VN - Ren'Py - Corrupted Love [v0.9] [RIC0H]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    weired story, but i like it a lot :)

    The render of the Models are great, but the animations could be smoother...

    I wish this dev good luck with the game and i'm hopefully the get some more updates.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game isn't shy about how incredibly shallow it is. Everything happens at supersonic speed. One minute you meet a mother and daughter at the store and the next minute you're the new Daddy.

    Story? Character depths? Of no concern whatsoever. Impossible to immerse yourself in as it's note remotely tied in with anything realistic.

    But if you can look past all that I'm sure it's a decent game. Models are alright and kinks are solid. It's fast food though and won't leave any satisfaction.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I will copy paste my post from the discussion thread, because its basicaly
    a full review.
    I'll give 5 Stars and not 4 because of two reasons:
    Its a different start of an Incest VN
    Its a different fast style without beeing stupid to read.

    People made it out like there would be some Bi/Lesbian scene build up left and right here.
    I now played it (v0.4) and its (sofar) nothing like that at all. I get the that wats implied after the Hairdresser
    visit doesn't feel nice if stuff like that would actually hapend in the future. But neither the Dev nor the story
    gives the impression that this could ever hapend.

    Some people say in the reviews that its to fast and i was worried it would be
    a "skip to the next lewd scene with stupid conversations in between" case.
    But in my opinion its nothing like that. The conversations are realy nice.
    Is it fast? Yes! But in my opinion in a good way. You dont feel like you skipped something.
    Its more like the less important stuff would be cut out and that only the backbone stuff is in.

    What i also realy like that this is (based on what i played sofar) a different aproach on a inzest VN.
    Even more so, considering what the Dev said in his relations Spoiler.

    I also liked that there isn't some stupid drama. I always hate situations like this:
    People get important Information but decide to keep it secret fromt the person thats in the middle
    of this and needed the info the most, then this person finds out another way and bam there is drama.
    (If you played the VN, you most likely know what scene i'm taking about)

    So, i actualy want to see alot more of this story and i'm having a great time sofar.
    And i think its clear based on my coment before, that i would be bored if its a Bi fest like some
    people make it sound like. So give it a try!

    This is just the beginning, so 2 things i would like for the future:

    1) To not make every girl Bi, just because one of the main Li is gay.
    But it doesn't look like it at the moment.

    2) Emily not going behind MC's back in the future and doing something without the MC knowing.
    Her being completly honest with the MC, but also the other way around and the MC being
    honest with her. Somewhat like Lesbian Daughter in Proud Father. You have some controll
    over her Involvement with the others. Even though i hope Emily is more Bi than Gay. I like her.

    So, i like:
    Its fast without feeling skipped with good conversations.
    Its a different aproach on Incest VN.
    And what i like most in the VN right now is the "Partner in Crime"
    vibe between Emily and the MC!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    So far really good game. Enjoyed every bit of it, and the occasional 4th wall breaking was cherry on top. The only complaint that I have is that lack of animated sex sex scenes or the sex scenes have only one camera angle, it would be great if you make the sex scenes more detailed and having different camera angle from different pov. It is a adult game afterall so a little more dedication to the sex scenes will be highly appreciated . Lastly, thanks for letting us customise names
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start to a game! cant wait for the updates. I'm glad the game was sped up a bit to show what type of game it will be instead of teasing the players for years. I'm not sure if the story will slow down a bit when more is added but I wouldn't mind that cause I think there is a lot of good potential wit these characters.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is "fast paced" but scenes are not good. Renders dont have enough passes to look decent, they are just too grainy and lighting is lacking. The plot is just going forward with 0 struggle. Transitions are not a thing really, and even when there are some options there are also things that just happen without your intervention.

    I wouldn't pick this one over another similar game, for instance the one "promoted" inside this one. And in this state the game is ultra short, it barely has 2 scenes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game so far. Art is tasteful, the writing is good and doesn't resort to purple prose which is overused by hacks"professionals" even in the regular game industry usually in an attempt to trick people into thinking they are reading some classic masterpiece.

    Looking forward to the next update. Keep it up!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this one the girls are cute the story is well written. Emily and the MC are especially funny. and Lauren feeding the MC a cake with love nectar frosting was epic. I also have the sneaking suspicion that Amber is Katie's twin sister and that the MC is Emily's actual father. I love the faster pacing so many games are such slow burns that I quickly lose interest but this is nice.
    however, a few things I don't like the picture quality it's just eww. i play fullscreen on a 1440p screen and it looks bad.
    the animations of those 2 frame loops are in my mind a disservice I would rather see proper fluid animations or more detailed stills but maybe that's just me. I also think the MC looked better before the haircut.
    still looking forward to future updates.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Meet & corrupt (and it doesnt take much to corrupt any of them). Thats it in a nutshell :) and its not a bad thing.

