VN - Ren'Py - Corrupted Hearts [v0.6 Part A] [Sinful Studios]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    We can highlight first of all the well-groomed graphics, and a little audio, and I'll stop here, then it's just a continuous contradiction in the plot, it talks about hearts, it talks about espionage, but in all reality, it's just a plot about how to turn a married spy into a nymphomaniac. everything is planned, even the choices do not influence.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.5 Part B]

    Lets be honest if you are here I would assume that you enjoy corruption/NTR games/VNs and like the dev said if you don't enjoy em this game aint for you

    Now with that clear, what I like about this VN is the story complexity without losing its core which is NTR or adultery theme you can call it what you want

    slow corruption ++
    Renders are good and Clara/fmc is a beuty +
    Hot sex scenes ++
    updates are short but frequent (less than a year from first release story is moving in a good pace) +

    People here complaining about bad ends and choices that do not alter much *YET*, clearly never played a Japanese visual novel before
    minor choices that don't change the plot are common in those
    plus, dev clearly stated that real plot branching not yet started
    some choices you make may not matter now but they will influence the endgame for sure
    over all great VN I highly remand it
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty standard NTR game honestly.

    Hot FMC, MC with performance issues, plot where no one can make rational decisions. FMC will do everything with everyone else but the moment she sees a out of context kiss....better cheat, even on the supposed faithful path.

    Choices dont really matter. Can't really avoid the main story beats no matter what you do. Choices only effect scenes with side characters (from what i could tell), but that was obvious when the first choice out the gate kills you.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Im Commander Shepard and this is my favorite game on F95 :BootyTime: ,

    Don't believe those neg comment from blue ball fans. This is what an actual Porn game should look like , A story with continuous action and a great developer with regular updates. A must play game for all.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game, developing better and better.
    First I was not surewhere the game goes, but recently the NTR path developed really hot.
    Can recommend this to people who are into NTR and cheating topic.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The Game started slow but with V0.5 the Game has Really turned up to be one of the most Talked about Games.
    The Graphics are damn Good just like the Story that makes sense.
    Also I love the characters that are very well made, and fits very good into the Game.
    I`m becoming a fan of Anna with every release and hope it continues with Regular updates.
    Worth my Support.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, that is becoming better the more you play.
    Author's improvements through the life of this game are incredible.

    Although this score is for the second half of the game - not the first one.
    ...but please, no remake.
    Remakes. Are. Sin.

    + Great models. 10/10. Especially love the FMC.
    + Good environments.
    - But something's off with the scenes. They shouldn't feel this plain - like staring at a white wall - not with such good models.
    I think it's the flaccid lighting. I guess it's one of these times when the scenes would really benefit from the colored shadows - contrasting with the main light source.

    ...actually, the same as art.
    Not mentioning an overly stretched intro (no, it's not a build-up - you can deliver the same with much less time and word count; or even better - without it at all - just throw the team into the enemy layer and deliver their history during the hot sex scenes)

    But other than that!

    + The story is very good.
    Motivations and obstacles, that characters have to juggle, are believable and complex - and
    they feed directly into the hot sex scenes. And into promises on them.
    - But the delivery is, well - like art. Flaccid?
    The words are good - and hot at times - but there's too little contrast between different sentences.
    So you read one sentence. Then the next one - and it'll have the same tone, the same emotion, the same thought.
    And the words are good. But then you read the next one. And then the next one. And there's almost no difference.
    Like staring at a white wall.
    Weird feeling.

    Some - irrelevant.
    Some are good. With several foreshadowings, and when you make a choice - it's a choice of a kink (in a porn game! shocking).
    "You into femdom?" Yes/No.
    Without taking you out of the story. Well blended into the narrative. The choice that is relevant to the player's personality and the core meaning of the porn game.

    From now on it's literally my golden standard of game choices.

