VN - Ren'Py - Corrupted Love [v0.8.7a] [RIC0H]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game overall. It is powerfully complex in its simplicity in approaching situations. The dynamics it represents in this paradox contrast profoundly with many other games that want to do too much, or too little and as a consequence fall short.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The Dev says it's fast paced so that he could get to the good stuff. Yet still managed to do a 4th wall break, and throw in copious amounts of humor. I loved the pacing, models were varied, and the renders were done decently.
    The discussions between characters are quite realistic. I know from experience. Sisters bicker...Then are pals.

    I want to see this completed. Then I want to anything else this Dev makes next!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This story is just porn logic wrapped in AVN format. No story, no nothing just fap and go.

    Thing is, I have nothing against games like these, but if you are going to completely ignore writing, character development and all the "novel" part of the "visual novel". then your visuals have to be amazing. Sadly it's not, for a game so focused on fap material there are no proper "animations" at all. But if you can look past that, it's a decent fap game.

    Games with good writing and character development don't need amazing renders or animation work, but games like these definitely do. Just wish some of the devs with good visuals forget about the story and go for what this game is attempting,
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I like it a lot one of my favorites

    Writing: 10/10
    Imagery: 7/10
    Gameplay: 10/10
    Kinks: 6/10
    Overall: 7/10

    hope this goes to a harem path, the girls could be hotter and more curves

    lots of potential!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved the renders and the gameplay. History may be cliche but it's easy to read due to the game having excellent pacing. Not enough games like this IMO where the corruption tag really applies to most of the game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So if the game's high star-rating isn't enough to convince you... I'll do my best to convince you myself!

    This game is very, very simple in terms of story. There's not much in the way of drama, or over-the-top wholesome moments, or anything groundbreaking there. While this might sound like a weakness, I think for this game it is a strength. It's very straightforward and cuts through all the bullshit:

    You're a guy who wants to bang girls... you meet a woman at the store and she quickly develops a crush on you. Said woman has two very cute and innocent teen daughters, and said daughters also quickly develop a crush on you.

    This leads to a plot dynamic that lands somewhere between "My Sweet Neighbors" and "Proud Father..." and it works very very well (not to mention, is a fucking awesome combination)!

    There's no shortage of "content" and the developer nails the fetish material... especially if you're into "petite teens," risque sex scenes, and cheating. The artwork also isn't "groundbreaking" or anything, but imo it's more than enough and there's even some very minor "animations" to go along with the sexual content.

    Honestly, this is exactly the kind of gem I hope to stumble upon when browsing F95, and I wish I had found it sooner. Try it out and enjoy the hours of content the game has to offer.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    you're in for a fucking ride! this product shows intelligence and creativity but you might be triggered by some shit like i was.....oh well, such is life right? still 5 stars. Check the tags to see if this is right for you. Or be brave...take the know you want to...
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Summary: Perverted psychopath buys a family.

    If that premise sounds disgusting to you, don't play this game. However, if it doesn't scare you away, you're in for a treat.

    The idea of a psychopath playing Proud Father and thinking, "hey that's pretty good" is remarkably self aware. The MC makes his intentions clear to the reader and it's refreshing to see a game that isn't pretending to be morally higher than it actually is.

    The writing is better than I expected. It makes you uncomfortable at the start and then grows on you as the MC develops amazing chemistry with Emily.

    I hope development goes well, and I'll definitely be returning when it's completed. (Finish your games people, don't drag them out forever.)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Is the plot simple? Yes. Are the options limited? Yes. Are there any real game systems? No. Is this just some fantasy VN with girls of questionable proportions? Yes. If you liked Proud Father for those reasons will you like this? Yes... God, god yes.

    Easy 5 stars - "For when you don't want minigames and circular dialogue selections to come between you and your...ummm... cum."
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Doctor Shark

    Review v0.5 - The laziest kind of bad-porn plot. If you enjoy films where women pretend to be stuck in washing machines or under small tables, you'll probably like this. If that sort of thing just makes you roll your eyes, I'd give this a pass.

    You play a very rich guy who meets a poor woman, her two daughters, her niece, her younger daughter's best friend, and a mall hairdresser. And all of them want your dick. Despite them wanting you, there are still silly scenes of you tempting them by showering with the door open and putting your dick in everyone's mouth while they sleep. By the time we got to
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    I just couldn't take the game seriously anymore.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The VN is very straightforward: come for the faps. If you're here for any sort of decent, slow-burn story, you're looking at the wrong game.

