Ren'Py - Completed - Confined with Goddesses [v1.0 Premium + Legacy] [ERONIVERSE]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has an exquisite art, very beautiful women there are and even small dialogues with voices but there is something wrong and that is the MC is a submissive idiot like a weak dog like a squirrel is only the toy of all girls the game is more a cinematic novel than a VISUAL NOVEL with decisions: v
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Really tremendous looking game, one of the best looking 2d games on the site. Great looking models, nice expressions and really smooth animations. The story isn't super original but the dev does a nice job with the characterization and some good moments despite English pretty clearly not being their 1st language. There is some femdom content but it fits with the story and the MC doesn't seem like a weakling just kinda naïve and dopy. Only issue with the game at the moment is the lack of sexual content, but overall a game everyone should play.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The character design are hot and the 2D art is really good. I admit it that some of the characters are a bit weird looking, especially in the introduction, but this doesn't last for long once the game actually starts (I'm specifically referring to the MC before he gets buff). The scenes themselves are animated and really really well done. The writing is generally good, and all the girls have distinctive personalities. The two girls who start out disliking the MC are different types of bitchy. The scenario is hot as well.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This will never get above 4 stars from me because the H content/kink list is not appealing to me. HOWEVER, I can recognize that it is a good game, albeit one that is lowish on content (no penetrative sex, no bj's, just handies and tit jobs). The art is great, the animations are literally "cutting edge" among H games with custom art. The story is comical but you should know that from the description. Writing within is... probably good, if you like the kinks. There is also some occasional one-liner voice acting, which is a nice touch. And music. Its a well-put-together game with not a ton of content.

    What dont I like about it? The MC is a little baby bitch who either enjoys being dominated/humiliated by women or doesn't but wont do anything about it (the story is written like the latter). Normally not something I would hold against a game, but the game doesn't have the associated tags (didn't at time of writing), so here it is. Tag your games better. But hey, maybe you're into that. If so, I'd still say wait a couple updates past v0.1.5. Maybe v0,2.0? I usually try to wait until v0.3.0 to try a game personally, but the art on this was too good.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Good portrayal of the characters, although they are trivial in nature, but the voice acting and the color palette add personality, I also note the variety of repeatable events in the shower and in the morning, it's nice to see the variety of game mechanics. Hopefully additional material and characters will be released soon.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    the best of the best

    a super game. excellent work, history, animation, everything. Each update leaves high expectations and you always manage to meet them, even exceed them, all this work you do is appreciated, you have won a fan.
    I hope you continue like this, you really are someone talented and we will all be waiting for the new job that you come to show us, congratulations friend
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    really really like this game and can't wait for the updates i like the way it looks and feels it soft on the eyes with a lot of color and i love the charters and the story so far and the verity in their personality enjoy so far
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked the game very much, I hope the author will develop it, add the most that is possible, many thanks to him and the very best. the game is super but we need more . Thank you very much, I look forward to continuing
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say that hasn't been said? This game just knocks it out of the park.

    The art is fantastic. It's a very difficult thing to create a game with 2D art and to keep the quality up throughout it. There would be times where shortcuts need to be taken, but if there were any taken here I did not notice it.

    Gameplay is easy to pick up if you've played this sort of game before. Go to place, talk to girl, get a thing, etc etc. What's nice is that it doesn't try to over explain itself. There are so many games where you'll need an instruction manual to understand everything like you're about to pilot a Gundam or something.

    Voice Acting for games like these can be hit or miss. What I think works here is that it's used sparingly. It leaves you wanting more rather than getting you bored down with lines that obviously were taken in one take. It's a great job across the board in that regard.

    Story is for the times as well. I think a bunch of us play for the escapist fantasy games can provide and sometimes things that touch upon real world topics might strike a nerve. But this feels fun.

    The game is great across the board and leaves you wanting more. Give it a try and you'll be eagerly waiting for the next update too.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    1) Amazing art style
    2) Smooth animations
    3) A little bit of voice acting here and there
    4) Not a generic mother-older sister-younger sister story
    5)Girls have a literal body of a goddess, gets me hard as fuck
    6)The red haired girl is very wholesome
    1)Too short as of 1.3.1
    2)You have to figure out some of the functions yourself
    3)As of 1.3.1 MC acts too weak for a game based on Harem, I hope the confidence boost of MC keeps increasing.

    Best of luck to the devs, game has great *assets*
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This Review is based on Version

    Hi Reader, for now, this Game is a new Game, so don't expect to be playing for many Hours or for it to have a lot of Content.

    Still, i heavily recommend this Game. Here the Reasons:

    This is a 2D Game, and i know, some people prefer 3D, but i myself don't care as much, as long as it looks good and the Game is well made, cool.

    Art: This is for certain the strong Point of this new Game. I love the Art, the Women in this Game just look fantastic, especially the Teacher Berry and the MC's best Friend Sarena!
    Those 2 Women are just perfect, i can't think of another 2D Game with Women so attractive. And the best thing is yet to come, this Game has actual Sex Scenes! No, i'm not talking about those "Animated Scenes" you read about in other Games that consist of 3 Frames and when the MC cums, your Screen just blinks white and that's it.
    This Game has actual, fluid sex scenes where the orgasm is also animated!
    In this Version of the Game there are sadly only 2 Sex Scenes, but it is still very early, so it's not a negative Point.
    The only negative concerning the Art are the close-ups. If the Team could give it a little bit more love, the Art Overall would be 5 stars.

