HTML - Corrupt Life [v0.99] [Kinkzgames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Corrupt Life [v0.45] - 1 / 5

    If I had to sum this game up in just two words, I would say "a mess" (heads up, I'm probably gonna use that word a lot in this review). Imo almost every part of this game needs an overhaul.
    Starting with the look of the game (as it's the first thing I noticed), it's cluttered, unstylized, and not pleasing on the eyes. A good example of everything wrong style wise is the sidebar. At the top there's the plain title, then the names of characters (which are not there when you first boot up the game which confused me at first), then some stats that aren't labeled followed by those names and stats repeated for a 2nd time but now with pictures of each character too. Lastly, at the very bottom, you have hints, cheats, and your usual save/restart buttons. This could easily be cleaned up, but in it's current state it's just a mess, with seemingly little to no thought put into the UX side of things.
    Next, there's no clear objective or list of tasks in the game to complete. I think the game just expects you to know when you download this game that there is at least some nsfw content in this game and so with that in mind, you're just expected to keep clicking until you finally reach it.
    A great example of this is in the work option you have on your computer in your bedroom. Why would I work? There's no money in the game (at least that I can tell), I don't seem to be earning any money, and while I did once get a scene after working, I haven't gotten another once since.
    One last major gameplay issue is the concept of time or rather the lack thereof. There's an option to sleep in your bedroom but never a real reason why you would want to (aside from possibly accessing some scenes). There's no concept of energy in this game and everyone else is awake 24/7. You can click through options til the sun explodes without any consequences.

    In Conclusion:
    I have a soft spot for real porn html games. I really wanted to go into this and like it and above all, I really wanted to give this at least 2 stars, meaning that while it's not great, there's at least some promise that it could be better. In it's current state however, I really can't confidently say that.
    The devs really need to go back to square one and refine their core gameplay mechanics. Give the game something other than the possibility of accidentally seeing porn if you click enough. Once that's at least in place and working (getting it perfect will take time and many updates), then the devs can worry about adding more scenes (porn) to the game.
    I'm going to keep an eye out for this game. I'd really like to try this game again in a few weeks or months and to be able to say its something worth trying and playing for yourself but for the time being, I'd say to avoid this one.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Could be god but there is no organization in terms of player playability. Give us more organization, provide hints that show something is not developed. Do not send players into a blank screen because it is not developed. Give players a warning or ability to back out of a situation. Do not rely upon the back button baked into html games.
    edit: there is no way to know if what im doing leads to domething. it is just random. That does not allow player control in any sense. Random is fine but the way it is set up in this game is terrible. I should know if certain characters will be in a certain areas based on a certain hour of the day. Currently it is nonsense.
    Being able to click an area of the home an unlimited amount of times to repeat thing is not beneficial to a game. Give the player a sense of time or something so the player knows moire.

    The player has zero clue as to the pasage of time or what their actions will do. I click to randomly to understand what each click will do for me. The game is nonsense hoping you as a player take the time to figure out the nonsense.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    the models, pics and gif are decent, and the corruption progress is good.

    bunch of features are left unexplained (such as there being 2 paths for each character)
    TERRIBLE UI and navigation.
    a lot of bugs.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly not worth the time spent to download, really buggy and no clear progression. Many rooms are dead ends, sometimes sex scenes pop up when you don't any relationship with that person, very little text explaining anything. Needs significant work.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    At this point, the game is largely devoid of logic or game play. The GIFs and pics are nice enough but completely random. The characters are not the same talent each time. It's an early version and it will certainly get better.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Updated to 3-star for 0.94 release. Still a click fest, but the dev persistently added content to the game to fill-in the holes and create a more vivid environment. Furthermore I dont recall a real porn game which has perfectioned the idea of negative and positive behaviour / scale to this degree and created a bi-symmetrical content set.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    0.2 release:
    Ok, everyone was supportive with the first game, but I guess most will expect a bit more from second game. I honestly hope KinkzGamez actually wants to work on this game, not just add more uncompressed visual content. Time for some programming and pre-release testing. This was pain.

    Good: Dev has good taste in porn, nice selections

    Bad: Everything else.
    - no story, no logic, no idea what to do. Not that you need to do anything, this is just a rapid porn delivery system.
    - Dead links, dead ends, bugs beyond count. Overall from functionality perspective looks like a 0.01 Alpha release
    - I think its better to just go through art in the folder on your own. Put it on shuffle, literally better experience as the game, with less clicking.