Wow, thanks for taking the time to respond (especially on a piracy site)! I assume Demotion Events would mean extra events during/after you take control/break them? That kind of thing is definitely welcome. Would it mean a separate path for Susan then sending her to the strip club, or would the new events be added elsewhere? The main thing I would be looking for in updates would be expanded sex content for the existing characters, as some of them feel rather bare, or just end after a certain point (It's a damn shame that you can't even lay a finger on Carol in HR before you sell her off to her replacement, especially since the actress has such a large body of work). "Going Global" sounds interesting, as I felt the airport trips had the potential to be interesting if they had some porn content upon success, but without it I didn't really bother with them.
That all said, I'm just a beggar trying to be a chooser since I'm not paying any money,
You're welcome. I think there's value in engaging on these kinds of forums both in nuggets of useful constructive feedback and also some basic fan engagement. Plus I think a lot of times with the Patreon model if you consistently put out quality content then people can 'vote' with their dollars to let you know as an artist that they enjoy what you're giving and that you should continue to do so. That's pretty much how it is with my own Patreon account and those I support. Like I suppose I could just purely pirate content and save my cup of coffee or take-out meal for the month but if I've got disposable income that I use for entertainment, why not put it to the things I actually like?
I know Selecta has his own feelings on the matter which I also understand given he's the main creator and I think it's often underestimated how much time goes into these kinds of endeavors and how much it is kind of a labor of love to produce stuff like this. That and the general negativity can be a times very demotivating to a creator if it's too constant. I benefit because in one sense I am a layer removed because I'm both a superfan and also have the corollary benefit of trying to help out in growing the brand.
And if people find this kind of approach appealing, then I plan to apply it to other NPCs over time using the same kind of polling option(s) that we've been employing. I don't have a strong feeling for Carole's storyline but I think Amber Baldwin as the Corporate Counsel is another great example of potentially benefiting from the expansion of her Demotion Event. Both in the aspect of being able to 'blackmail' her' with the knowledge you possess first and maybe also a storyline later when she's back under Malcom's thumb at Perkins Geary.
That said, I would ask if it's possible to give us approximately a 30 day lead-time before the leak occurs. No one owes us anything per se but having something drop right when it's released can be off-putting.
But to answer your question, my plan and proposal was mainly to expand existing content instead of creating an alternate path. With Susan Granger, my theme was 'Assistant to the CSG Manager', similar to Corporate Raider 2. So basically, she'll be the Player's first 'Secretary' (a mini-Debbie) before Debbie is brought onboard. Gameplay wise, I think it's just to give some more slowburn narrative that Players seem to enjoy with our NPCs. I think it fits the overall themes because Susan's general incompetence in the workplace can be sharply highlighted and the Player can get the feel of 'upgrading' his Girl Friday to a superior one at the appropriate time.
From there, I also think it makes sense then why she (Susan) is so desperate and amenable later on to Alexis' advances with this kind of expanded storyline.
And "Going Global" is basically the idea for additional brand new locations a Player can go to and start the same process all over as they did in Zenith but with a new cast & potentially new theme (like a Studio City for a Hollywood fell or a Capital City for more of political cloak and dagger). We'll see how things shape up over the next year with the influx of Patreons but there's some definite aspirations to take things higher with the base game itself.