    Story: A fairly simple Story, no big Drama or forced seriousness. The MC is likeble, doesn't look like a complete Duche and the whole Cast until now really gives the Story a few Characters to build with.
    So as long as you don't expect any Deep Story lines, just some light hearted stuff with a bit of Comedy, you will be satisfied.

    Gameplay: Very easy to understand and follow. You have a map and information on what Steps you need to do to unlock the next Levels with the Characters, no Grind, no searching around for what to do next. Easy, straight forward.

    I already wrote more then i thought i would, so let me finish.
    This Game deserves 4,5 Stars, i gave it 5 Stars to give it a push because this Game and the Team behind it clearly deserve a Push!

    Try this Game, it won't take very long and will be very enjoyable.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The animation is nice. This game is really promising. I want to see where it goes! I think that the face animation for Sarena in the paizuri scene could get a little touch up but regardless the game has been looking awesome and I’m looking forward to the future updates. If Berry + lactation would be dope :p
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    Amazing art, very very hot girls and an interesting story nonetheless. Being able to edit your relationship with them is nice. I'm really looking forward to see this game be developed further. For such an early stage, it's already quite good!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Easy gameplay with an understandable layout. There are several metrics and stats in the game, though currently none are being used in any obvious way. Only non-obvious mechanic is using the shower for time travel, but looking around the house once solves that.

    Art is very hot, the women are 11/10, and the animation quality is very good. So long as the content stays at its current quality and some variety is added we're looking at a really good game in the works.

    Only real drawback as a native English speaker is that the game is definitely either written by an ESL developer or is translated from another language. Either way, the phrasing and dialogue can be a bit strange.

    9/10, rounded down to 4/5 from lack of current content and language oddities. Other than that it's the start of something great.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    Lovely game with nice artwork and a decent story.

    The story was a little different than what I expected from the overview. I assumed you were going to live on your own for the first time and ended up in a house with 4 female roommates. But instead you are forced to go into quarantine (due to a certain virus) with your high school teacher, her two daughters and your dad's gf.

    The situation very much feels like a 'family' setting (mom, sisters, aunt) and you can even adjust how you want to call them (for example 'mom' or 'sister') but the prologue and some of the dialogue make very clear that you are NOT a family. I'm not sure if it's just my fucked-up mind, but I had the feeling that the story was written to be an incest story, even though at other times it's clearly not an incest story.

    The visuals look nice although the art-style itself isn't super original. With the exception of hair and clothing the women look pretty similar (perfect bodies, big tits, big asses). They do look hot though, and the lewd scenes are nicely animated!

    The only real downside for me was that the gameplay gets kinda laggy after the prologue. Once the game turns into a sandbox you can move freely around the house, but even though I have a decent PC there constantly was a 1-2 second delay whenever I tried to click something. Hopefully the dev will look into that.

    Also there isn't a lot of lewd content yet, but that's understandable since we're only getting started.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent video game, a simple sandbox system, well-crafted scenes, an interesting story, and a promising future. I expect a lot from this game.

    Still not much can be said about the different sections since it seems to be a new project for the author and is constantly changing, in the few updates it has had, it is seen how the author continues to play with the scenes and mechanics.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.2.7

    Absolutely fantastic. Only good things to say about this game in it's early stage.

    • art - great drawings, unique and attractive women
      • art change - with the change in art style from 2D to 3D art, the characters don't look nearly as good as they did before. the bloom effect (scene in eyes especially) further diminishes the look
    • story - flows nicely, doesn't rush things but also doesn't become too wordy
    • story - not a focus but what is there adds some sort of dynamic but a mediocre one
    • animation - the simple 2D animation works great, gives much needed vigour to the characters
    • funny - great comedic timing coupled by those voice clips lol "Holy fuck!"
    • voices - love the little voice acting incorporated. I was worried that it would be fully voiced which to me kills the mood (since a good VA is hard to source)
    Art quality has dropped but the theme of very horny women prevails.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    So far, it's very charming and I love the upbeat vibe. Really really cool that they add animated CGs, makes the VN stands out than the rest. Not really into the overly naive MC though. Will keep up with its development. Berry is best girl.

    Update 3 years later: I had to change the rating from 5 to 3, because the game had really gotten worse. I replayed it, and most of the changes are for the worse. The move from 2D to 3D had taken away the initial charm of the game. The characters lose personality and are now acting like dumb DAZ bimbos.

    I don't follow the threads in the comments, but from the look of it, I agree with them. It's quite sad, I really liked this game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Totally agree with other reviews. Solid all around. Only negative is that is new, so at this point you can play through all content (only 1 H scene, a dream sequence) in about 20 minutes.

    Has the charm and playability of Tamara's Awakening without taking itself so seriously

    Well worth waiting for and supporting if updates come out regularly.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This first realise is very promising. This is one of the nicest 2dcg games on this site. Well done to the developer ! I only hope that the move between the different rooms will be improved in future achievements to make the game more fluid.