Ren'Py - Completed - Confined with Goddesses [v1.0 Premium + Legacy] [ERONIVERSE]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is amazing, loved the simple gameplay, artwork, story, characters. Writing this feedback hoping that the dev will be motivated to make another game cause this one was 10/10
    And my goodness the scenes... it's really hot
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Peanuts 9

    i have been with this since its early days and have seen the game grow in itself and on me. Moreover the character design is great along with the story. Some elements could have been worked on but this is the creator's first project so all in all a great game
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's moment's like these that I wish there was a way to do half star ratings. but alas there is not.

    To start, I must warn you that this game is basically a nukige dating sim first and foremost. You are here to beat your meat and the story is only there to aid in that mission. You will not be getting super high quality writing out of this. If you're looking for realism in your porn game, this ain't it.

    As for the actual game you do get, I will say that the game was incredible for me at first. The art style was really appealing, This is probably the first time I generally liked every one of the main girls. And because they stuck to basically four girls (technically five but only barely), they all get a healthy amount of content. They also build up the relationship with each girl, instead of randomly jumping into sex and having no foreplay. However you aren't forced to wait too long before you get some actual action, so the grind doesn't feel unbearable.

    However, there are issues I must address that serve as teh reason for why this got such a low rating. Remember how I said that the art style was appealing? well, that's because it randomly changes to a 3D style that frankly looks really bad. This switch had me go from loving the game to not even finishing it. It has to be one of the most diossappointing things I have ever seen and it really sucks because the characters are hot in the 2D version, but some of them (Especially Valerie) are such a downgrade it killed my boner.

    So, overall I would give this a 3.5 out of 5. The scenes are hot, but the 3d style really kill the final leg of the game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Positives: really well drawn art, characters are of the voluptuous variety and the MC is likeable. Animations and sound effects are solid for the most part.

    I like that when I finish or am midway a character's path, I can visit them throughout the day and perform "quickie" scenes. It feels more authentic than the typical sex scenes that are planned out in a typical VN.

    My other main net positive are the cunnilingus scenes; for some reason many of these straight games only focus on blowjobs and forget about the other so it's nice to see an even balance here.

    Negatives: story is half-baked, some animations are also done in a weird 3D CGI which are a significant reduction in quality. These animations aren't as tasteful.

    Characters can be a bit creepy and weird too depending on your tastes.

    Suggestion: I'd like to see a path with Zoey (whatever her name was), the first blonde girl the MC gets with. That could be interesting. Impregnation would be nice as well.

    Overall: this is a nice game if you want to bounce around - pun intended - beautiful women in a single household. Don't expect it to win a Literature Prize award anytime soon though.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a game whos development has gone gone massively wrong from an art standpoint.

    At first there was a set of hand drawn art in a 2d style (as seen in the banner and preview pictures here). Like it or not, this was the established art-style which has been presented to everyone and is still front and center on the devs patreon (for what its worth I very much enjoyed this art style).

    Fast forward towards the second half/final third of the game and the art-style makes an incredibly jarring change to a sort of 3d rendering where the main characters go from overtly sexual (as you might expect in a porn game) or what can only be described as a min/maxed character creation slider set with worse graphics than before.

    For such a change to be made mid development is not the weirdest, several games on this site have decided to make a change mid production (for better or worse) to suit whatever artistic vision they have.
    But this game barely acknowledges its massive shift in art style, let alone admitting that the change has made previously attractive and enticing characters look like sex starved banshees half a day from dying.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1666680

    I was really hyped to try this game out, it looks like everything I wanted to play. Then I started it..

    First I was introduced with the main theme from Treasures of Nadia (wtf? At least use some unique music). Then the game started: Long ass intro with walls of text, no way to interact or make decisions. I prefer games to start small and let me do some stuff instead of reading 5000 lines of text about every character around me before something happens.

    And then the first "sex" scene occured.. and here I knew, the developer either never ever had sex irl or just doesn't know how to design games, but in the first scene you're "licking" a pussy and the tongue moves with like 250% of what a real human would do. To top this level if comedy, the game even gives you the option to "lick faster" which looks like the MC is on 20 cans of Red Bull and 50 coffees. That was the point where I immediately did ALT + F4 and ended the game.

