Its a weird game to rate, as I'd say the strongest aspect is the writing, but at the same time, that is its weakest aspect. Because what is there is well written. It presents an interesting (if overly grimdark) world and gives insight on the minds of people who are being judged harshly by the overly selfish public for daring to try and hide from the literal monsters trying to fuck their ass so hard they'd literally die if they weren't immortals. Monsters that casually break their arms for giggles while raping them.
I find the violence kind off-putting myself, because its so over the top sometimes, but you can turn that off. And be left with the lewd stuff. Which is similarly well written (if extreme) and hot.
But this is speaking purely of the quality of the writing. What about the quanity?
Quantity is... lacking. You can and will, once you get a hang of how the game works, see every scene within a day, very easily. You will see most during fight sex scenes within the first 2-4 actually good rounds you have v the heroes.
The girls seem like they'd have a lot of personality variance since there's this little quiz you can do to make a team, but they really only seem to come in 3-4 flavors of identical girl.
But that brings us to the next point. How does the game work? Is it fun?
Its... a game that presents many options, overloading the player in choice, while ultimately coming down to doing the same thing over and over again, for the same few reactions, to get to the acts you actually want to see.
How it it works is, to simplify, like this:
You choose to attack a girl
You win that first fight and do shit
You buy the ability to scan her weaknesses
Do that
Now you can actually play the game without wasting half your actions probing weaknesses. This scan feature should be baseline. It being 1 point means the first fight fucking sucks and is a terrible first impression.
Now that you have the scan, you use it and see some bars. One side corrosponds to shit you can do now, the other to shit you can do later. So pick the action with the biggest line on the side you can do now.
Once that stat says 'level 1', do it to another. And repeat. Until the girls evac/extermination is nearing max or you feel like it.
Now surround, check the bars, do the same thing again but looking at the stuff on the other side.
At some point other girls will arrive, and surrounding their allies debuffs them in a way the game doesn't even attempt to explain that doesn't matter. Just know it does this. So do the same thing to the next girl and she'll go down faster. And then a third one joins.
So you just do this. You look at bars, you hit the biggest one, then the next.
Why do you do this? For EVIL ENERGY. What is EVIL ENERGY. Its grind. Mindless grind for the completely game-breaking I-win tools that are commanders, which not only consistently 1 shot surround girls, but actually SUPER SURROUND them, which does vastly higher damage, making all other girls get destroyed faster while its happening.
It gives other shit, but 90% of the tree otherwise is stat padding. Only commander adds actual new dialogue, sex and the like.
This means until you unlock commanders, and their higher forms, and their (to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND!!) combined or super combined forms, you won't see most scenes. You are stuck with just the basic shit. And the basic shit is itself harder to see without commanders.
But summoning commanders costs evil energy. So does using their best forms. And extending duration. And extra summons per match. You pay to unlock these options, then again to use them.
I don't understand why this is. It just means the game is more boring and repetitive if you don't use them, but you are paying your progress if you do. And repetition, because of the aforementioned lack of writing, and extremely simple gameplay loop, is the games core issue to begin with.
It doesn't need to feel more repetitive.
And even when you are at max rank, with a super duper commander, can consistently gain enough EVIL ENERGY to use it every match, it can be a struggle to see the scenes you want, such as making your commander actually fuck a girl. Because eventually they'll just fly off and effectively be invul regardless of what you do. So you may see it once, then the round ends, and you go back in. To go through every step again. To see it once more on the same enemy.
At that point the rounds ending feels entirely arbitary.
There is no functional difference between rounds beyond a certain point.
All them ending does is reset progress towards the scenes we are playing the game to see.
There is a cheat option for evil energy at least, although I played it without using that, but no option to prevent matches ending arbitarily or being able to use commander infinite times to truly enjoy their scenes without having to wait 30 turns for your guys to stop anal probing hero number 15235
Oh yea, that's another issue with the game. Succesful matches last VERY long. But as mentioned, text is very samey. So you just start skipping everything, as you can't just end the round when you want, only when they do. And it won't end if anyone is being molested.
So in summary;
The game is well written, but there is little to read
Its mechanics are poorly explained, but so absusable you don't need to understand them to break the game
The games progression loop incentivizes playing the game in a less fun way to progress faster
The core gameplay loop feels completely meaningless once you get to a certain level of strength, as you are so overpowering the girls actions lose all meaning (not that they meant much to begin with) and you are just racing against an arbitary number to see the scenes you want before it closes
I originally gave this a 4 when I was going to write this, but after writing it, honestly, its just too fundementally flawed to rate it higher.
The gameplay is... not the best. But its kind of fine for what it is. Could use the aforementioned options for inf commander/ending round early/preventing them from running away. Its not technically a well balanced system or anything, but as a method for the writing to be presented, it functions well.
The problem here is the writing. Its just not there enough. So the writing this gameplay loop presents to us grows stale very fast. Within a day or two.
Imma drop it a star. Most of the focus of updates for like a year has been on the 'forsaken' system and its a complete mess. Without cheats you basically need to beat the game to get these, which you then train to act like commanders. But the way they work makes no sense.
To even have a forsaken, without cheats, you'll have already repeatedly brutalized, raped, live broadcasted etc cruelty to the girls. They're used to it. And when like this they'd still fight you every single day.
As a forsaken? You can make them, after spending an entire game to unlock them, completely worthless and only able to gain 1% stamina (of 20 needed to act) per day in 2 actions. 2. 2 actions comparable to any given turn in a fight when they're the 'good' guys.
The only reason this system is useable at all right now is because everyone just cheats it to spawn fresh ones. And even then its just completely nonsensical and bad. A mindless repetittive grind of the same scenes and skipping days to find the special number where you can make the girls do anything without having to wait multiple days between use (whereas commanders have their full suite unlocked via the simple ee system and can be used every day)