Decent, but limited.
Something like this, you'd expect different paths, and options while you progress.
There's none of that. Everything is incredibly linear.
You get the girls' affection up by complimenting their outfits and generally being nice to them.
Then you check the help to see how to trigger the next stage. Or you randomly check on them during their schedule.
You would expect, that as your relationship progresses they stop being upset by some of the comments you make or walking around with a hard on. Nope. Even after you've reached the point you're fucking them, they still freak out if they see you walking around aroused.
Which brings in the player's Lust and Hygiene values. Why do these exist? All they do is force you to shower and masturbate (for which there is a pointless mini-game) periodically.
Then there's the random chance elements.
For some reason, in order to progress each girl you occasionally have to make a dice roll to see if you convince them of something. You can increase your chances by increasing their affection or lust. Succeed and you unlock the next story bit. Fail, and those values go down, meaning, guess what, you need to grind their affection back up by complimenting their clothes again.
The Olivia route has the worst example of this. You need to pass the same check 4 times in order to reach the end of her route. And each check was only available once every other day. So not only do you have to grind her affection back up if you fail, you need to grind in game days (being sure to shower and masturbate regularly) just try again.
When I got to that part, I got a streak of shit luck and failed 6 times in a row (>75% success chance each time). This was not fun.
Over all the game has some decent ideas but is incredibly shallow linear. And it has some mechanics that just seem poorly implemented or bad ideas from the word go.