Ren'Py - Corrupted Kingdoms [v0.21.6] [ArcGames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Game starts out great but eventually turns into a hyper confusing overly complicated war map bs with no clear direction on where to go as its all open world rng stat collection. You are given "leads" which are supposed to help you get the story progressed but they are often to omega vague you'll go several updates from the dev while still making literally 0 progress
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, high variety of chars but also gameplay wise, you can earn money, buy houses, shatter some chars, change what the chars call you, high variety in scenes, can change outfits of characters, theres a lot to do, alot of sidequest,
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The plot(s) in this shift like sand but there's always something to do and the little stories are nice. This game is massive in terms of activities and never seems to end. Little side characters everywhere, but they sadly don't get much of anything beyond a handfull of story bits if that and some repeatable scenes, and I REALLY wish I could do more with them. Even the "carded characters" seem to be done with rather quickly with no further evolution., and eventually the scenes all feel kinda - "samey"? But the characters are all interesting and likeable for the most part. No really rough content, but the feeling if not being sure weather the people with you are following you because they actually like you or you just implanted the suggestion is sometimes unsure.
    It gets very disjointed as the things to unlock some activities tend to overlap with each other, so the things you want to persue end up taking a seat behind a line of other activities and mini mechanics. It feels like 10 unfinished games just grafted onto one and I wish some of them had more depth and reward, but I want everything. Regardless, all the little mini stories are charming, if short. The main plot and the side bits seem woven together pretty well overall and nothing big feels truly disconnected from everything else.
    The designs are mostly good and the dialogue is cheesy but decently written (I often find the MC thinking the exact thing I just was wondering) even if there are a but of oddities and nonsensical things everywhere as the plot never takes itself *TOO* seriously for very long.
    Overall if you want something to get lost exploring around in, there's no reason not to try it out. I'm glad I tried this myself.

    TLDR: I would DIE for this tiny, flying idiot
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely insane. It goes from a life sim game where modern, eldritch horror, and high fantasy elements mix together, to a murder mystery (???), to a gotta-catch-em-all style baby maker sim, to a fucking grand conquest game, and it does it all competently. Add on top of this great characters, with some archetypes which I usually universally hate, but love here, and humor that made be stop playing to I could catch my breath from laughing. A great example of would be that I absolutely fucking hate mascot characters that are with you 24/7 (cough Persona 5 Morgana cough). Here, I love Pixie. All of this with a great main character, a trait not even found in some highly regarded visual novels. What the fuck?

    The only true gripe I have with the game is how almost every character, even some minor ones, know more than you about what's going on with the plot, and seem to revel in or act coy about not letting you in on it. A lot of games have that one annoying character that speaks in riddles. In this game, about 1/3rd of the characters could audition to be the Riddler himself (one of the characters literally cosplays as him). It gets pretty annoying when it happens over and over again, even if it's clearly plot relevant. But, even then, the main character always acts out his frustration in a cathartic way that always makes me feel a bit better about it. The porn also isn't anything to write home about, it's just Koikatsu, but the scenarios are pretty hot. Not recommended for a fap.

    Absolutely an amazing game. Came for the porn. Stayed for "Punished" Ami.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Ballistic 9029

    I would absolutely change my rating if this game were finished, but it's not, and setting aside the slow development, it probably won't be for a long time.

    It's been in development for around 5 years at the time of writing, and while it holds a special place in my heart, it has a lot of ups and downs developmentally.

    This is really the ultimate game of never having enough of it.

    First 2 acts are gold standard, simple adult story telling, it has mystery, comedy, horror, all of it. It blends many different themes and tones fairly well and it has a bit of something for every body from romance to corruption, to action, to "action", to heroic battle shonen, to mysterious conspiracy theories-

    It's a lot, and when it's good it's VERY good. I would even say it has the potential to be PERFECT...if/when it's complete.

    It's not really that updates are slow so much, as they have dramatically had less content as the third act has proceeded, I don't count that against the game in my score but it's something to be aware of.

    The best mindset to have going into this game is VERY much all or nothing.

    Either go all in, knowing that (if you're reading this in the near future) you're gonna be waiting for weeks, possibly months or years to see the game reach it's full potential-

    Or forget about this game and come back when it's listed as complete, whether that's months from now, years from now or never.

    The ONE thing I can promise to anyone reading this, is that your first playthrough of this game (if you're someone who is interested in actual story, plot and gameplay with your lewds) will be one of the BEST experiences you'll ever have with an H-game-

    Until you run out of game to play, either because it'll be over, or because you'll have to wait for more.

    I personally go a couple months between updates, but I honestly think the ideal way to play this, is do it once now if you can't wait to try it, and then maybe come back in a year or so and do another playthrough after you've had some time to forget.

