. Well the story is a bit of a grind because it is so bad but there are no grind mechanics. This is the first time I played the game and it is terribly designed, the shopping and card game mechanics are just craptastic. Only being able to buy something as a specific time and god forbid you miss it sucks to be you.

    The sex is boring and not enticing or erotic in the least. I found them short, tedious and far too few.

    I see no potential to this game and the plot is so stupid and the implementation just as fucking dumb. There seems to be no point to the stats of the main character in the game. Of all the teachers corrupting their students games this has no passion, makes no sense and is just plain boring.

    The story feels like the dev ran out of ideas almost as soon as they started the project. The system in the school is just stupid, given the facilities there is no reason for the competition to be set up as it is, it would be more efficient to have multiple "milkers" vs one head "milker" of sex essence.

    Not worth your time vs pay off and that is saying something given this gave has no grind mechanics.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Only reason i decided to give it a go is because of Charlie... Her face man.. i couldnt resist and body fits her perfectly. Altough scenes with her all the way to the end were rather empty (one in auditorium was better but too short..)..**Actually** ALL sceenes are totally way too short.. (person can do anything he wants to them and ..all he do fits in 5-6 rendered images..? Unforgivable). standing 69 and other sceenes with Megan were much more vibrant but also too short. Charlie persona screams ravage me! but MC is slacking too much

    MC is suppose to collect? "sex essence" (lets call it that) ..but man his short scenes and he is checking is bottle filled enough? (while playing some macho man ,chaining sister in previous episode and stuff.. really Pale ..i believe those bottles would pop from burst if i were in his shoes
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.3a...

    It appears that this is either a follow up or a sequel to some other VN/Game, but it is really not that good thus far...

    The visuals of the characters are ok, when in the classroom, but very dark when in their own bedrooms... The backdrops are all ones I've seen used many times in other VN/Games...

    The script is a mix of broken English, spelling/grammar errors, and confusing dialogue... The plot revolves around a male protagonist, aged 22, who at some point in a prior VN/Game was hired by the government to secretly drug and seduce several college students, posing as a Lecturer/Professor (at 22, really?)... There is some under pinning sub-plot involving his mother, aunt, and father from a previous game, but it mostly made no sense and felt haphazardly thrown together, out of context with the primary plot, and all around confusing...

    The biggest issue I found was the inclusion of all these real life questions regarding historical people that the game keeps asking you to type out answers for, as if you were answering for the students... I couldn't tell if getting the right answer was helpful or not, in how the story progresses... And the fact I was being asked to look up information on the web just to play this VN/Game, was just a waste of my time... The answers were not easy to find, and involved far too much reading up on actual history, that I could care less about, just to try and get the answer correct... If that really mattered?

    You have 3 types of drugs that the protagonist is supposed to experiment with to really determine what they do, when given to a student... But the VN/Game never really clued you in on what that was, even after the fact... They would each have dreams, but how it really effected them was never revealed... It just showed how bad the story telling was, that it couldn't be consistent with what it was even trying to say and portray...

    There isn't really much content for the moment, but this VN/Game is early into it's development... And if this is an example of prior work, I'm not sure I ever want to try the prior VN/Games this one is supposedly a sequel to... It was not fun reading or trying to understand the story telling in this VN/Game...

    Overall, I can sense that the developer was trying something different with the Q & A stuff, but I'm not a fan of Mini-Games in these things, let alone a Q & A where the answers were not even revealed in the story telling... The script is hard to read, follow, and understand half the time... And there really isn't much content... The concept was one I've already seen many times, corrupting women via special drugs, and in this case, not very believable in how it was setup... Even the few erotic visuals, were blurry or dark, and the text sucked the life out of the scenes... I wish the developers the best of luck... I will not be revisiting this one...