Content not allowed on Patreon


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Define "forbidden".
Based on ToS most games on this site are on the chopping block.
It appears to me that some things are more forbidden than others which is what I want to know.

For games with Mind Control and Corruption the Mechanics are more imbedded than others.
Forbidden based on ToS, yes. If they can't effectively enforce their own rules that's another story, but most games on this site talk about roommates and landladies for a reason. All in all, just do what you want, the ball will always be on their court. Considering you're not doing anything blatantly illegal, the worst scenario is getting banned from Patreon

zombie goast

Jun 13, 2020
Honestly, you should just go straight to Subscribestar. Unless you want your online tip handler getting delusions of grandeur trying to take away your brand for their own, you're best off not even giving Patreon a second glance.