VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Conquered Hearts [v0.15] [Studio Filth]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    First world - not enough time to reach level 5 of each of Alices stats before the deadline, you can't revisit her after the world is finished for post-conquest dialogue, and their is the unfinished minigame with rabbit. Also, hot Queen of Hearts but you can't get her and Alice to both love you.
    Second world - 2 characters in Little Midgar, but it's the Final Fantasy timeline versions and not the Kingdom Hearts variants, it seems to be unable to be a Hub World, and it was being developed at the same time as the third world which split the creator attentions 2 ways, which is bad for a small group with only 2-3 members, one of whom was replaced with another.
    3rd - Mulan would better fit for a sequel. The porn game could have parodied each game in the official series, with each game sticking with the same worlds as the game it is parodying, with exceptions.
    Overall - munny/gil is hard to get, deadlines are too strict.
    I recommend Once a Porn a Time as a better Disney parody game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The game has no walkthrough process and everything seems ot be a deadline.

    With no real special features otehr than just grind your ass away, the MC will automatically fail. I tried the whole "mulan" gamepla and it was BORING as can be. You cannot leave the camp to do anything, you only seem to recruit WEAK pathetic soldiers, and there seems to be no advancement with the female character either. Failed twice so I gave up.

    Art direction...its okay. The Mulan one seemed to have been put more effort, otherwise the art styles all look a bit out of place.

    Not entirely sure if the dev wants us to fail or grind away like microtransaction gimps on our phone, but better gameplay and choices should be made available.

    AND WHAT is it with all the fucking blowjobs and handjobs!? where are the other options? Its dicks and cocks the only thing these nsfw games want to be? Why not just make a game for gay people instead?
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This is just a really lame grind with obscure objectives that require prior knowledge to meet the deadline in the game. Arbitrary skill requirements also hinder this aspect.

    art style and subject matter are great, execution falls flat very quickly. The daily menu bugs out and can cost you multiple days at a time just because you clicked one too many times in a system that requires you to click through repeated events.

    this needs to go back in the oven.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't get how this went from a below average game to a worse than below average one. What the fuck were they thinking with the alice redesign? She makes a fucking goblin look pretty.

    I can't even experience the final fantasy shit added, because the game is SO fucking FULL of bugs I get an error every single night I sleep and on entering space.
    When it is working its a confusing mess. They could maybe justify that with "its wonderland lol". Then why start your game in wonderland?
    Like you travel via clicking the parts of the map which glow when mouse goes over them. These aren't marked unless your mouse happens to intersect with them. The one that leads to the queen says so. All others say nothing. Where are you going? Who knows. How? Find the magic pixel. And stay on it long enough to notice it glows.

    The gameplay loop is tedious. You just talk to fugly ugly and not snugly alice. Tell her 'clean shit'. Sleep. Eventually you can tell her to do something slightly more lewd. So spam that. For the same scene. Time and time again. The same ugly fucking scene because the redesign is so fucking bad.

    On top of this, you are on a timer. You need to collect enough evidence to prove her innocence by day 32. And one of those takes 1k cash. So you need to watch a repeat scene with the queen 10 times to earn that. Then find the cat, who is not marked on the map. Then buy it. Then find like 6-7 other evidences. Then finally the trial happens and... the game becomes literally unplayable because of a barrage of error messages upon entering space.

    Its a mess to navigate. The progression is tedious. Its grind for ugly art. The story is stupid. The MC is stupid. Its not absolutely terrible, but nearly any other 'trainer' game on this site is a better use of your time.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    First of all the art, it's no bad, it's not great, it's passable, hope you can improve on it somehow. Trainers games have very basic but amazing art, learn from them. Or if you want to take it to the next level check city of broken dreamers art. Would also be cool to have some female sounds during the sex scenes.

    Great idea for a game, FF7 characters EPIC you should include Yuffie as well. Aeris boobs are ugly and too big, she should have normal boobs, yuffie S boobs, and tiffa XL boobs, even tiffa's could be a bit reduced to make her look hotter.

    Overal interesting gameplay, but it's a bit grindy. It's a shame equipable items do nothing, you need level 3 with the queen scene, can't do it with any of the 3 stat items.

    The only stat worth investing into is learning as you're going to be using it most of the time.

    I didn't like the time limits, the grindy aspect of it and the fact you can't return to a planet to relieve past scenes.

    Pregnancy should only happen at the end of a planet and you should be able to repeat all scenes while pregnant. Maybe also add a gallery feature?

    3/5 for good effort and promising idea.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    First off the games art is 5-5 the style is unique and well drawn the story is interesting and has branching quests which is rare for h games but it isn't to hard to unlock the h content which is a huge plus give this game a try and support the creator if you can
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Alright game so far. As a fellow NSFW game developer, programmer, and animator, I do have a lot of constructive criticism though.

    First, I do like most of the art for the game. With that said, I don't think it's wise to mix styles. This is mostly due to the "quality" of the different styles. I find it very jarring to switch between the "Enix" style and the "Disney" style as the two are very different in quilty. I'm very certain that if you stuck with one style it would give the game a more "polished" feel to it. I understand that finding a reliable artist is hard and I assume this is the biggest reason for the different styles.

    Second, The first "arc" with Alice is pretty good but needs a lot of work. The story is alright but I feel like it's rushed and could use some extra missions and build up. Also, the world traversal, chat system, and training system need more polish.

