Unity - Completed - Company Man [v2.0.0] [Selectacorp]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Do you ever play a porn game and have that feeling you can sort of peer into the unsound mind of the dev a little bit? That's the best way I can sum up this game.

    I was hopeing this game would be a corruption game, stat changes of characters having rewarding pay offs, or potential other routes to reward creativity... NOPE. Pay off wise, its a still image or a short video for a lot of grind or cheating (save editor BABY).
    Exploration and interaction... theres really little there.

    The worst part though, remains the deeply unsexy corruption. It's just ruin women's lives simulator. Any sexual pay off is few and far between and some of the most attractive characters, you don't get see sexual content with! The game just focus's more and more on Debbie who I swear must be the name of the creator's ex-wife or something... Makeing the game feel off.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    + Interesting management system including money earning. Different points you spend on events and stuff, to progress the game. (Example Points: Power, Culture etc.) - You get those points via Events or spending money.
    + Map system, where you can visit different locations at different day times.
    + You can 'fastforward' time
    - At one point, too much clicking.
    - At one point, too complex
    - Imbalance between rewards and grind.

    +/- Depending on the character you are dealing with, you can get scenes either fast or very late

    - Personally, too much text based on what type of game this is. Grind gets worse if you plan to read dialogues

    --> All in one: I wanted to like the game, but at one point it started to get too complex and grindy. Early on, it had to be decided on what kind of game this one was supposed to become. The result is a bad mix of management, grinding and alot of reading. Management and Grinding is still okay, but combining it with walls of texts was too much for me. Plus, alot of events and progression milestones seem to be intertwined way too much. Would give it a 3 of 10 points, mostly because of bad execution.

    Should I give it a try?
    I don't doubt the game is fun somewhere in its core. But the execution was too much for me to take on. There is nothing against trying, maybe you will like it more than me.
    Likes: Lorik
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The games premise is good and the starting work place is a lot of fun. But after that it becomes grindy and hard to follow. The biggest sin this game commits is lying about the mechanics

    The game tells you when their ambition hits 0 you can train them and when pride hits 0 you control them. However this is true only for a few of the women. The most require some outside event. These outside events can be confusing and often are just letting other men fuck the women.

    Most first time players will be like me and grind down the traits to find that nothing happens. Then you have to grind again because you wasted all your ego. There is a distinct path that needs to be followed or else you will have a huge grind on your hand.

    I recommend completing the first job site and then quitting for the best experience.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game. The original trilogy was good but unfortunately were in a flash format. Combining them into one game was a smart move.
    My only complaint is it's sometimes a bit overwhelming & I wish there was an objectives list.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I hope this gets more regular updates.
    You should give this try. A lot of effort was put into the interactions and decisions you make in this game.
    The long haul into specific characters corruption was well done and I would love to see that kind of attention paid to all the characters.
    I am hard pressed to find things I don't like about this but if I had to choose things I would like see improved it would be repeated scene variety so things don't get stale as you do end repeating scenes often.
    As mentioned above some characters have a very fleshed out story with sound and so on I would love to see more characters gain that kind of interaction.
    I think it could help my last improvement which is its a bit grindy. which I think would naturally feel less grindy as each character took on more engaging story like said above.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    On one hand, this game is extremely grindy, but it's relative "good grindy", you corrupt almost every women step by step, to experience their subtle changes. And there are tons of it, the story writting is awesome.
    On the other hand, those grindy is so less rewarded. The only thing you get is moslty a gif.
    Frankly, this is good. But just to lack of contents.

    Besides, there is no walkthrough or even hints. You will definitely screwed your save for some reason.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay and presentation are all fine but I have to give 2 stars for the choice of models. Almost none of them look even remotely good and the few that do look OK, are OK only about 50% of the time as the displayed pictures are constantly cycling.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The mac version seems to be entirely broken. Once you visit the cyber cafe dude, the navigation interface disappears so you can't go anywhere else; there's effectively just one workday of content (visit the office, meet everyone, visit the cafe, get stuck). Also, the save/load feature is missing/broken.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    - incomparable gameplay in terms of progressively unlocking male dominance content
    - consistent models
    - original (company) setting, building on the Selecta universe. Rich background.
    - nods to real situations, and allows the user to live out their fantasies.
    - new updates regularly.

