RPGM - Completed - Confession Game [v1.0.1] [Hall of Corruption]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I was really surprised by this, the variety of h content is good, the art is nice, and the pacing is really well done. The lust mechanic might be a bit contrived and I'm sure something better could've been used in its place but overall this is a very enjoyable little experience. The characters are deeper than just their archetype even though I do think they're not as developed as they could've been. Even though this is MTL its actually quite well translated all things considered.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Hi =)
    I am not accustomed with english yet, than i'm sorry but im going to talk in my country language ok...

    Eu amei esse jogo do início ao fim, os personagens são carismáticos, e tiverem momentos que me conseguiram me tirar umas gargalhadas, fizeram o meu coração palpitar de tão fofo ou me fazer me refletir. O que são axatamente o tipo de coisa que eu procuro e amo em jogos, muito obrigado pra todos os envolvidos do fundo do meu coração (thank you to everyone involved from the bottom of my heart ❤).

    Very lovely history =) ❤
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a wonderful gem of a game, I am not normally one for reviews but the main protag route brought tears to my eyes, the epilogue story brought even more tears to come.

    What was supposed to be a quick goon sesh for me turned into me having my eyes glued on the screen, rooting for the MC to reject these side girls and continue down this pure path devoid of any outside temptation. A rare occurrence for me since I am definitely an NTR lover. What is told in the pure route is undoubtably a wonderful story which I hope for more to bare witness too. If you are one who objects to NTR games i implore you to at least try the pure route in this game.

    Pure route aside, this is a great NTR game with good girls to chose from, aside from the main girl, I found Aoi's route to be very enjoyable as well.

    The few things holding this game back is the frankly lackluster translation and the goodish art. Definitely worth a download, give it a try
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The main female protagonist route a.k.a. the pure route brings tears to my eyes. I loved the ending.
    Besides that one, Aoi's(tomboy) route was my favourite.

    The art is in my opinion, above average, but i wish there we're more scenes, there we're very few of them for each "heroine".

    Besides that, i think it was well written and wraps it up nicely.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Loli Stealer

    Great little game with a huge amount of variations in scenes. Very nice.
    More Aoi and this game would be 10/10. Hell, this game could've ONLY had Aoi and it would've been better for it.
    Still, Maika blowjob was super hot...
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It just mid for me...
    Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad game, but it’s not exactly groundbreaking either. The characters are okay, but they lack depth, and the dialogue sometimes feels forced or cliched.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Jaga Telesin

    This was an odd one, compared to other traditional AVNs. It's more of a reverse-corruption game with multiple endings.

    Without going into positives/negatives too deeply, it was an interesting play at least once through. The translation wasn't perfect, and it constantly used Asian terms, naming conventions, etc.. which was a bit distracting throughout. There were a lot of teasing scenes, and only three lewd scenes (one per ending) total. No animations, but had music and some voiceovers in parts. Very short overall, can even see the three different endings if you save and replay part of the end game differently.

    Overall it was okay, mostly. But fairly shallow and unrewarding as an experience. Knowing there were four (4) days total for the girls to try and corrupt me, I had assumed day four they'd go all the way (actual sex) to try and convert me, but that never happened - only teasing scenes were used to advance their goals. Sex only happened at the end of each storyline, and was disappointing in that regard. There was a LOT of opportunity for lewd scenes, but the repression in the game (or the culture?) held it back enormously, and made it far more shallow a game.

    I'd give it a 2.6-2.7 rating for something that lasts ~2 hours, and is different (if you're looking for different).
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's pretty good or rather it's very good, I wanted to follow the vanilla path and be faithful but I was won over by the tomboy who is the best character (apart from that I feel that she is the most affectionate of the available options, telling me that she is not like the others what they saw makes me like a game)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    "Why yes, I play a reverse ntr game just so I can focus on the pure loyalty path" *Gigachad face*

    Genuinely a nice story experience. The three rival girls are all varied in their approach and motivation to seduce you. While a bit of a short experince, it's among the most fulfilling I've had for a hentai game. Character designs (Particularily Aoi) are nice to look at.