    I play irregularly simply because I check on ALL my games that I follow like that. But it's not for everyone.

    The WAITING is not for everyone.

    But the GAME can be for anyone, just be aware that it's very much a blend between a traditional sandbox visual novel, various gaming mechanics, and lewd scenes that happen mostly optionally. You can play and replay sex scenes as much as you like, and this is one of the few games where having kids ACTUALLY matters, in fact it may be the ONLY game I have found on this ENTIRE site where the kids you have actually become characters-

    It's very character driven, very story driven, and if you like a good old visual novel in a sandbox with branching paths and some sex, it's probably for you.


    I put this at a 4/5 due to the incompleteness of the game.

    We shouldn't let update schedule effect our ratings, so I'm not, but the rest of the game ain't here yet. Subjectively though, I'd say the game is anywhere between a 3 and 5 stars depending on the content of whatever update you're playing, sometimes you go months and come back to 10-30 minutes of new gameplay, other times you go for a few weeks and there's almost an entire new story added to the game, and everything is on fire until the rest is added.

    Overall, I love the game, and hate wanting more. But hey, that's how it is with WIP games sometimes. As of writing, the top 4 games on this site are ALL works in progress that have been in development for 2-4 years, if it's not being counted against those games, I can't count it against this one either. That's just game dev.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Seeing the reviews of this, I now understand why my experience was so different: 99% were really there to play a game and not porn.
    I'll get to the point: Do you want a game with a story? Go ahead and try it. Do you want a game with porn? Good luck with that; Since in one or two hours of playing the only thing I have seen has been repeated scenes or endless dialogue. And it's not that I lack patience, but it's not the first time that a game exploits dialogue to rude levels; levels to which I will not be the one who is going to get into that cage.
    It's not that it's torture, but I spent more time pressing ctrl than making any decisions.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly love this game.
    Jumping dementions, trying to save the world, Corrupted Goverment, horny girls, it has it all.
    And to top it off the MC has powers as well as many of the girls.

    Sadly Patreon has banded the game because the MC can have children with the girls, as well as one of his girlfriends has a little sister.

    There are many different species of girls in this game.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Just wanted to get this short review posted, as i started writing it months ago and forgot about it. Even then, the review is based on memories of playing the game that are even older (1.5 years at least) so some things written may not reflect the current state of Corrupted Kingdoms.

    Summary (A few soft spoilers, beware): A lot of time has passed since I last played. MC lives a normal life, but somehow gets entangled in a sinister plot by dark forces on account of his heritage. After having an awakening and learning the basics of his supernatural powers he starts to train various skills while also getting advice from his clown of a granddad, who runs a dojo. We also reestablish a life while hiding from an mostly evil, yet morally grey organization. Most girls we get to meet and bang are humans with a fair number of demi-humans thrown in. At some point, we start to own and run a couple businesses ventures. We also enter other realms to help some of our otherworldly acquaintances.

    A plot where the MC gains certain supernatural powers. The premise is pretty good.
    - Decent if you are looking for a quick relief and have some scenes in the gallery already.
    - A simple skill system that does a good job at making it seem like MC, who initially is a wimpy perv, growing to become fairly competent, but not out of nowhere.
    - Knocking up most of the girls, and in this one you actually get to interact with the children.

    Mehs and hit/miss:
    -The ratio between likable, neutral and unlikable characters put the cast in the meh rating.
    - Navigating the world can become a bit tedious.

    As is too common in the AVN medium, males are all villains, goons and comedic relief. Except for our dear alpha MC.
    - Plot started slow in act 1, started to go strong in the opening of act 2, then quickly started going nowhere fast with almost all new content being fluff and side character scenes.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Good Game, but the Game doesn't live up to it's name of "CORRUPTED" Kingdom.
    The Game has Corruption element, that the MC can use, but the Devoloper made it so that you can't use that power except maybe besides some 1-2 situations. There are choices to dominate other Girls, which is neat, but that's just one sex scene, doesn't really affect their personality through and through.

    All in all, The Game has a Decent story, which is really easy to follow and play (Something that is very rare in porn games these days). But other than that, calling the game "Corrupted" without having some actual hardcore Corruption is a dumb move, Just call it Harem Kingdom or whatever. Regardless, this is the only thing that truly pissed me off about this Game, other than that, I would say this Game feels more like Watching a Anime with a Decent story, all the H-scenes so far and in between, that you are never gonna end up fapping to this Game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games of its genre. The game has a good number of characters, it has many places to explore, and some of these places generate random events with other characters, the art is good, well crafted, the game is visually beautiful and the story is interesting. The only downside is that the game is not finished with an ending yet, however, it is updated every week by the developers.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The game starts off with "now you can explore everything and do what you want! You can decide which girls to chase, and events aren't time-bound, you can do them everytime".

