I mean, from my point of view, you did a great job. Well done. Very cute character and very consistent as far as I can tell.hmm designing a character and making her look consistent is pretty hard to do and more so when your dont have much experience with it. my only experience doing so was this View attachment 3132600
this probably took i'd say a week to do just to get these to look alike. but even then there is some inconsistency with the size of here eyes and the shape of her face.
on the top of my head, there are probably two approaches that i would do to help make more consistent characters. the first and easiest one is to base it off a something. if you haven't made the character yet, you could either easily reference a character sheet from a game/anime or using a model from a game as the base for your character and give it your own twist. if you already have a character then you would probably have to search for one that's looks the most like what you have in mind which may take longer. this way would ensure that your face is as consistent as possible since you always have a model doing the hard work of making sure everything is correct. The other and more difficult way is the fully measure your characters head in terms of its length, height, the ratio of an area in relation to the other and simplying the most impartant feature which are mostly likely their facial features into clear and easy to understand shapes. this forces you to fully understand the ins and out of your character and would also need a good it of 3d awareness warp those recognisable shapes into its appropriate perspective without losing it's clarity. I may have made the second method sound much harder then it is. but in general, im assuming that most people probably use a mix of the two or maybe another method that I'm not thinking of. they'll probably use a reference that matches alot of the features their character has which they would then measureand understand their character proportions and shapes.
I've actually been doing some of what you're saying. I use rulers and guide lines to help line up the features and keep size consistent. It's not perfect but it goes a long way. I think I'm pretty weak when it comes to shapes and 3d stuff.

Without references I'd be truly lost. It's so much trial and error with this stuff.