Tool Comic Hunter, bulk downloader for myhentaicomics, rule34, nhentai, luscious, gelbooru, and e-hentai


Oct 12, 2017
Comic Hunter is a portable album downloader for,,,,,, and
It's written in C#, and works on Windows x64 and x86.
I mainly wrote it for myself to practice coding, but since it's gotten a little out of hand I figured others here might find it useful too.

Works for still images, animated gifs, and video's.
It also contains a built in comic file zipper that let's you pack downloaded albums into a .cbr comic file automatically so you can read your comics in a comic reader software, like ComicRack for example.

What's new:
Changed the UI here and there, implemented a url sanitycheck making it less likely to crash, instead of crashing it will just give an error is a wrong link is entered, and then do nothing.
Also completely changed the method with which it downloads from, and while a bit slower, it now no longer relies on, which seems to be going offline by the looks of it.

Worthy to note: I does not work if you copy the link while logged in, for example if it's starting with, it only works on publically accessable albums/pages.
Also (obviously) it will require internet access, if on the bottom right you recieve an error instead of ip address it means it's not able to connect to the internet and you might be either offline, or your firewall is blocking it.
Fyi, 32 bit can probably run fun on both x86 and x64

Windows: 64 bit version link: 32 bit version link:

Examples of valid download links would be:

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Oct 12, 2017
already try, but unfortunately it always crash after i click download
I changed lots of stuff this time around, so it might already be fixed, but still could you give me an example of a link that would crash? Maybe it's not the right one, or maybe it's something else


Oct 12, 2017
For it only downloads the first site of all pictures.
Yea for rule34 and gelbooru you have to download page by page, 1 page is considered a pictureset, this does not apply to sites like nhentai or myhentaicomics, where the picturesets/albums pictures neatly belong together.

For example, if you want to download page 1 of the tag "big_tits", you enter this url " ", to download page 2 the url should change to something like " ", etc..
make sure to copy and paste each page url to download that specific page


New Member
Oct 27, 2020
Works great for me. I wish it was compatible with exhentai too but I'm guessing that's not easy since you mentioned it only working on public pages.


Oct 12, 2017
Works great for me. I wish it was compatible with exhentai too but I'm guessing that's not easy since you mentioned it only working on public pages.
Good, happy to hear that it's of some use to someone (y)
I haven't ever heard of exhentai before but I guess I could look into it...
But yea unless the page is publically accessable it won't work, because otherwise it'd mean it would have to somehow send cookies along with the requests, or it should send the credentials with the request.
And since I'm still just learning this programming language I have no idea how to do either, and I don't want to just experiment around with it and potentially risking users sending their credentials in plain text or something, so that's something I don't feel comfortable touching yet

Edit: cannot support exhentai/sadpanda since apparently I can't access it from where I'm at, it's blocked, which also means I'm not sure I'll want to be scouring around on there tbh
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Oct 12, 2017
T y so much for making this, has been so much easier to build up my hentai collection (y)
No worries, glad it's of use, I'm not sure if I'll keep continuing support on this though, since it was more of a "learning" project for me, whilst trying to learn how to program in c#, so it's possible it might break in the future if the sitelayouts change.
Also, careful with, don't spam their site too much, they seem to ban people very quickly


Oct 12, 2017
What is the directory by default to save donwnloads?
"D:\Downloads\Comic Hunter", if D:\Downloads does not exist it will try C:\Downloads, if that also doesn't exist it will check to see what the user profile's default Downloads directory is (which would've been better to check first but maybe I'll change that some day), and create the folder "Comic Hunter" in there, but the "open folder when done" box is ticked by default, so when it's done downloading it should open the folder automatically, so you'll immediately see what the default directory is


New Member
Feb 1, 2018
still doesn't work with in 3/30/2024
to clarify, using a different program, and it worked great for most the sites I tried, but recently seemed to have changed things on the backend.

from what I can figure out with this, they updated cloudflare protocols on site for security, but the pulls don't pass the captcha I think so it just fizzles. HDD says it has a CF bypass plugin, but I can't get it working myself. MHC site said somewhere they were working on adding downloads back to the site, but i'd expect that done at snail speed.