    This game does have like 3 faults. The translation done by AI can be confusing with using the wrong pronouns and words, leading to unclear or incorrect messaging. Also the visual aspect, while nice, could've probably had more to it, but not having animation or a tens of seperate images for a single sexual scene isn't exactly the biggest fault. Finally I think they should've put more effort into the voice acting, as I recall only some random scenes being voice acted and most others being without it, so there's that inconsistency there.

    The overall experience is good enough to look past these faults and I would reccomend this game, even if you're like me and only end up going the "pure" path.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Grey Eminence

    Fun game with solid premise and writing. Downsides is the translation is still a bit off although given that is was done with AI it's still relatively impressive. Also the scenes can be a bit repetitive to get and one of the girls is apathetic to the MC which makes her endings and scenes a bit disappointing although that might just be personal preference.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    the premise in this game is that 3 girls are playing a sadistic game to see which one of them can get the mc to stupidly confess having a crush on one of them. the kind of cruel game where if you confess, the girls laugh at you and reveal it was just a prank. so they each take turns doing more and more desperate acts to win the game. the setup is short and efficient.

    its a visual novel with choices and actually has a refreshingly grounded story with believable characters. yeah japanese students trope with stacies and the virgin loser. but that's a classic.

    all in all a good premise. i legit felt like i was being corrupted. an interesting twist on the genre. i wanted to resist the advances. i was bawling my eyes out for the mc after he got rejected like a sad puppy and then found true happiness with the nice girl. i wanted him to be truly happy but damn there is ass and titties.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, the votes don't lie. This one is an amazing little gem I didn't even know existed till now. Right off the bat, fantastic choice of Reverse NTR genre, really provides a unique spin on standardized NTR plotlines. The story, thankfully translated well enough to comprehend the gist of things, itself is really interesting if you thoroughly read through each possible branching path (including bad ends). Speaking of, at least 4 solid H-scenes from each girl's "bad endings" with a secret bonus if you can get the protag cooming WAY too early on specific events. All of which can easily be achieved, with minimal reading + skipping, around 2 or so hours. Overall, for 18+ kinetic novels, especially one somehow made entirely in RPGM engine, this is honestly one of the best you can try out for yourself.

    Also, just wanted to say, #aoi2ndbestwaifu. You'll know why~
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Played through all the endings, really good game. And the epilogue was just the cherry on top if you are able to get the pure love route. Makai still has the best scenes in game though, with rin being a close second she is definitely a mischevious one i may add
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    - Rare type of hentai where MC can keep a loyalty without his crush being cheater in the end
    - Nice conception with a great potential

    - Visual is lackluster
    - Basically "honesty vs hentai" in a hentai game is a cancerous tradition
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    kid among us

    I love player corruption games, this one does it really well and i was constantly folding for the girls.
    games where the player gets seduced are straight up my alley,
    I fell in love with maika, that sexy evil bitch has me down bad
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Demon Warlocks

    Started playing this game looking to be dominated, ended teary-eyed after a genuinely authentic and heartfelt story of love (if you get the good ending)

    Shiori is best girl, no contest, when taken in context of the epilogue. Aoi comes second tho, for sure. Always looked forward to her scenes.

    Oh, and a good fap, no matter the ending. This is a great VN. Must play.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6577935

    Confession Game has one major problem: Immediately spilling the beans regarding its objective (stay faithful, confess).

    From a marketing POV it would have been difficult to sell the product without some disclosure, but I felt like they were too upfront with some information, which lead to questions of morality not being very relevant.
    (In other words the temptation is very shallow or non existent, and it feels "right" not to cheat, so to speak).

    Interestingly enough , some people seem to disregard Shiori (the main love interest) completely, when talking about the "best girl", so at the very least the game ends up portraying something ugly but very much real, and it's clear that the idea here equals: Is hard to resist the pleasures of the flesh, but shit really hits the fan when genuine feelings get involved.

    Basically someone offering you sex, and someone offering you their heartfelt love, have different weights when swaying your heart (Hence Aoi's justified popularity).