    The dev seems to have absolutely no feeling for how to create a great feeling and immersive sex scene.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    lmao the other reviews werent lying when they said the dialogue was cringe as fuck. especially the prologue. but holy shit, this game is so hot. the scenes are done incredibly well and the art compliments it. all of the characters are likeable in a "i want to fuck you' kind of way. great game

    only complaint is that if you're looking for an incest game, this isnt one. more like a spontaneous adopted family. you can change names but thats really it. if you really want it to feel like an incest game then skip the prologue imo
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Gane. I dont know what model system he is using but i love it. the characters are very sexy and somehow just the perfect amount of voluptuous.
    The story way too short sadly but i can recommend this game for a wank and even to resist some of the animations for a rewank!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm a dev myself so I rarely review other's work. I just played this while taking a break from my work and I must say this is a really great adult game. Putting aside that the dialogue is quite cringe at times (and needs a lot of grammar work to fit the English language), I really enjoyed the entire idea behind it. Mind you, I'm not one to judge to harshly, I'm no big star writer by any means!

    The premise itself is a neat way to make light of the whole covid confinement situation we all went through. But what I like most is that each girl's personality is written in such a way that you get 4 distinct (and popular) character traits for adult games - the tsundere who is in love with you, the sweet friend, the overbearing (probably yandere) 'mother' figure and throw in a tsundere slut just for fun.

    If one thing needs to be improved, it's definitely the dialogue. I mean, it isn't terrible - regardless of some reviewers here saying to just skip through it. Skipping through dialogue pretty much kills the whole idea behind a VN. If you're too lazy to read it (even if it isn't perfect) then why are you here? Honestly, I agree the dialogue needs work. If the dev had a proper English-speaking person go through this with them, this game would get 5 solid stars from me. And there are times where it seems to go on and on and on... those could be cut back and simplified a bit. It's like the dev was trying to extend the game time or something. The length of the game is fine without all the extra (if unnecessary) talking and inner dialogue.

    The only other minor complaint I have is that the faces you see during most of the game look so different during cutscenes and animations. I'm not familiar with how these graphics are created (I use HS2) but still, that difference sort of takes away from the experience.

    Overall, I enjoyed CWG. The sex scenes were sexy and done well. And I enjoyed seeing each girl change towards the MC as he progressed through each of their arcs, especially with Emma, the tsundere girl. I always enjoy those games where you have to work at breaking down and softening the mean girl. Also, dev has left room to add more so it isn't complete yet, although it has an ending already. Most of what he is adding is the extra scenes which is pretty cool. If I had one message for the dev - get someone to help clean up the dialogue and this one will stay on top.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I was a bit skeptical about this game trying out the first releases but now that it is finished and I got to play it fully I can see the virtue in it and get to see how good it is even with its flaws.

    Dialogue and plot is cringy as hell, it almost does not get any more cringe than this. Seems like the writter never spoke to a woman before except on their own fantasies or games like the one they actually made. That aside, art is really good, even the 3D generated one that replaced the old one. Scenes are hot as fuck and characters are some of the best I've seen designewise (they are simple, yet they reach out to every direction).

    It is one of those game where it is better to not read and get all the scenes, they are mostly worth it. There is also a simple and neat system to choose wich girl you want first and who you want to interact with. Also, I give a lot of credit for voice acting and good animations.

    TL;DR: dialogue is cringy as hell. Turn off your brain and enjoy some hot as fuck animations and good voice acting (if thats your thing).
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    There is not much story to it apart from getting your way with women who you are living with given the pandemic circumstances. Corruption doesn't feel too rushed even though it is a bit short per individual. Overall a quick fun game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    First time played V0.3.1. Enjoyable, fun fap game. Graphics and models were very nice, well done. Interactions actually explored much of the womens character.

    Game play was solid, grind was minor, and enjoyable. Limited world for the sandbox stuff but it works and the story went well.

    Very satisfying scenes and pace, I spent a good evening and enjoyed it.

    Only con - would like to see more endings, perhaps solo endings as well for each character, but not sure if that will happen. Pregnancy talk was non existantant, and that is always fun especially with this many girls and creampies.