    - But some choices are... "You want more content? Act like a piece of shit. You want it, don't you, you fricking fuck. You want this content, you slime of a human?"
    No, I don't want more content. That's exactly why I downloaded this fucking game.
    Jesus 'Fucking' Christ.

    So in conclusion:
    "Why's the score so high if it's that controversial?"
    Cos the
    sex scenes ARE hot.
    Cos the story's funneling seamlessly into the
    sex scenes.
    Cos characters (and their obstacles) are complex enough - so the tension in the
    sex scenes is equally complex and entertaining. Without it becoming just stale ass porking.

    Cos the author improved an incredible amount through the course of this single game.
    And I'm looking for more.

    ...and cos I learned something new about the game design after this game. Yeah.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The depravity of the female protagonist in the interesting storyline was exciting.
    The rapid development was excellent, but I hope that too much sexual progress will not be overstretched to overcome that rapid development.
    I also liked the modeling of the female protagonist.
    And the scene where I caress my armpits stimulated me. Please do the scene for footguy too Dev ;)
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I find the story interesting, alot of mystery that still needed to be revealed. It's my first review for this game and I will change it in future if I don't like the story.
    First star for giving a good story.
    Second star is for not holding sexual contents, I can understand as compared to other games it's a little early..but that's how the other games milked so far and the audience got used to it. Thanks for breaking the shit milking trend and giving the scenes with ongoing story.
    Third star for keep building up the nature of characters involved in the story slowly and at the same time still keeping the suspense.

    I rate these stars because my ratings are purely based on how the main story plot is moving forward and I liked it with alot of possibilities. Where people can keep guessing many different outputs of the story and not the obvious ending.
    I hope Clara won't be portrayed as a whore in the end but yes keep up the sexual content whenever the main plot required it. Thanks for not holding it back.

    I deducted one star because nowadays standard of VNs are so much high render quality wise so I think quality of renders / animation and the way of story telling can be improved. You can go through all high quality VNs created by amazing artists and can get an idea on how they are showing character interaction within the story for better story telling which amused gamers. There are few times in the game where there are only texts in the screen from any MC's POV, you can put an animation or background images of those characters with some expression of thinking where you show only texts from their POVs. It's faster now by showing just texts yes but that way it will be more interactive.
    I will change my ratings in future if story wise it will become boring .. it's too soon for me to rate the novel now but still giving rating to not get disappointed from user review and for the courage to break the milking trend of games of same genre.
    Please don't make it totally 100% sex and whore kind of story going forward. But do show sex if the story requires it. Try to keep up the climax and the mystery of the story and keep the audience guessing and reveal it when the time comes.
    I took 2 stars because 1st of render quality and second because of story telling way...I can understand X is trying to seperate ALan and CLara..via leon and Anna...but the motive is not defined in the story at all....It should be defined before hand...whether its family fight or if someone from Clara and Alan did something against some person....Else there is no point of showing and playing corrupt route just for sex scene. The motive of X and why he is trying to seperate Alan and Clara is not defined.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Visually, the game looks great.
    The characters are beautiful
    The sex scene is great
    There are a lot of dialogues, which is a plus for me personally.

    Don't expect anything special from the story . She's as stupid as most NTR-style games (As an example, he kissed her, I'm going to fuck his worst enemy) well, that's something like that. Husband and wife are a clear example of low IQ . The actions in this game are illogical, so people get angry. That's why people don't like the game, because there's no logic, you don't have a choice either, you just follow the plot, nothing really changes.After updating 0.5 Part, I realized that it would just be diologues and actions even dumber than they were. If you like illogical games where the wife is a whore, well, just a whore and that's it, who will find 100,000 reasons to climb on someone else's dick, who will blame you for kissing, then this is the game for you.

    In this game, there are no consequences for the wife of the main character, she just absorbs dicks like a black hole in space. And I can't find any reason why the main character should fight for this woman? Why can't the main character be made a director at the end? Having deceived both his wife and everyone else, because such behavior must be answered to the fullest extent.

