OK, we're dropping today! The first drop will go to Directors+ level Patreon supporters and the next cascade to Managers+ will occur about a week (or so) later. Just some notes on the state of the game:
1.) The game is NOT complete. It represents about half of the content you'll eventually have. As a result, some interactions will remain locked until the next release. That means you can't do everything with the NPCs that you will eventually be able to do. This is simply because of the scale of the game, as we hope you'll appreciate as you dive in.
2.) The above not withstanding, there's a LOT to do here. Lots of NPCs, lots of interactions, lots of locations, and lots to do in general. Zenith is a medium sized city with a full range of activities of all types and the home to all kinds of NPCs. Thrawn and I estimate there's a solid 45 to 90 minutes worth of gameplay here.
3.) It is a BIG game-- 12 gigs so far-- because of the loads of images and videos. While the vids themselves are usually 60 seconds or under, there are many of them and we hope they provide an immersive play experience.
4.) There are multiple ways in which to interact with an NPC and ways in which to bring one under control. If you get stuck, consider interacting with other NPCs to help you bring another under your control. There's always more than one way to skin the cat, so to speak!
5.) The game has some relationship to the original games and the novelisation, but it isn't restricted to them.
6.) The new game was built with Unity and with a new engine that we hope to use for future projects. It allows for multiple saves, as well as the ability to continue the current play.
7.) We're calling this .9 version "Susan" in honor of one of the characters in the game. We anticipate that the 'full' release will be called "Deborah" for the same reason.
We've made every effort to test and I spent a couple of very long days cleaning up spelling edits alone. That said, of course there will be bugs, errors and stuff that doesn't work. Please, please, please-- when you come across these instances, let us know here so we can correct. ALSO, please give us any ideas you have about the existing gameplay-- we're always looking to enhance the experience!
OK-- I've uploaded the Windows version and am currently in process of uploading the Mac and Linux versions. When they are all up, I'll drop a link via Patreon w/DL links for all three versions. If the internet is lagging, I'll send out a link w/the Win version and will follow up w/the Mac and Linux versions later today or tomorrow.
To those of you who have supported us through this, this game is for you. We hope you'll be pleased with it and find it as much fun as we had making it for you!