    The writing is definitely corny as all hell but, hey it works. Equivalent to a porn movie plot: cheesy, stereotypical, a little ridiculous and sexy.

    Game is definitely straight to the point with the sex too. No slow-burn at all, so if you're looking for a quick fap with some decent renders, go for it.

    Content length is also pretty decent, so it's worth a try at least.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is amazing. The Storyline sucked me in and im realy interestet what will come in Future. The Main Charakter is not so rude or an ashole. I realy like it how lovely the Charakters speak with each other. The way how they discover ther desire is beautiful. Life your propensities and be fine to each other is here realy great implemented.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Corrupted Love is for all those who are impatient and hate teasing or build-up. There is some basic setup, you get the archetypical super rich MC who (partially depending on player choice) is your trademarked semi nice creep.
    Said MC meets a mother and her young (the game says she's 18, but she looks maybe 12 years old) daughter in a store, mother is poor, can't buy the child a cake, super rich MC of course buys the cake and mother immediately falls for the MC, MC is invited over, the usual shenanigans ensue.

    You basically know the drill.

    There are some twists and turns in the, let's call it "story"... the mom has another older daughter who is the archetypical rebellious character who doesn't get along with mom, so she is in foster care. The older daughter Emily ends up living in MC's house a few hours after he first meets her, things take the obvious route.

    A little later it's revealed that the older daughter Emily is of the trademarked bi-curious variety. A lesbian scene with her and a female hairdresser is implied, but not shown... and a little later again it's revealed that the MC is Emily's actual biological father because the MC and Katie, the mother, had a one night stand once, and the hairdresser is actually Emily's aunt (why Emily doesn't know her is not explained). But that doesn't faze anybody, why would it...

    So the story is more or less complete trash, but it also has one or two funny moments. I did like the talk between Lauren, the youngest daughter, Emily, the older daughter and Lauren's friend Holly when they try to explain to her what exactly their relation to the MC is and poor Holly is very confused when the two sisters talk about pretend dads, actual dads and the fact that both of them also gave him blowjobs... the typical daily routine in a pervy household...
    Oh, and there's a scene with Lauren pretending to be sleepwalking so she can give the MC a blowjob in the morning, while he's in bed with her mother. Mother Katie wakes up, sees it and does nothing because waking up a sleepwalker can result in heart attacks according to the game, instead she gets turned on and the MC pleasures her while she's sitting on his face... until the older daughter Emily enters the bedroom and sees everything... which does not disturb her at all of course, why would it...

    There is also (optional) sleep molestation... Lauren can also be mostly avoided if you think that sexing fake 18 year olds who look more like they are 12 or 13 is nothing you want to do. If you don't ignore her the MC goes all the way with her.

    In my opinion the mother Katie is the only woman actually worth romancing, she's one of only two adult female characters you can interact with. The aunt Amber will certainly be a regular option in the future, and of course the MC already had sex with her anyway, but that was before he knew that she's Katie's sister.

    The renders are alright... the adult women are pretty, especially Katie looks nice, Emily also looks alright and she can maybe pass as 18, the younger characters look like kids and that's something I find extremely odd, but the kids can be mostly avoided.

    There are no proper animations, only alternating renders. For a game that ditches an actual plot for porn shenanigans this is quite unfortunate.

    Give Corrupted Love a try if you like somewhat over the top games that ditch build-up and believable characters for instant action. But the lack of animations is a major drawback here - a game like this more or less needs them. Story focused games can get away with no or bad animations. Something like this can't really.

    Despite the lack of animations Corrupted Love is certainly worth checking out if you like some mindless fun.
    If you want a story, the resemblance of actual romance between adults and hate underage looking potential love interests (the game even offers you to customize the age) Corrupted Love is nothing you want to engage with.

    I had expected a bit more from a game with such a high rating. I wish the dev all the best though. But he should seriously consider to include animations, even if that is a lot of work.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It's pretty good, the beginning was not that realistic and it was pretty odd how coincidence things happen but overall its pretty good. Sometimes i feel there should be more choices on Emily but the game is still developing so got no issues so far. also, I feel like some event are happening too fast, as much i would to see the sexy stuff, I also want a good progression in the story.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game gets a big 5 star review.

    The writing is top notch and it has such a high rate of renders per sentence that it almost feels like playing a movie!