    The MC is a good guy, perverted but a good guy. Loads of humour so far, stills are OK, animations terrible. The females all have their own needs, but nothing too heavy in here, its fun VN none the less. As its a quick corruption VN, I personally wouldnt mind seeing a few kinks thrown in as all the girls seem to be up for pretty much anything.

    Enjoying this so far.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, the dev was clear about the progression; it's fast, even supersonic for me. He also said it was not meant to be something realistic and I totally agree. But a lot of things doesn't make any sense or are over-exaggerated. a bill of more than 12k for clothes.......come on !!

    Renders and sex scenes are ok but nothing really exciting and far from reaching what can be found these days. Some images have lighting issues, they are really dark.

    The dialogues are unnatural most of the time with some bad attempts of being "psychological guidance". Despite the protagonists situations and past issues, I couldn't feel any emotion conveyed through the lines.
    It's not engrish at least.

    All in all, I liked the premises but with a lot of polishing and a reworking of the dialogues it would reach a larger audience. But it doesn't seem to be the dev's goal. So, it's just gonna be a "Meet and Fuck" story. Not my cup of tea but I wish the dev good luck.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the theme of the game, it's interesting. But because of the way the characters written the story loses its appeal. The mother is basically serving up her kids to the player, it feels weird. Apart from that, the youngest girl is pretty cute. Still worth playing but could be better.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this.

    The banter felt natural almost at all times and most of the dialogue was actually interesting to read.

    The sleep creep stuff felt a little unnatural for the character, but it's one of my kinks so it's just a big win for me.

    I foresee... or hope for, more of the like in the future. Show me your depravity >:D
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Dev's sense of humor in this game suits me and gives me a great sense of lightness while playing. The game itself is a lighthearted adventure without any obligations and lengthy preconditions, but the choices you're making during the game are free and sincere. MC shares his fortune, a roof over his head, hoping for gratitude, but does'nt demand anything in return, and this helps to find worthy girls, who want to reciprocate his desires and, perhaps, their secret wishes too. There are no losers. I'm longing for continuation of this fascinating story.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Paul Newmon

    CL shows a relationship between a single guy, and a family he meets quite randomly. The dialog between he and each family member is perfect for this genre. The graphics are good. The story allows for a harem, consisting of a woman the same age as the MC, and her children and their cousin. I will continue to follow this and see just how many females the MC ends up boinking.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.3

    The game is good. Like the other reviews say, it's a bit fast paced, but the characters are well written, dialogue is good and the naughty stuff is sexy.

    I only give it 4 stars, because the dick-size of the MC is absourd, which made me loose interest in some the sex-scenes. I mean, it looks like a horse-dick on a human, which i just don't like. If the dick was more normal-sized and the pace was slowed just a little, then i would probably give it 5 stars.

    Good game, keep up the good work.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    It is a good start Max has been given some personality and the banter with Emily is fun, the humor of the game is great.
    All the girls in this need different things from Max I guess we will see if Max can be all of that and get away with it.
    So far the cast is small and hopefully it stays that way so we can get to know the girls well

    Good job RIC0H and good luck developing
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Tested: v0.3

    For me a good game and fun to play. The story is not new, but it's nicely told and the humor is decent. The renders are not the best ones. But at least they are ok and improving. Also the girls are not bad looking, too. Our MC is - as the title promises - a corrupting but at the same time also a nice guy. I like the mixture so far.

    All in all for me a 3-4 stars rating. Rounded it up since the game is also improving with the updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is based on v0.2. So far is the game quite enjoyable, and has a great potential for future development; The dialogues are both funny and meaningful, and they add depth to the story. The characters are both likeable and erotic, and the rendering is more than good enough. As a bonus, one can edit the characters age. I'm truly looking forward to future development of this VN, to see how the story pans out.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Good for what it is so far, very short but you get a good feel for the characters, I will say that idk I get that the haircut scene was necessary to introduce a character but I wish you could choose what the daughter picks BC I kinda like the MC 's hair before he got it cut. Looking forward to more content with the sweet youngest daughter :)
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    The characters are stiff and have weird poses like mannequins. There is no need for a super pc, quality could be a lot better with less artefacts. Lauren looks like an old hag and i don't like Emily's hairstyle. The story is too straight and fails to be interesting.