    Very good, I will watch this creator in the future.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    good game no bs denial of sex scenes just get into the action right away, it deserves lots of praises just for that alone, no stupid milking by using long ass progression system that make u want to smash your testicle during the wait.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game! The characters are interesting and the interactions with them are meaning full, you can feel the smooth development, especially with the tsundere character. The art is brilliant and very stylish. The English is very good, as far as I can tell. What I don't like is the sandbox element and it's grinding system. Although no ridiculous amount of grinding is required, it's still annoying. And there seems to be an anti-cheat system of some sort as the cherry on the top... But I'm not going to take that into account in reviewing what is, without a doubt, a five-star-worthy game.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Not bad but for some reason the dev decided to change the artstyle mid development and it shows. At the beginning you have mostly 2D anime art. After a while it goes more and more towards 3D models which in my opinion is a major drop in quality.
    Especially the faces and expressions look horrid with the 3D models. Especially when they orgasm they look more like they're out of a horror movie and not a game like this.
    Another big problem is it clashes quite hard. Doesn't matter if you like the 2D or 3D artstyle more it clashes. The girls warp from 2D at one point to 3D in the next. Its really bad to look at.
    Story is simple, nothing to complex which is not so bad in my opinion. Its a very simple harem game. Characters are very well known stereotypes, which for a game like this I also don't find so bad.
    Its not as if the game attempt to be very deep in the first place. It is from the beginning a very simple, straightforward game. So that's fine by me.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the Characters. All of them are Interesting and Unique.
    Especially Berry and the bitchi Stepmom.The Dommy Mommy Style is the best part of the Game for me. Woud like too see this more often.
    The Story is also ok for a Game like this.
    Im not so sure about the Cartoon Style to be honest.
    Especially the Animation. They Characters look different in the Animations
    in comparison too they other Art in the Game. Just my Opinion but i woud like too see this Game with Renpy or at least the Animations in the same Style like the rest of the Game. Some Private Hair woud let the Characters look more realistic. It is still a good Game but coud be even better.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 612104

    Version: 0.2.9
    Really good game that can still bring us more.

    What you need to know: At the moment, 2 characters dominate(with love) the MC, one is clearly under the spell(possessive GF) of the MC and the last one is completely submissive to the MCs.


    - Well developed and interesting story

    - Good art direction, it's a change from usual Renpy(Koikatsu,etc,etc)

    - H scenes and animations are well done (Old and New art are good to me)

    - The characters are really all naughty with a lot of fetishes

    - A lot of activity related to mediums (streaming, youtuber, camgirl, cosplay), rare enough to be noticed

    - A good sandbox well managed, everything is quite consistent


    - Lack of characters, the artistic direction is really successful that we would like to see more characters, 4 is not enough, however DC seems to want to add more but not yet

    - Maybe the ratio between characters dominating the MC and those submitted should be reviewed, exploiting the male and female domination at the same levels, could only make the title better

    - The gallery does not allow to relaunch the scenes of the story, but only the animated scenes, I explain myself you will have the animation but without the dialogues, which removes a part of the eroticism not negligible for me


    The game has a huge potential, DC is really doing a good job, the game is quite femdom, which is disconcerting for some people, however we are dealing with a love domination, no humiliation or beating for the MC, only 4 super crazy women in love with the MC.

    My wishes for the next updates:

    - More interactions between the characters (apart from the MC), like friendship scenes, sisterhood, motherhood, jealousy, sharing,...

    - Adding more characters in the harem, Zoe is an ideal candidate to be a submissive one to the MC

    - Expand the sandbox, since the game takes place during confinement, make the game a deconfinement phase, MC can go out and see other characters (Zoe, Sarena's ex-girlfriend, other people that bullied the MC)
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Rajat Saigal

    Confined with Goddesses is one of my favorite games on the site. It's simple, has gorgeous art and animations, and isn't grindy. Sure, there's no REAL plot to speak of, but the characters have clearly defined personality traits and are easy to familiarise yourself with.

    EDIT: Confined with Goddesses is now complete, and it's one of the hottest games on the site, especially if you want to jump to the hot stuff and skip gameplay. The 4 girls, the VA, the music, the scenes, are all A++.
  19. 3.00 star(s)



    I really liked playing this game/VN.
    The art, the girls and the sex scenes are designed and animated to near perfection!

    The sandbox is very easy to grasp without being overly complicated.

    If there's one thing i dislike about this VN/Game then its the fact that the protagonist is too submissive.
    He shows some submission even towards the women that the protgonist is supposed to be "dominant" to.

    I would've given this game an easy 5/5 rating if the protagonist had more backbone.

    Amazing game/vn nonetheless.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better on this website when it comes to the harem genre. The dev has great taste and an accurate idea of how a game should be "paced".
    The renders & art is top notch for the most part, however some of the scenes seem shoddily done and do break immersion. I truly wish there were more than just the 4 girls. Will definitely keep a look out for any new games from this dev, won't mind supporting either. This dev truly deserves it.