    Third, I feel like working on two different arcs at the same time is a very bad idea. I understand this is most likely due to having multiple artists and trying to push out content. The biggest problem with this is the multiple "in development" screens. It gives me the impression that the scope of the game is much larger then the team can handle. Now having a large scope is okay but I feel like you might be losing a lot of potential supporters, due to some thinking, "this is too big for this team to handle, it will never get done".

    Finally, I want to talk about the main systems. The chat system is okay, I mean it's made with Ren'Py so it's kinda hard to mess up. One thing I know would make a big improvement is not having the chat menu disappear after a conversation. It saves the player time clicking on a bunch of things just to chat to the character again.

    Onto the traversal system, I like how you have the destination of the place you're travelling displayed at the top of the screen, that's great. However, I feel like the text could use a backdrop of some sort as it doesn't really catch the players attention. Also, you need better visual cues for where the player needs to click in order to travel. Having to drag your mouse around until something lights up is annoying and it always leaves me thinking "did I find everything".

    Aaaaaand now to talk about the "training system". I will say, I like the way you give the trainee a job during the day and do the "training" during the night. It's simple and to the point. the thing I think needs more work is the "training" itself. Right now, there doesn't seem to be a ton of thought or content put into it. I feel that the lack of options makes the "build-up" non-existent. Along with the lack of build-up, it really doesn't feel like the percentage chance you have of an action succeeding is misleading. I still need to review the code but I feel like there is more to progress the "training" than just a percentage chance. If that's true then it gives the player false information which can lead to frustration.

    I can say that this game seems to have potential. The writing is good and the coding seems solid. I love the concept of the game and feel like it could be a top earner if the above criticism is taken into consideration. Look forward to seeing where things go from here.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It is very well animated. The current amount of content, both nsfw and sfw, is a bit short, and I wish the sex scenes were a bit longer overall, but what they have put out is great. I'm excitedly waiting for the next update
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    [Rev v0.6]

    I feel both of the muses for this were misplaced.

    Art's alright. Some bits are better than others. Primitive animations of 2-3 frames are more annoying than hot.

    Writing is ... mixed. Parody naturally means it's not the most inventive scenario. Voice and characterization is strong, but disagreeable to me and downright cringy at times. Narrative and game design are both highly inspired by other well-known porn parodies of other properties by a specific dev whom I also care little for.

    Porn is meh. No stakes and held down by the art.

    TLDR: At least this one didn't put me off by forcing the idea of Robin Williams trying to act like a domme.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Played Version 0.5

    - The game ist pretty good. The art style and story is neet and the characters are funny.
    - Items are not very intuitive since i bought all of them and didnt know that i can only "wear" one at a time.
    - The minigame (can only remeber the one with the mad hatter) isn that much of a problem even if you play one-handed ;)

    Downsides so far:
    - It is timebased in the way that you have a limited amount of time to "win" it - i guess you get a "bad" ending or a game over if you cant do it in time.
    - Also its kinda short -> You have 30 days or so and the stuff you do is pretty limited. (Maybe 2 or 3 hours playtime and its mostly "farming" money for the items)

    Since it has such a long developement time for just the first girl/chapter i suggest waiting for atleast the full chapter of the next girl.
  11. N
    2.00 star(s)


    Story: Kingdom Hearts was already a fucking mess of a story. This parody makes even less sense.
    Dialogue is literally cringe inducing. Had to stop several times because of the stupidest stuff.
    Art: First artist was better new artist spends way too much time on the design rather than the scene itself.
    Gameplay: Some interesting Minigames as well as a trainer base. Old but Gold.
    Overall: Jack off to something else! 2/5
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is still early in its development but it has a lot of promise.

    The art is very well done. There is a distinct style and you can tell that it is unique and that a good deal of time was put into it.

    The gameplay is MOSTLY straightforward though it takes a little investigating IMO as to exactly what the different stats mean and do. There is more than enough time to accomplish your goal but if your not paying attention, you can get side tracked. Maybe you think, "I need to earn some money" so you do that and next thing you know, you are running out of time.

    Unfortunatly, there is nothing, at least as of yet to really remind you what your current task is.

    End Game:
    As of writing this review, there is no end to the first level. Dont worry about running out of time before the trial. Just play and have some fun and play. If you run out of time, it doesnt matter because the game literally will not progress to the point where you might fail.

    Play the game and give it a shot. You will not regret it.
    Likes: Rolo
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the trainer with the most promise I've seen in a very long time. Fun, a good amount of sexy and playful, and incredible art so far. As long as the devs can keep focused and avoid getting too ambitious and burning out, this will be a classic before too much longer.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a nice lovely game. Simple graphics, but so lovely an perfectly done…

    Excellent atmosphere, funny and thrilling. Creative ideas, sometimes so absurd :ROFLMAO: .

    For a v0.2 the content is already quite something. So I am really looking forward for more of this geniusly done work.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    the art is nice wow and its 2d and the game has animated. the art that ass..
    but still the game is 0.1 i wait to these game to be at 0.5+ and it will have a meaty content. good luck to ya!

    the game i rate it 5 stars animated + that good art ... ow meeenn
    Likes: Rolo
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    As the fact Kingdom Hearts adult parody games are pretty scarce, a lot of people will want to jump at this, depending on your own tastes. As of now, it is not fully my cup of tea as of yet due to the choice of MC but the artwork, plot and gameplay elements it offers so far is excellent and I am hoping there will be some future updates that can peak my interest but overall, this is a good project I hope will cover everyone tastes eventually.