    Other then an exploration of "cheating" themes that stays very superficial and not thought provoking, there are no complaints. Watching things unfold is engaging and really interesting. The characters needed a bit more work (especially Maika, I can see a submissive turn after several refusals, and a well placed positive response), but at some point I would just be asking the game to be something that is not.

    It's a 7 or an 8 out of 10, but the lasting impression is one of great potential. They should try to deceive (in a psychological test kind of way) the player and be a bit more guarded when revealing their intent on their next title. That's what would like to see.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Burnt Origami

    Confession Game is a very linear visual novel that presents you with the ability to make simple choices that impact the final outcomes of the story. You can either hold out for your crush, or give in and find new ways to love.

    Story and Gameplay
    The story revolves around you finally rejecting your past crush because you now realize you actually love your senpai, who has grown close to you in the past year after a failed confession to that crush. She then starts a game with her friends to get you to do naughty thing with one of them, and you can either hold off to stay true to your senpai or give in to the wonderfully lewd activities. I won't claim a best girl, but the routes are fun to explore, if you don't mind potentially breaking other's hearts.
    The gameplay is just decision making, so going with your gut reveals some interesting outcomes. Using saves to prevent bad outcomes is a tactic I used when I wanted, but some of the fun was just seeing what happens and enjoying learning more about all the girls.
    Controls are a little awkward at times because they built what is just a visual novel in RPGM, when it would have been better suited in RenPy or other. Not bad overall though, and the translations were plenty fine in my experience.

    The Sexy Stuff
    There is a good variety of the types of naughty activities that the different girls try to pull you into, but all the scenes are pretty static images with sound and text describing the action. Body types available don't have too much variety, but are unique enough and actually have some impact on the story for each girl.
    Content warnings: some paths and situations involve content that some may feel is cheating, with minor taste of netori. Whether it fully qualifies as that is debatable, but if that kind of content upsets you at all, it might be good to avoid.

    Art and Sound
    The music and sound effects are standard for this type of game, so nothing large to highlight here. The art is what I would also call standard, where nothing really stands above and beyond. What the art does really good at times though is be teasing and hot as the girls try to seduce you.

    My Notable Highlights
    • Fun execution of story. Multiple playthroughs meant I had fun on not just the "good" ending.
    • Hot teasing art and scandalous seduction content
    • Simple; doesn't try to be anything too fancy and delivers well on its premise
    • Save-scumming is able to help you get the outcomes you want, even if you fail at certain points
    Potential Flaws
    • Nothing in the art or sound is particularly amazing, but just good
    • Some minor translation issues (or just bad writing)
    • Controls sometimes feel clunky and unrefined
    My Conclusions
    This is an okay game if you want to explore some of these flavors for the first time. The story and gameplay are built so you can get a vanilla ending, but the door is always open for you to just try new ways of "having fun" with some other girls. Maybe getting to know someone else could unlock fun new experiences for you? This game is worth a try, provided you don't mind the potential content warnings.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This is an okay game.

    + The story is well put together. It has some basis and not just spat up non-sense
    + This has some "gameplay" making the player actually think a bit and prioritize with its limited "health bar" about the decisions he takes because they have risk a reward aspect. Choosing lewd decision getting you closer to losing so you need to balance them and choose what is more important to you.
    + The characters are interesting and at some point show vulnerability which make them very humane

    - The translation is not 100% accurate but it is not too bothering
    - No actual scenes. The scenes are very static, vanilla and visually boring.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, what a great game.
    I don't know what to say other than this, normally I don't really like japanese H-games because of 2 reasons:
    a. The exaggerated moan sound.
    b. Usually they are written so dumb it's making you turned off.

    In this game, the writing is excellent. While some girls like Aoi is a little bit unrealistic, all of the other girls are written so exceptionally that you actually become invested on their characters.

    Also, usually in any H games, you usually will develop a preference to only liking one girl over dozen other choice in the game. This game surprisingly managed to make me like all the girls.

    10/10 game. Maika hottest one, Aoi and Rin tie.