    - so many storylines that the player sometimes gets a bit lost
    - repetitive grind, but at the same time also an asset for people who love a 'slow burn'

    Overall: great, exciting gaming experience
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    All in all, this game is really good. You've got to manouvre to a company and take down all woman. It really shines if you have a power fetish of taking down strong woman.

    What it lacks abit is the game aspect. Currently its a sandbox and you are free to explore as you want, which is fine as it is really fun. The previous company raider series gamified this by setting a time limit. I think this game would also benefit with time benefits and more achievements.

    The reason why I gave it 4 stars and not 5 is due to the gameplay after you took over the company. The power fetish drops significantly here and it becomes more of a sex trafficking business simulator. What probably makes going abroad leas fun is that you need to grind resources quite a bit. I would highly recommend playing up and until taking over the company. After that the game becomes significantly weaker as it is. Making the grind easier would make it better but its more or less a different fetish after that point.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been playing this game for 3 days straight. Love the game and the interactive nature of it. only complaint would be some times the domination doesn't feel earned, but that is just a minor issue with only a few characters. for the other the story and the interconnectedness it awesome and very well done male dom game.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    The MC sues a company and ends up getting a job there. He is the first male hired with a goal of disolving the femdom leadership, among other things. He starts at the bottom, then gains power through numerous methods.

    You will treat women badly taking away everything they have, abusing them, raping them, destroying their pride, etc. You will also do the same to their kids, raping and abusing the daughters then giving them away to other men to do the same. It's pretty rough. There's no way around it, you just have to do this in order to progress the game.
    There are some downsides to the gameplay for example, frequently you will make a choice then a couple hours later you find you can't go any further in the game and have to start over.
    You have to make most of your choices blind. You won't know what some of them mean but once you click on it, you can't go back or back up. It's a huge problem and just bad design.
    The developer is doing what he can to pull this from F95zone so don't expect any support or help there. He views the users here as thieves. There is a question as to whether he stole the video clips in the game or licensed them fairly.

    There is some clunky writing, but not much. Many spelling errors but nothing too distracting. If a devoloper can't spell or has problems with grammar, they could always ask for help but don't hold your breath w this game.

    It is a massive game but it's too bad the MC doesn't ever get a chance to be at least semi-nice instead of a dick. On the other hand, maybe the MC just wants to get rid of all the women so he can have sex with the men that he hired.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    This game is insanely large; like, I spent probably 10 hours grinding away at it and I'm still not finished with all the current content.

    The game is incredibly open-ended, to the point of being confusing a lot of the time. You can have over ten different plotlines happening at the same time and there's a good chance most of them might get locked by a different plotline you havent done yet.

    There's a lot of porn content, but it's given to you in an unskippable way and the scenes themselves are really long, deepfaked poorly at times, and softcore in moments where they're not supposed to be.

    The story is actually relatively interesting and follows a variety of twists and turns as you attempt to take this company over starting from the bottom

    Overall, it's got a lot of fun stuff to it, but a lot of questionable decisions behind it. Like, you're encouraged to basically get rid of most of your fuckable girls either just to make them leave the company or to basically give them to other men. It's strange.

    The game's pretty fun though
  14. 3.00 star(s)



    Even though I very much appreciate sexy secretaries, I can't say I enjoyed this game very much at this state.

    First off, game mechanics... It's a grind. It's not super grindy, but you still have to jump through hoops to get to see content. There's nothing strategic or cerebral about it, it just takes time. Granted, there might be some pay off for good planning but it doesn't seem to be very impactful.

    Then, adult content... it is not very exciting. After a certain amount of grind, you get to see a few glorified gif's for each woman.

    Game play itself is very repetitive and the pay off is not great. Game gives you an illusion of depth and complexity, with many places to visit, many stats and a plethora of women, but it is all rather shallow, at least for the moment.