    But alas, the ending of the game will be the same as many games of this genre
    I did it for you.
    Oh, what a good wife you are, I forgive you hahahahaha and kisses her on the lips in which someone has already finished before him.

    I came here to feel the story, not stupidly look at pictures where someone is fucked. It's better to watch porn, it's at least faster.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This VN is just bad. It's one thing to play an MC who is a cuck or one who is clueless but the first choice is a game over choice and you can choose to be a pussy who would compromise their integrity or not. If you decide to not compromise your integrity, then game over. I mean... come on. Just tell the story you want to tell and skip the game over choices. The dev is essentially forcing you to choose a particular route so just put us on the route and move on. If I don't like the story then or the characters, then I will quit and uninstall the game. It is not necessary to put in a game over choice.

    Let's be honest, some devs try to make Ren'py VNs into something that resembles a game. Ren'py is a VN tool. Put in some hidden photos, add some achievements, do some stat tracking if you want, but at the end of the day, tell the dang story. You want people to enjoy themselves, not feel like the choice they made is the wrong one. Don't ask an integrity question and then punish the reader with a game over for making that choice. The wife shouldn't have even asked the hubby the question, that is one she should have made on her own. I guess now she can blame the husband for her bad choices moving forward. Let's hope the husband doesn't tell her to jump off a cliff.

    Whatever. This story has some potential but right now it is a train wreck. It's too bad; the dev seems to have some talent and I do wish them luck, but for me, while this is not the worst story out there, it needs a lot of work before it is worth my time.

    Good luck to the dev. I hope I am in the minority and I really hope you do well.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Corrupted Hearts is an ABN that surrounds it self with a couple whom one is a hacker and the other is assassin through a highly classified mission.

    This is an awesome showcase of slow burn NTR which I'm a big fan of. This is not a bimbo house wife whom fucks every guy because she pleases so. The wife is a loving partner whom hates being unfaithful to her husband but must do so for the betterment for each other and the mission. Not to mention that the wife is an absolute bad ass as well. The renders are very solid as well. The characters are also very solid as well that showcases many scenarios in the future. The VN is split into two perspectives into the MC and all protagonist which makes it very interesting and hot when comparing each other.

    My only gripe about the AVN is it has far too much writing and that sometimes I just get super confused. I'm not an avid reader but sometimes the games just delves too much and makes it complicated for the audience to comprehend.

    If you're of a slow burn NTR fan with a spy story this would be just perfect for you!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Version v0.4.5b SE

    There is a lot to like about this game, but I think there are a few areas for improvement as well.


    • I've always liked the split point of view in Japanese NTR games, so it's good to see that adopted here. It puts me on edge, guessing what is going on, adding an extra layer of excitement.
    • The slow burn and corruption are done well; Clara starts off quite prude, and her dignity slowly strips away (pun unintended).
    • The plot is interesting enough without being too absurd like many NTR games, where the faithful wife just sleeps around without any legitimate reasons.
    • The wife looks pretty hot. Extra points for the bush, and more points if it disappears as she becomes more promiscuous.

    • There's a constant use of a wall of text as an exposition dump, and they seem to get longer and longer as the story progresses.
    • Lewd scenes could be better. Dialogues are fine, but visually poor. I suggest adding more facial expressions without overdoing it and better establishing that Clara is beautiful. More images showcasing her body and charm (e.g., in sexy but tasteful positions before or during the action) would be beneficial.
    • The plot tries too hard to be intricate, with scheme on top of scheme, which could become ridiculous and unrealistic very quickly.
    • I'm not a fan of Anna's storyline, but that's just a matter of preference.
    I know I'm being picky, but overall, it's a solid 4 stars. Looking forward to future updates.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The pace of the story and character development is really well done. It's an engaging VN. The slow corruption of the wife without the husbands knowledge creates a kind of tension and tease that NTR fans will enjoy. The wife, while not the most attractive, is still pretty hot. And bonus, she actually has a bush. A rare site these days. I'm a big fan of this game and look forward to the next update(s).
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Story is quite good in terms of corruption and netorare. Very interesting story. Oh, my CHLARA is so HOT!! Also renders and characters are very appealing. But would like to have more larger updates regarding number of renders.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like schlocky spy thrillers I think you will enjoy this game. It follows a law enforcement team working undercover to infiltrate a shadowy company.

