Recommending Competition/Rival Games with NTR


Oct 21, 2017
Going to be keeping a list of games that have rivals and NTR/Corruption. Right now I've tried

The Guy In Charge (Abandoned) You live with the rival and 2 girls, each trying to fuck them

The Tyrant (Abandoned) Same deal, living with multiple girls, who are all corruptible and fuckable by both you and the gang you are in. One girl is married making the dominant route also NTR.

Big Brother (Abandoned but 2 active remakes?) Again same deal, living with multiple girls, you can corrupt them or your rival does.

Horton Bay Stories (Active development) In a shocking trend, you live in a house with multiple girls. One girl is your rivals gf so you get NTR with the dominant route here as well.

Will expand this thread as I find more, but I'm trying to keep it fairly focused down on sandboxy games that allow for simultaneous NTR and MC getting some. I'm personally not a fan of VN choose the route and play twice deal.
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