Ren'Py - Completed - Confined with Goddesses [v1.0 Premium + Legacy] [ERONIVERSE]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Rajat Saigal

    Confined with Goddesses is one of my favorite games on the site. It's simple, has gorgeous art and animations, and isn't grindy. Sure, there's no REAL plot to speak of, but the characters have clearly defined personality traits and are easy to familiarise yourself with.

    EDIT: Confined with Goddesses is now complete, and it's one of the hottest games on the site, especially if you want to jump to the hot stuff and skip gameplay. The 4 girls, the VA, the music, the scenes, are all A++.
  2. 3.00 star(s)



    I really liked playing this game/VN.
    The art, the girls and the sex scenes are designed and animated to near perfection!

    The sandbox is very easy to grasp without being overly complicated.

    If there's one thing i dislike about this VN/Game then its the fact that the protagonist is too submissive.
    He shows some submission even towards the women that the protgonist is supposed to be "dominant" to.

    I would've given this game an easy 5/5 rating if the protagonist had more backbone.

    Amazing game/vn nonetheless.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better on this website when it comes to the harem genre. The dev has great taste and an accurate idea of how a game should be "paced".
    The renders & art is top notch for the most part, however some of the scenes seem shoddily done and do break immersion. I truly wish there were more than just the 4 girls. Will definitely keep a look out for any new games from this dev, won't mind supporting either. This dev truly deserves it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow thats a pearl if you like/love "strong" women. This game has light femdome in it which for normal strait people is very very arousing!
    you dont get feminized, you dobt become a sissy and you dont become a cock sucking male slut...
    what you get is hot sometimes aggressive women and a lot of pussy eating ( well some footfethis would be nice but hey nothing is perfect ^^)

    i played all 4 girls to level 3 and i am curious what will come next ^^

    btw its not only femdom one girl gets dominated by you ^^
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Story: porn plot, Nuff said
    art: the earlier part is 5 stars, later parts are more of a 2.5 I'm not really sure if the art is so bad compared to other games, but it's much worse compared to what came before, TBH I felt like I was catfished by a game.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    • Art and character designs are nice.
    • Animation is pretty good.
    • The hot sessions are very nice.
    • Hey there are voices! That's rare.
    • The story is quite weak.
    • MC is a loser. I know most H-game MC are mostly dumbasses but man... it is really annoying and frustrating to play as him.
    • The dialogue.... bro.... the dialogue.
    • You lack control.
    To put it simply, if you came here just to fap or you're into femdom then you come to the right place. Just turn your brain off while you playing this. If you expect a story I suggest you play other game instead.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    4.5 out of 5 stars

    Most of the art is solid
    Animations are above average
    Romances are done well and the girls feel unique

    The faces of the characters during the animation scenes can seem pretty wonky at times and don't feel as polished as the bodies or faces in story images
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Muy buen juego, aun no lo termino, lo he jugado ayer durante casi todo el dia y esta muy rikolino xd espero haya mas contenido a futuro!!

    Very good game, not yet completed, I played it yesterday for nearly all day and this very rikolino xd, I hope there is more content in the future!
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Dr Secz

    I am starting to like this sort of a game,this kind of art. Amazing animations and voice cover, trigger action is pretty good. Maybe a bit to fast going through the game,shoud slow down a bit and give space to wonder around. Story is interesting and you can make it more interesting and put some more interaction with some new characters. Make their titts smaller, smaller dick, bring reality into the game. Like I already said, to fast going on with the story, make a turn and slow it down a bit. Characters you have now are already seen in all kind of sex actions. Spice it a little bit more. There are players who wants to play a game and enjoy, not just to jerk it of. Keep it fresh. Excellent job and quality.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    There is a blatantly noticeable drop in quality compared to past releases. The animation looks noticeably worse and the text is even more broken and incoherent than usual, to the point where it's basically unreadable gibberish.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is now one of my favorite games ever, and I'm not typically a 2d game kinda guy. I hope there will be much more content coming in the future. Can't wait for more updates!! Hopefully many more levels than just the current 3
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I rarely give 4 stars to a good game, but the problem with this game is too obvious .
    The game as a whole feels very good to play, the painting style is also very attractive .
    But the author updates too slowly, and the volume of each update is too small .
    For games starting in 2020, the overall update speed is slower than many 3D games .
    The amount of each update is ridiculously small, with less than 100 2D images per version, which is slow even for a 3D game, let alone a 2D one .
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The writing is terrible. It feels like a sixteen-year-old wrote all the dialogue, it’s pretty much unbearable. And the MC is just such a horrible wimp, I wish someone else would get the girls. I also find his ugly face very distracting. General writing tip, never use emojis in chat boxes. No <3, no :D.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Eh Yo Fish

    I'll start by stating the obvious: this game has really gorgeous art, animations, and overall visuals. It gets a 5/5 from me, at least. Of course, not everyone finds the perfect tones, large titties, and asses appealing because it oversexualizes the subject, but I adore it.
    This 2DCG game is surprisingly good. original creative work. MC is isolated with 4 other females in this straightforward story. Additionally, his bond with them is developing as he creates his own harem. Despite having sandbox aspects, the game isn't overly grindy. Try this one if you enjoy simple harem games.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    chris k

    one of the best games being made right now great artwork good story i just hope it will evolve and expand the story and actions maybe even a part two and not simply close for a new game.Its the first time i think i will pay on patreon.Great work man
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, the plot is original, at least for the games I've already played. The characters have different personalities, so it doesn't get boring to see different people with the same personality, "the trauma" of the protagonist is also good, as it evolved at least within the story, it seemed appropriate to me. This is one of the first games I played back when I started playing 18+ games, and I was hooked from the start, can't wait for future updates.


    -Drawing/3D modeling: 4 (The design of the characters is fine and more so when there are certain characters that from x position should not look quite right, that caught my attention. Of course, being something 2D, there are times when one thinks of an excellent drawing, in this case it is not the best in drawing, but it is not garbage either, it is well done in such a way that one does not get upset, at least from my point of view. Something I saw, there is not much variety in terms of "bodies" among the Girls, so you may get tired of seeing "almost the same" in all.)

    -Music/Background sound: 4.5 (although there is no variety in the background music, there are certain songs/sounds/ that are adjusted according to the scenario, so there are no mistakes as to what is playing in what situation)

    -Plot: 5 (Is the plot unique? From my point of view and from the number of games I've played, yes it is. Many people turn the pandemic issue into something very taboo or something that should not be remembered in a positive way, but taking this idea and designing something that one can enjoy seems excellent to me. On the other hand, the evolution of the main character's relationships with all the girls also makes the plot solid, so you don't get bored of the story.)

    -Map: 5 (Although the map is small, it is well positioned and lets you know where you are, the background is well done so you don't find junk scenarios. Words more, words less, it's well done)

    -Animation: 4 (Despite being 2D, the +18 scenes mostly have animation, if certain things need to be improved, but they don't damage the essence of the scene. There are some scenes that are good, others that need to be improved, but it's not bad at all.)

    - 18+ Scenes: 4.5 (Until now in the 0.27 update, there were no sex scenes as such, but before, there were quite a few +18 scenes, many well done and others not bad but they could improve, Right now you won't get bored of not finding any, despite of just having entered into sexual relations as such, if there is enough content +18)

    -Gameplay: 4.5 (It lets you do several things and actions per day, it doesn't limit you and that's fine)

    -Interface: 5

    It's a good game, like everything from the beginning you have to advance to be able to reach the hottest, but it's not as annoying to do that as other games. There are little things to improve, but I imagine that the creator is now trying to get content and then make improvements. I recommend it, several reasons, the story is unique (if you take into account how long ago the game came out), the designs are good, the +18 content is abundant, it's a fast game it doesn't take you weeks to complete even in a few days you get all content, so playing it won't waste your time.

    :lepew: 4.6/5:lepew:
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I see other reviews and people not liking this game for the tropes or the lackluster writing but I see this game for what it is, a fap house full of big titties and asses and it doesn't need to be more than that, it works very well.

    -Art is very good, all women are very attractive and stimulating
    -Animations are good, fluid and smooth
    -Gameplay loop is simple but fun
    -Enviroments are well done
    -Has voiced parts
    -Lots of scenes and growing
    -Simple premise but it works

    -Surprised that since this game has femdom undertones there are no footjob/solejob scenes.
    -All women are big boobs, big asses, not a lot of body diversity
    -No darker skinned characters. Everyone is either white or asian.
    -Gameplay can be a bit repetitive
    -Some scenes don't have full feet in view
    -MC is kinda a wimp/wuss
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    1) Fun story, more into the comedy. Writing is Ok. (1)
    2) Characters are all crazy, simple but bright personalities, not fun of cartoons style but characters looks really good. (1)
    3) Sex scenes are good quality and with nice camera angles. (1)
    4) Sandbox is not annoying with lots of repeatable scenes. Gameplay is fun with very small amount of grinding. (1)
    5) Game is not finished, there is enough content to enjoy this game already. (1)

    A bit of short if comparing to many other games of this genre. But content is high quality, gameplay is fun, girls are beautiful (in most scenes), very promising project overall.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Really pretty game but I find it really dissapointing that the only two ladies your trapped with that are decent human beings (Berry and Serana) are the two that simply want to make the MC their little bitch in the bedroom... The other two cunts (Emma and Valerie) are the two who for some rediculous reason are the ones who want to be dominated. It makes no sense other than the devs prefferred kink (hardcore femdom) are with the two most popular characters. Such a waste of great artwork... so sad.

    So unless your a HUGE fan of hardcore femdom or you can stomach having to read the vitriol spewed at this weak MC from the two cunts you may want to steer clear of this one.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Art stye is amazing, I can clearly see some manwha inspirations. Animated scenes are also amazing and smooth. The sound design and voice acting also one ups most porn games here. Story is cliche and quite short and I'm hoping it would be fleshed out more and given a good/decent ending. All in all, nice game and hoping for more updates.