    The reality of the game looks different. Events actually are time-bound, I had to skip time and come back on another day often. Sometimes I couldn't progress with the bar girl because "the bar is too full, maybe I should try it later" (but that comes right before night time and at night the bar is closed).

    Sometimes progress is hard blocked by stats you need to aquire, which you only get by going elsewhere and find new girls. And sometimes you can't progress with a girl for no reason. For instance, I wanted to progress with Annie, but after two quests there is nothing to do. Probably hardlocked behind another quest somewhere else.

    So the open world is totally unecessary since you can't play the game you want. That being said, the visuals aren't really good either. The girls look like little children and therefore not so sexy, and MCs dick looks like a plastic toy.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the Best adult game i've played. Special props to the writing... Layered characters, twists and turns but substantially carried. Opportunities to let out darker side without making you feel like a monster... Dunno, just a game made by people that understand players of these games (keep in mind I talk in averages, I'm well aware we are a collective with pretty wide extremes).

    Ps. One more bad thing happening to Ami and I you will get an Eldritch visit.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    the thematic is what i most like from this game, tbh thinking that this is just a part of what it could be makes me pretty happy so i'll be keeping an eye for upcoming updates n.n.

    Pd: i'm a manic for monster girls in general *---*
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    imersive game, best history, best animations, best interactions, agora vou terminar em portugues:

    Seloco brabo demais, nunca tinnha jogado um jogo imersivo assim, passei 13 horas jogando saporra, o lance de controlar as pessoas é o diferencial. é como se fosse minecraft no modo criativo;
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Enough people have already listed out the pros and cons of this game so I'm not gonna bother repeating their points and want to instead say how impressive the progress on this game is. I check back in every couple months and every time I'm amazed with how much new content has been added to the game. Of course the argument can be made that feature creep can occur if you do it the wrong way. However, especially with seeing how other games progress (or don't) over years and years with as much added to them as to this one in weeks to months this dev is as hard working as it gets and I'd like to commend them for their work ethic in a field dominated by some of the laziest, least grateful mfers who have one of the most chill jobs possible, working on something that grew from a passion and being paid insane amounts by their fans while doing jack shit.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the game but this was my first time playing through it and I can't help but feeling like the dev is biting off more than they can chew. The feature creep is insane and the amount of new cast that is introduced will make your head spin.

    That said there's a ton of good content here and it is an interesting story for a harem dating sim. Personally I like the fairy and I feel like an entire game could be made out of your relationship with just her and that would be unique and good enough for me.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Remember in 2002-2007 when all we had were complaining about Naruto episode fillers and that one guy just wanted to watch Hellsing? This game is like that. It starts alright, you are in for a treat, everything is building up to this grand cool thing. You finally walk up to the nun, you are ready... And then you end up investigating some rice field for Jiraiya instead.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I won't deny that this game had a lot going. Wonderful characters, good scenes, and an interesting story.

    Unfortunately that has all been overshadowed by creeping featurism and a tsunami of nothing but side content. The story got side tracked my update after update of nothing but repeatable scenes and content with side characters while the Dev also added more features that, in my opinion, added exactly nothing to the game.

    If you're one to like endless pointless side content then this is the game for you.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Possibly the very best of the best Patreon R18 Game Project there is and while that may not mean much considering the average quality one is scammed into supporting, this is anything but. It may not be perfect and may not even appeal to all but it is well worth a try.

    There is a wealth of content to enjoy and it took me around 20 hours until I could collect most if not everything of Act 2 where I'll stop for now and await until Act 3 is finished.

    Act 1 serves as prologue to the world one will try to conquer, secretly, since there are at least three major factions with less than savory intentions. Fanatic humans that strive to eliminate everything magical, the magic side under the leadership of someone with the same intend and eldritch beings that are madness incarnate.

    The writing is often quite interesting and, while not mind-blowing, is more than acceptable. Nothing bored me or overstayed its welcome (pacing is important after all) nor did I have to suspend my disbelief that much.

    Gameplay is simple but effective. It's event based and event chains may depend on others to unfold. For convenience it's recommended to follow the story and level up the skills in advance since nothing can be missed, only gained.

    There's a wealth of R18 content and no doubt, that's always the primary draw. There are countless girls, not just the dozen+ main ones, which got several scenes which basically range from pure vanilla to the furthermost edges of vanilla which one can consider non-con, especially due to the plenty mind-control but well, it's not rape if they enjoy it, right...? (Only in Hentai. In reality a woman won't enjoy it if she doesn't want to, no matter what one does.)
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Well the story is pretty good, but the corruption part seems to vanish more and more after each chapter/act and it starts to feel alot like a kinetic game, sure you have choices but only to who you want to fuck or not, a few will be forced on you as well which i wasent happy about, like Jess were you cant avoid a BJ due to the need to gaining heart points, if you dont you cant go on with the questline.

