Development Journal Entry #12
-Poll discussion and bedrooms-
Day 27-29
-Poll discussion and bedrooms-
Day 27-29
Didn't plan on doing an entry middle of the week, but I made good progress on two sets and I want to share them. Before that, I want to talk about the poll. I'm honestly surprised by the results so far.
I originally started the poll to gauge public opinion on MC's face in VN in general. I personally am more into immersion, some MC I can deal with, but if I don't like the look of the MC, it kills the experience for me. Naturally, I prefer "No face" as that is the safer bet if I didn't get to design it, otherwise, "Face but only rarely" would be my second pick. Only three picked "No face", just over 50% picked "Face". I guess not as many people share the experiences I have with VNs? With that said, the options are deliberately vague, since there are no metrics to determine how frequent is "rarely" nor did I explain it anywhere, and if it was a choice between Face or no, people prefer Face. Not to mention I have no idea if the design of the MC has any influence on the poll choices. Still, it doesn't change the plan, fortunately, as it always was Face except during sex. Sure, most dialogues would be in PoV, but not having to hide MC's face during other shots is nice. Takes more time to pose, but also takes less time thinking of clever ways to hide it.
Every set in Colours is an extension of the story and the characters. Bedrooms being the most personal location of its owner, I feel compelled to put even more effort into every bit of detail of the set. The sets will also be reused the most out of the rest, so that helps justifies the time and effort, but it also means they are the most creatively draining. I've completed three out of five so far and I already feel a bit drained. I know some devs feel it is acceptable to just use a premade scene, and as a player, I didn't care, but I couldn't do that to my own characters, not when I have the power to do what I think is right for my own game. So as always, I'll just take a break from it and work on something else next week.
I completed this set a week or so ago, but originally I didn't think to use it for the VN. The set was made because I felt the impulse to make a random naughty render, then one thing led to another, this is the outcome. Given it was done on a whim, I'll probably need to tweak it a bit more before production, but the foundation is there for easy customizations. This is the MC's room. Given the Sci-Fi setting, I felt the MC should have the most "generic" room, one that fits the best with the rest of the outside world, but malleable enough to changes as the MC grows as a character.
This is Elise's room. Since she just moved in, there's not a lot of personal items, but I think that helps accentuate her tendency to disorder, or maybe she was in a hurry to get rid of her clothes. I'll let others decide what happened. I was also testing morning fog, definitely overdid it, but that's what test renders are for. I also notice after the fact that the two renders I've shown Elise in she's sleeping... I think I should present her in a more interesting light next time...
This is Lana's room, and she will be sharing it with Blanche for a little while. What better way to add some character to character tension by forcing two opposite personalities to be roommates. I definitely did not do this because I'm not sure how to design Blanche's room. Lana was adopted into a family that ran some form of neo kabuki theatre troupe, hence the Japanese aesthetic. It just feels like something is amiss in a Sci-fi / Cyberpunk setting and VN to not have some Japanese influence in it. Then there's Blanche being so out of place is just icing on the cake. Yup, I definitely didn't do this out of convenience.
Thank you for reading, I'm still doing an entry on the action set this Thursday. For now, I still have just four more core sets to go, then it is just transitional sets. After that, I can start pumping out renders. Cheers.