    The characters are fun and unique and the option to choose to do something or not is one of the best drivers of immersion and used very well. Developing the tension of being "caught" or not is coming along nicely and keeps people interested. Perhaps a bit more tension can be wound into the MC's mature female partner so that the "almost caught" scenes involving her have even more impact. It makes the choices and timing of the MC's decisions (risky locations, times, etc) very intriguing.

    The ability to make complete fuck up decisions that cause a game over makes games so much more tantalizing and enjoyable as you get to make a decision you probably would not make otherwise. Again if there is enough tension about "getting caught" or "discovered" then these kind of game over endings could be done more frequently and easily. It also adds an element of humor to decision making and feels quite rewarding when making the other decisions.

    Overall great game! Just when I think I'm about to figure a character out you introduce another great character. It gives a sense of endless content in the future which in this case is awesome. Can't say enough good things about the great render quality and emotion shown as well. The most recent update (to 0.5) was so packed with content it was mind boggling.

    One trick that might work for resetting female character tension is the old "amnesia" wand that script writers can wave to get someone back to "factory reset" prior to being corrupted. Just a thought.

    Your corruption angles and dialogue is awesome too. You have a lot going on and pull it off quite nicely. Excellent work.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    weired story, but i like it a lot :)

    The render of the Models are great, but the animations could be smoother...

    I wish this dev good luck with the game and i'm hopefully the get some more updates.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This game isn't shy about how incredibly shallow it is. Everything happens at supersonic speed. One minute you meet a mother and daughter at the store and the next minute you're the new Daddy.

    Story? Character depths? Of no concern whatsoever. Impossible to immerse yourself in as it's note remotely tied in with anything realistic.

    But if you can look past all that I'm sure it's a decent game. Models are alright and kinks are solid. It's fast food though and won't leave any satisfaction.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I will copy paste my post from the discussion thread, because its basicaly
    a full review.
    I'll give 5 Stars and not 4 because of two reasons:
    Its a different start of an Incest VN
    Its a different fast style without beeing stupid to read.

    People made it out like there would be some Bi/Lesbian scene build up left and right here.
    I now played it (v0.4) and its (sofar) nothing like that at all. I get the that wats implied after the Hairdresser
    visit doesn't feel nice if stuff like that would actually hapend in the future. But neither the Dev nor the story
    gives the impression that this could ever hapend.

    Some people say in the reviews that its to fast and i was worried it would be
    a "skip to the next lewd scene with stupid conversations in between" case.
    But in my opinion its nothing like that. The conversations are realy nice.
    Is it fast? Yes! But in my opinion in a good way. You dont feel like you skipped something.
    Its more like the less important stuff would be cut out and that only the backbone stuff is in.

    What i also realy like that this is (based on what i played sofar) a different aproach on a inzest VN.
    Even more so, considering what the Dev said in his relations Spoiler.

    I also liked that there isn't some stupid drama. I always hate situations like this:
    People get important Information but decide to keep it secret fromt the person thats in the middle
    of this and needed the info the most, then this person finds out another way and bam there is drama.
    (If you played the VN, you most likely know what scene i'm taking about)

    So, i actualy want to see alot more of this story and i'm having a great time sofar.
    And i think its clear based on my coment before, that i would be bored if its a Bi fest like some
    people make it sound like. So give it a try!

    This is just the beginning, so 2 things i would like for the future:

    1) To not make every girl Bi, just because one of the main Li is gay.
    But it doesn't look like it at the moment.

    2) Emily not going behind MC's back in the future and doing something without the MC knowing.
    Her being completly honest with the MC, but also the other way around and the MC being
    honest with her. Somewhat like Lesbian Daughter in Proud Father. You have some controll
    over her Involvement with the others. Even though i hope Emily is more Bi than Gay. I like her.

    So, i like:
    Its fast without feeling skipped with good conversations.
    Its a different aproach on Incest VN.
    And what i like most in the VN right now is the "Partner in Crime"
    vibe between Emily and the MC!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    So far really good game. Enjoyed every bit of it, and the occasional 4th wall breaking was cherry on top. The only complaint that I have is that lack of animated sex sex scenes or the sex scenes have only one camera angle, it would be great if you make the sex scenes more detailed and having different camera angle from different pov. It is a adult game afterall so a little more dedication to the sex scenes will be highly appreciated . Lastly, thanks for letting us customise names
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start to a game! cant wait for the updates. I'm glad the game was sped up a bit to show what type of game it will be instead of teasing the players for years. I'm not sure if the story will slow down a bit when more is added but I wouldn't mind that cause I think there is a lot of good potential wit these characters.