    Thats pretty much it for choices in game, it only effect a bit of text or if the annoying Pixie is mad or happy about your choice, but the outcome is always the same no matter what which is also why it feels very kinetic when it comes to the story.

    One of the worst thing about story is the wait, you have sword girl and quiet girl that might have some weird plot but it never got updated and people started to ask about it years ago....waiting time is just to insane.

    The corruption part is the most annoying thing though, your kinda just forced to be the pure hero/nice guy and i like to mix it up alot more, there is a reason i picked revenge at that start insted of justice...
    It started out really nice where you scatter the organization dudes, and where you can kill some of them doing ninja missions, but after that theres no real feel of corruption or revenge anymore, and there is very few you can use scatter skill on.

    The LIs have some nice and cute looks but the builds are mainly focused on big tits or huge tits, sure Kena and Emma has small ones but its a bit to rare, there is proberly 20 big/huge tits and 2-3 small tits, that should give you an idea of the ratio, like when you go with Jess to get 3 females to sell their houses all 3 big tits, they should really even that more out.

    Virgin tag, thats a weird thing since not a single LI feel like a virgin, even those that has never seen a dick before still fucks like a 20 year old hooker whos had sex 50 times a day, MC slams it in and the LI loves it, no pain no blod no good dialogs.
    There is absolutly no virgin feel to the scenes or the text doing a LIs first time so that part is a huge fail.

    It also makes me wonder if the vigin tag is just a lie.
    I say that because if you look at the stats screen of the LIs they show up as Anal virgin only and not a single one shows as virgin under sex, it just says untouched which might make you belive they are all virgins but that couldent be more worng, since Chastity shows up as untouched as well and she being a former pornstar and you watched a video of her fucking another dude shes far from a virgin, so that means stats screen is only about what MC has done with the LIs, but it still dosent change the fact that 0 LIs shows as virgins under sex, so they really messed up virgin part in this game.

    Pregnancy part is a bit of a disapointment if you got that kink, its simply just over to fast, it only take 1 week for a LI to give birth so you wont really be able to enjoy that part, and then theres the part of one kid per LI so you wont get any twins, you can transfer kids to another world which dosent really make much sense since you will just get the same kid again with the same LI which ruins a bit of the fun, also kids sex is fixed so you cant get all girls in the daycare if you want kids with all the LIs possible.
    There is still alot of LIs that cant get pregnant, people been asking for LIs like gwen/cloe to have the option since 2021 i belive so dosent seem to be much progress with pregnancy anymore, but atleast there are still a decent number to play with.

    Animations are pretty good for this type of characters style.

    Music is meh not really good more like listening to elevator music for hours, still better then silent though.

    Sandbox part is pretty good, it dosent feel like a big grind if you take your time, money can be an issue if you try to rush things, other then that its pretty well made, but do remember it is a 100% sandbox game so if you arent into that this proberly wont be for you.

    Updates, well its more then 4 years old now and its at 0.20.2 and changelog shows it going up by 0.0.1 which would mean it would take a total of 20 years to reach 1.0.0 if thats the goal, dont think that will be the case atleast i sure hope not, but it does make you wonder :)

    Short overall review:
    All in all i think the game is worth playing, story is good and sandbox works, but due to the epic fail of virgins in the game and the extreemly slow plot build/reveal for some LIs and the small/big tit ratio, and the kinetic storyline feeling, and the lack of corruptions, i just cant give more then 3 stars since it had alot more potential then what it currently has.

    Had to change it to 2 stars after playing the main story, it just felt pointless and stupid how you have been working the hole game to build MC up and when you finaly get into a fight you get to absolutly nothing, you just get your ass kicked and have you gramps come in and save you, where is the revenge in that, also yet again your given more fake options, fight or run, block or dont, all leading to the same results just a kinetic storyline, why even put in the choices it dosent make sense.

    Act 3 gets even worse, you got so many powers and when you run into someone you cant use any of them, wheres the revenge option to scatter the fuckers you meet, or kill em...but even your "soldiers" has been trained to aim for not to kill, wtf seriously? what happened to going a little crazy like when you killed people doing ninja gone way to soft...sure you can kill some girls???? i mean what???? why????.....all the stuff you done in act 1 and 2 is just pointless all the buildings you bought means nothing and your left with a really weird combat system where all the work building MC up means nothing....someone dropped the ball with this game, act 1 was really good....