Torn on this review. I want to give it a 4-5 star based on all of the ideas and mechanics used (some things I think can make a great H game) but my experience was more of a 1-2 star. It really boils down to this game being a little too "real". I'm playing an H game, I'm here for something more imaginative than reality, but all the girls and interactions are just... so believable that they come across as bland to me in an H game.
The models have realistic bodies, realistic expectations, realistic families, realistic life problems, realistic variance in personalities, etc. Honestly it's an interesting concept, the dev has done a great job at portraying some human qualities, but it just doesn't make a great H game. Example, the game has 20 different love interests you can "heart" to indicate you are interested in seeing H content for them (great mechanic idea) and I only had 6 hearted when I ended. 6 potentially interesting characters is great!... but not when they're only 30% of available girls. It's also unfortunate that, because there are so many girls, the amount of content for them can vary a lot. One girl has quite a bit. At least one girl has nothing. Most others have "something" that isn't anything you'd fap to.
And on their personalities, I am usually super into incest, but the (step) mom and sister characters were some of the most boring and at some points unattractive characters in the game. Like literally I often filter games for "incest" on this site because I enjoy it so much, and this game somehow managed to make me disinterested in the "incest" content. The mom is (sorry) unattractive and boring in the context of a sex game. She would be very sweet in real life but I don't want to fuck a very sweet mom, I want to fuck a sexy depraved mom. The sister is actually quite hot/cute, and her story/personality seemed like it could be fun, but man I was not willing to risk wasting time on her based on what I was seeing from other characters.
And, all of above could be exactly what you (reader) are looking for. It just does not do it for me at all. This game is trying to break the mold, which is admirable, but imo this is a failure that can hopefully serve as a learning opportunity for later success.