I feel like this was your math homework + the porn you watched after slapped together as a game, but I will give my two cents in case you're seriously developing this and not just dumping a very early version then giving up.
What I like:
- She is cute
- Background art is consistent (few weird scenes like when she is on a table and there is what seems another table on top?)
- Character art is somewhat consistent. Please fix fingers and fix some random shiny spots, but overall it is good enough.
- I like the idea of the protagonist receiving a "video file", which when opened plays as a regular visual novel with just a camera overlay on top. Most of these games are only pictures received by text message, but the way you did allows you to tell a better story.
What I dislike:
- Can't rename the protagonist and he doesn't have a name. Please pick one or let us choose.
- There is no story. Feels like most of your efforts went into the math part, which most people will not enjoy more than a few seconds as a joke.
- I expected more content when I read it was version .18
- The premise of the female lead being naive sucks, or at least was badly executed. I wish you'd have come up with a more believable premise, even for a porn game. Maybe lean in more into being a nagatoro clone and use some of her personality too? Gradually teasing the protagonist would work great for this kind of game and especially considering the facial expressions you chose. If you really want to keep naivety being the premise, don't make her as stupid as a toddler and having zero sense of touch (like having her panties moved and never noticing).
- It would have been better if MC discovered her more gradually too. Maybe he finds progressively less censored photos on the net, or his gf teasing gradually gets out of hand.
- His messages with his friend kinda suck too. It is too abrupt, so you didn't set him up as a friend yet before this betrayal, and then he tells you its all AI MC just believes it? I thought the premise was the the girlfriend was naive, not that mc also has intellectual disability. You even went on a previous scene and made him answer math questions to set him up as smart... Not to mention this is not how any human being acts.