    I'm giving it 3 stars because of the sheer amount of work put into it. If the game was structured a little better, required some thinking* and used custom graphics, it could be an excellent game, and for all I know, some of those things might happen in the future, but I can not review a game based on what might be added in the future.

    Custom graphics would certainly be the hardest but would add so much to the game. With real porn you're stuck with a few preset short sex scenes for every woman.

    *I'm not requiring thinking in my porn games, but if the author includes game play, at least do it right. Mindless grind is boring, and adult games that use the game loop of forcing players to grind to see adult content should've ended with the 80's. It's 2023, adult content is everywhere and available for free. I have no desire to jump through hoops to be rewarded with a low quality gif of a random video.
    Draw me in with a story, quality art or make the game loop interesting. Preferably at least two out of those three, but I can even tolerate just one. None is where I draw the line.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Really is quite alright in terms of being an "open-world-ish" office fantasy. The storylines are pretty cliche and the writing is mid, but there is a the typical power fantasy, decent presentation, and a good variety of characters.

    I don't know why but most sandbox games just don't feel like an immersive world, but this game actually nails the simulation feeling.

    Points off for the generally boring writing, lacks any sense of creativity or excitement and drama. Just a pretty plain power fantasy where you fuck everyone, sometimes with the help of mind controlling substances.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story I really like the set up. Also the maker added some deepfake videos that make it even more fun to play. There is enough different things to do that especially at the start you dont know where to begin. But just begin and you will encounter everything in the end.
    It definitely deserves 5 stars in my opinion.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Like with all of the other games in the series, if you are into hypnosis and control and the office setting, this is one of the best games in this space. I don't think there's anything else like it in terms of detailing the loss of status and transformation into secretaries or worse.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    grindy to the pointthat I have to resort to save editing.

    You can easily get soft lock without knwoing why and when.
    I spent almost 10 hours playing this game only to get to the final boss and discovered that I'm fucked becasue of one of my decision make 5 hour earlier, And I only foun out about my mistake by crawling through the forum.

    The fap material is a small gif after hours of grind . This game take 5GB+ why? total fap gif couldn't even be more than 100 mb
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    [v1.3.5] This is essentially a business simulation game where you have to talk to characters, accept missions, accrue points / money, and then gradually unlock new areas, characters, and content. While there is a bit of grind, the gameplay is varied enough to keep it interesting, plus the pictures of the female characters changes each time that you take an action, so there is a nice visual break in the grind.
    There is a lot of content in terms of women, missions, areas, and unlockables. I think I probably spent 6 hours of so going through and unlocking all of the possible content.
    All of the women are models or porn actors and the still images offer a fair bit of variety. There is not too much in the way of sexual scenes, so the final rewards are not that great (but with a bit more content, this could easily be improved).
    I did enjoy the gradual corruption of each character. Combined with the business sim elements, it makes for an engaging and addictive experience to try and "unlock" each character, so I would definitely support this game just to see more content or more games like it.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I think it is the best of all published selectacorp-games. But it has some serious flaws.
    I. For once the control of interaction with the characters is not very well made, you got a list of interactionpossibilities mixed of tasks to assign, talkoptions and other stuff.
    But far more serious are the problems with innerworld logic.
    II. You have access to special drugs and later some technical "mindcontrol". So why the hell should you slowly take over the company, when you can use drugs and technology to get the same result, but much more quickly?
    III. Another thing is the power of the maincharacter. While it makes sense, that your influence in the company has impact on your interaction with the employees and that you can boost this impact with some stuff you own, it makes much less sense when can put companypolicies to work, because you drive a nice car.
    IV. The storytelling is bit bumpy, especially when you are new to the selecta-universe. Why are you there and what the heck are you doing? That should be better explained in the beginning.
    V. Choices of the player. At some parts the game is more a VN than a game. So Amanda and Brittney can be fired, but not used in the company. You have to give over the daughters, without any other option. I know it is written in the companymanstory, but that does not mean it has to be the story of the player, when he plays his game. Other alternatives of what will happen to characters you meet in the game would be a major improvement of the game.
    I gave a lot of critique, what can I say positive about this game? Maybe only one thing. I had a lot of fun playing it, and that is the most important thing.