Ok, in my opinion all the systems that let you do things as many times as you want feel "exploitable" when it comes to game balance, and as a result make the game feel really "grindy" (FAR too many clicks per game day). I think almost all of them should get limits (or heavy diminishing returns) depending on which system we are talking about. Then their numbers can be balanced based on those limits to adjust the progression systems which involve them. Below are a few examples, and "Simple Solutions" within the current systems (if you open the door to solutions outside the systems, or system redesigns, then it becomes less worth while to talk about the current issues, and better to simply focus on designing less problematic systems). Also, I know that there are murmurs of Sponsors getting "Reworked", Exams getting "Redesigned", and that Home Visits are a "Placeholder" currently. So, I have high hopes these things will be better in the future, but I will still give some simple short term solutions that can be implemented as "Stop gaps" to improve the current state of the game so the bigger plans can take the time they need so they can arrive in their best state.
1. Home Visits - Currently this is the biggest "offender" when it comes to "grind", and somehow it becomes the most important system for girl/mother progression. As soon as you can get your foot in the door you can "Confiscate some clothing" (without actually taking anything) for Affection EXP at a cost of 15 minutes, "Train attribute" (Corruption until "How about a kiss", or "Fun", then Naturism/Affection til maxed) at a cost of 15 minutes, and "How about a kiss?" at no time cost for Corruption EXP (until you get one sex scene which lets you max corruption, OR just grind this for free). THEN you still have the Mother's 0 time cost Fear reduction, 0 time cost Corruption EXP from "Kiss" (once unlocked), and again if you ever get a sex scene from a random event, "Free Use Law" dialogue option, "Fun" dialogue option, ect. you can max Corruption in one go...or just grind "Kiss" at no time cost. Not to mention if you skip one 15 minutes action on any of your first 6 visits you can visit all 7 of your early game girls EVERY DAY after class. That makes for one class, and 7 home visits 5 days a week!
Simple Solution - Limit number of Home Visits per day (right in the phone where it says "Arranging Home Visit" there could be "X/Y" where X is how many you have done and Y is the limit). Instead replace stat grind, for girls, with "Passive Stat Gain" through the "Homework" system by adding more varied options targeting each stat.
2. Sex Actions - Currently Lick Ass/Pussy (use whichever is higher sensitivity for increasing Arousal), and Grope Boobs/Thighs (use whichever is higher sensitivity for decreasing pressure, keeping in mind that orgasms' also lower pressure), are the only two buttons you need until you choose how to end the session (something that makes the player orgasm)(and I guess technically clicking remove for any clothing at the start).
Simple Solution - Diminishing Returns, Each action starts at 100% efficacy and reduce through repeated use (something like 100 > 50 > 25 > 10 from there on, OR 100 > 70 > 40 >10, ect.) OR you can make it only be reduced if used in the last "X" amount of actions (Example: 10% if last action, 25% if used in the last three actions, 50% if used in the last five actions, otherwise 100%, or something along those lines). If this takes too much work to be considered a "Simple Solution" just add a Timer/Turn-Counter/ect. for now.
3. Sponsor Request - Currently you can ask for additional request as many times as you want, you receive the same about of Reputation (not Sponsor Relationship) for something that takes 1 girl/panty/ect. as 4 girls/panties/ect., you can complete as many as you want in a given week. All of these leads to different issues.
Simple Solution - Cap on the number you can "Fulfill" each week (scaling with Sponsor Relationship), AND Reputation equal to the "Requested Amount" (for girls and Panties). This would lead to you wanting to complete the hardest ones you could, work with many different sponsors, and place a goal for each week of "Hitting Max Fulfillment"(more so if there was like a bonus for doing so).
4. Academy Rules/PTA - Honestly the PTA feels like it should be more a way to "Inform" the mothers about changes based on player progression (like Tuition Increases based on Academy Prestige, Dress Code updates based on having a certain number of girls at a certain level of naturism/affection, and introduction of new "Acts" to the "Free-Use Law" based on having a certain number of girls at a certain level of Corruption)(Girl/Mother Request/Escorts would just combine the two needing both a certain number of girls/mothers at a certain stat level AND Requiring the appropriate Act of the Free-Use Law). Of course, there would still be PTA Votes on things that made since to vote on like spending school funding to add additional subjects to the curriculum, getting approval to spend funding on increasing the size of the classrooms (more students), and adding facilities/assigning space to extra curricular activities like Photo/Video Club. I said all of this to say that this feel like a good place for a big change, but I will still offer a...
Simple Solution - Replace "Difficulty" on Dress Code and Free-Use Law with a Reputation requirement (and just set difficulty to 0 when met, for now), start the game with "Enforce Uniform" unlocked (and remove the "Forced Outerless" requirement), and adjust difficulty on "Max Students", "Additional Exam Subjects", and "Photo/Video Club" keeping in mind they are the only things that really require a vote at this point (if you implement the other changes I suggested). I would also revisit up front cost for "Dress Code" related stuff since it isn't really logical, and is (apparently) an issue for some. Enforce Uniform could have a weekly cost, but still have the option to deactivate it, since it would be like the school is providing the uniforms.
For a simple "Dress Code" rework you could have two subsections "Enforced Uniform" and "Banned Items". Anything under the "Enforced Uniform" could have a weekly cost, and anything under the "Banned Items" you could confiscate. This would allow for progressing "Enforced Uniform" from "No enforcement" to "School Uniform" to "Lingerie" (in the current system) with "Forced Underwear" being more of a special rule. Where as, "Banned Items" would cover all the "Forced Xless" rules.
5. Exam Actions - Currently you only need enough Affection from this to get invited to the HEAVILY exploitable "Home Visits" system, and then it just becomes a panty collection mini game.
Simple Solution - Lock actions behind the progression of the "Free-Use" Academy Rules (unlocking the actions instead of making them tolerated with said rules), and just let the stats determine the report chance (instead of the chance of success IMO). This will give a feeling of progression vs literally being able to just get a girls pants, and panties, off and just sticking it in...all while in the first class ever.
OK, honestly I could go on and on talking about every system in the game, but that doesn't seem productive. I noticed multiple people pointing out issues with this or that, and making suggestion. So, I just thought I would give my two cents as well since I just played the first month again, purposely not unlocking the Photo/Video Shot stuff, and managed to get 7 girls to 100/100/100 Affection/Naturism/Corruption all while collecting a horde of panties for the sponsors. I also had enough money to do all the Academy Upgrades (minus "Campus-Wide Renovations" and the clinic stuff) when I added 4 of those 7 to Alumni to progress the main story goals, and prepare for my second wave of students (and my eventual dive into Photo/Video shoots after my experimentation with the early/early-mid game ends).
All in all I really have high hopes for this game, and I'm (mostly) enjoying my time with it now. I would love to see the development style shift from "Hotfixes > Tweak Current Systems = Add New Systems/Features" to "Hotfixes > Add Simple Solutions to Current Systems = Develop a "Development Road Map" (Possibly make it public, but without dates, just a priority list for systems/features to be updated/added) > Add New Systems/Features".
Finally, sorry about the wall of text. Thanks to anyone that took the time to read it all, just know that your time is valuable and I appreciate you using it to read my thoughts.