    But the real drama comes from the relationships of the team members, which includes a married couple (the MCs), a female subordinate who has a crush on the husband, and a cocky new guy from the husband's past.

    Watching these characters interact should keep you invested, even if the wider spy plot doesn't grab you. I particularly liked that the main characters don't follow the usual tropes. For example, the wife is a force to be reckoned with rather than the usual bimbo who gets corrupted. And the guy from the husband's past isn't just a dumb jock bully. There's a lot more going on beneath the surface.

    On the downside, the plot can get bogged down with a lot of text. This can be a slog to get through. Also, the choices are pretty limited (around 15 total so far) but most of them are meaningful at least.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    This is a terrible game, if you can call it that.

    The story is a mess and the writing is bad. I have no idea how other reviewers could see this as a good story. Imagine a sweaty teenager trying to write a suspenseful thriller - that's the story here. Maybe because of inner thoughts spelled out?
    Plus half of it is just long infodumps in blocks of text over the screen. Ever heard of "show don't tell"? Well, the "writer" thinks this means showing a page of the book on the screen. Renders are bad, sex scene is not good.

    Good Things

    • Struggling to find anything

    Bad points

    • Bad writing
    • Low-quality renders
    • Bad sex scene
    • Infodumps in pure walls of text
    • No choices
    • Low-effort trash
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome, it is top 3 best game for me The story is best mc Not stupid like other game
    In the future I hope Mc use condoms. At least it adds realism. It will definitely be fun.
    I like clara with Harrison the best femdom
    Thx for best game 100/100
  19. 5.00 star(s)



    A rare western dev that truly understands the slow corruption netorare progression. I'm talking about real NTR, not netorase or cuckoldry which is much more common outside of Japan.

    A lot of attention has been given to flesh out the character personalities, relationships, and motivations, as well as the main plot set up which will form the basis of the stressor that gives the wife a reason to go behind the male MC's back for 'his own protection.' There is also an obsessed tertiary protagonist whose role remains to be seen. She would most likely get her own NTR route, but it's within the realm of possibilites that she gets a good route with the MC, maybe. It just depends on how many branches the dev is prepared to write. The NTR routes will be the core, from what I've read about the dev statements.

    There is a bit of repetition at the beginning as we cycle through the same conversation from the three different points of view at the beginning. After some feedback, the dev has adjusted the narrative style going forward, minimizing showing the same conversations from different POVs unless it's really necessary.

    The renders are on the sparse side. The render to text ratio is quite low. That said, the models are hot and the writing is quite good. Don't get me wrong, as with most NTR, better communication between the leads would probably stop the whole thing from happening, but the dev does a better job than most in making their decisions plausible enough.

    Just remember that this is a slow corruption NTR. It will take some time until things get really juicy.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The main idea in the story is not the professional activity of the characters, but a long-standing personal dislike! Leon is a smart guy who skillfully uses his official position to study the weaknesses of Clara and her husband in order to achieve his goal! The goal may be not only sex with Clara, but also something scary. Clara was reminded of the specifics of her work and forced to have intimate contacts with a nasty young and elderly character, and both caused her not only disgust, but also unhealthy excitement! As a result, Leon heard important information that Clara had not yet experienced an orgasm! So the first one who brings her to orgasm will get control. All feelings and experiences are shown on a very intimate and delicate level and it is fascinating! I wonder with whom and how this will happen? I am looking forward to the development of events...:love: