Good Points
+ Art was looking beautifull... Yeah... Was...
+ We have animations for lewd scenes (not just for penetrations or sex scenes, even dancing moves have animations which is pretty immersive) and they were looking pretty good before the art style change...
+ Girls/Women looks hot.
Bad Points
- Story and storytelling is kind of weak, weird and dont make sense.
- MC is kind of loser type of guy, sometimes feels ok to play but generaly its pretty annoying to play as a him...
- You can give desired name to MC and its gives vibe your choices gonna matter and you can RP your character but no, choices are not matter. Even there is couple of kinks you cant avoid. Having choice change as a MC could be better, because playing Sandbox game without any choice change is just pointless... If DEV was going to tell this story without any choice, then MC should be named default by DEV and had his own character instead we giving him name, because you have zero control over game story and its pointless.
- Zoe being MC's girlfriend, threating him like a trash and as a player we dont have any choice about it is not enjoyable... And he is waiting MC not cheat on her while literaly doing these and sexsualy giving him nothing? Yeah makes sense, she is terrible character and she being MC's girlfriend is pretty bad decision.
- There is no divercity for girls jobs, all girls of story does job about sharing their lewd/nude photos/videos on internet. Seriously? So in these days nobody makes game streams like normal people? Or work like normal people? Interesting...
- Useage of nicknames in espacily first parts of game kind of not working. I gues giving them default until reaching well enough development level could be more logical, because giving them custom nicknames cause some nonsense dialogues.
- Nearly half of lewd content is about imaginery (or dream) scenes. Well its kind of disappointed to see pretty hot looking scenes but learning they are just dreams etc.
- I gues writer main language is not english, because game english level kind of bad even for me.
- While most of animations looks good there is couple animation looks bad and weird. For example our first lewd animation was MC licking one girl pussy and animation was happening while flying invisible tongue licking girl's pussy with fast as MC can... Honestly this type of animations needs to stop... Its just terifying to see invisible dick or tongue doing things to someone...
- Same annoying music playing over and over again is soo annoying... DEV could have add non-copyright musics instead of using just one...
- After some certain point art style changed and sadly new art style looks terrible, older style was great, too bad they changed to something terrible...
- Ending was terrible, we had literaly no choice over ending and it was forced and nonsense, too bad there was no choice at all in the end...
For The End
Well what can i say? Game starts pretty promissing but bad points lowers game quality one by one, having literaly no choice over paths, women, etc, not helps either and ending being terrible is like a last straw... Sadly I can't suggest this game, it's game with great potential but sadly it's just ruined.