Ren'Py - Completed - Corruption [Final] [Mr.C]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed v1.55

    Corruption is one of my favourite genres. This is the main reason Corruption was one of my first games I played since joining the F95Zone community. I’ve been following the updates quite religiously and Mr.C does provide updates quite frequently, so if there are any bugs they are quickly fixed.

    Corruption as it’s namesake is about corrupting everyone in the town who are of the female gender of the homo sapiens species. It’s fun, crazy and wack.

    The models are beautiful and the H-scenes are incredibly well done. Environments are nicely varied however the quality of each scene may vary (looking at the other area outside of town; the name escapes me). The models themselves are good but the appeal may vary for each person. Honey select models are a hit or miss with most players. My biggest grip with this game is that there is no way for characters to wear costumes from previous corruption level, I really don’t like the higher-level corruption styles, it irks me to no end. (This can be solved using mods to manually alter the corruption level but it removes access to actions tied to certain corruption levels)

    Gameplay wise it plays pretty simple. You earn money to buy the corrupting potions and you eventually can unlock the ability to buy variants of that potions. Money comes by pretty easily and it is encouraged to explore all jobs so you can meet all the characters in the game. The game itself feels sandbox-like allowing you to do whatever you like. Some characters are closed off until you complete certain tasks. Moving around the map can be a pain sometimes. Overall easy to play. Some areas are currently in development.

    The story is takes a backseat in this game with the characters really driving the experience. Story is simple: corrupt, corrupt and corrupt. Any action you perform builds towards corrupting the female characters. The characters are quirky, fun and a little crazy after they have a sniff of the potent potion. It’s great seeing the changes to their personality and overall appearance (although a little worse for some).

    One of the main concerns with this game is Mr.C introducing new characters and areas without finishing previous characters and areas. However it doesn’t concern me because of the frequent updates that Corruption gets. As long as there is new content I’m happy.

    • HS models, nice scenes
    • Simple and easy to pick up gameplay
    • Fun characters
    • Corruption genre
    • Lots of updates varying in sizes
    • Story takes a backseat, more sandbox
    • Corruption makes overall models look less appealing
    • Can’t play dress-up
    • Allow us to customise the costumes
    • Better traversing
  2. 4.00 star(s)



    +Good characters and designs
    +Interesting storytelling
    +There's a lot of women to choose from
    +Adult scenes are abundant; there's a lot of kink for everyone.
    +Gameplay is okay
    +If you're looking for a quick wank, this game is for you

    -Game is very silent. Sound and music is non-existent
    -Almost every character have a shiny look that can be a bit jarring for some people
    -Traversing the map needs a bit of getting used to
    -If you're looking for a well-deserved awaited wank, after investing time in story/characters playing, this game isn't for you

    8/10 would put potion in food again
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    There's a TON of women. An amazing number.
    Many of those women, in at least some of their art depending on their corruption level, are gorgeous. I mean if this is your preferred body type, and if you're playing it it probably is, there are some busty curvy gems in here, thick goddesses, best part of the game.
    Many types of sex scenes and fetishes, the game definitely understands it's corruption genre and earns it's name, and while the render alignments aren't always the best they're good and the scenes... there are So Many.
    Good mods out to help play.
    Despite it's size any grind is balanced behind near constant reward.

    The bimbofication can go too far and you can't do new content with them with their old look. Some of the women definitely get less sexy passed a point. Some people below made clown comments and unfortunately yeah, it's a little harsh but a few hit that point. I find the piercing renders generally sexy but that too can kind of get borderline, hopefully none start going full hellraiser.
    There is a relatively new scene in a park, you'll know it when you see it, surprised me. It's apparently allowed here, not arguing that, huge divergence from the other women though. Isn't my kink like all the rest are, maybe someone can mod it out someday.
    Maybe the biggest game issue is it's too ambitious at times, some of the women's looks do start to blur into one another and development on whole swaths of the world stagnates, old stuff is left unfinished while content gets bloated with new things. It might be nice if it just focused on refining current content for awhile.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The woman is freaking great with a lot of path and many storyline to explore plus literally everyone have big tits!! The gameplay is more grinding but it's enjoying piece by piece of the story of how u approach for the full female sex which is super intriging for player to feel the excitement!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Corruption and depravity, don't expect anything less.

    With 8 hours of gameplay, comes 7.30 hours of porn, and most of it is novel.

    People will look back at this game as the first real merge of the complex fetish manipulation of japan (and the nukige, where porn is 90% of the game) and the western desire for an engaging narrative and control.

    It's best to think of this game as a game, not a visual novel, the narrative is driven by the CGs not the writing. Which is increadible, when you think about what is normally the case. That said: read the guide, specifically the warnings. This game isn't finished.

    The bad English at the start DOES NOT matter. Having played princess trainer, lab rats, witch trainer and something unlimited, this game is actually the best porn game out of all of them. The quality of the CG's and narrative override to occasional mistake. I guarantee all the bad reviews didn't bother playing longer than 5 minutes.

    I normally need good English to watch/read/play anything. The level of sexual creativity and fetish layering is quite amazing, and overides this need. I look forwards to it's completion
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Used to love this game but with every update this progressive bimbo transformation of every girl started to feel uncomfortable after a while, I feel like I'm playing with clowns with all this makeup. Plus there is no way to avoid the voyeur part with every girl with other men.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game, it's straight to the point, it's easy to manage and it avoids being too long before the action starts. I recommend it to any beginner of renp'y as there is no time limit and no choice that are unsolvable even if you miss some of them the first time.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    if you like girls being corrupted into wearing sluttier clothes and make-up, this game is for you my friend. A loooot of content with easily understandable gameplay.
    Be careful about the fact that scenes disappear after reaching a new corruption level, so try every option before administering the potions again.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1263332

    Needs more content, but honestly It's a pretty good game. A lot drawings and a pretty hilarious premise. the problem is you cannot advance too far in some of the storylines without locking out large parts of the game right now, which is a complete drag. Once the developer makes it so that actually playing the game to its full extent doesn't hurt the quality, it will be way easier to reward this a higher rating because it is a strong game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is Grade frickin A. Perfect kind of corruption, none of that mind control stuff, just slu...I mean girls being slutty girls, animation is pretty good, and there is a good amount of different content
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I was going to play this game again after 8 months or so, but that horrid English "translation" yanked me right out of it.

    I like the game a lot the first time around, but I must have forgotten that there isn't an English translation for it. How the dev hasn't been able to find someone to help him with this is beyond me. FYI, most of the world speaks English. And no, it isn't my first language either.

    So, instead of another play through, it's gonna hit the trashcan.

    Too bad.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, simple story with beautiful girls. Sometimes a bit exaggerated but it also makes it fun. You can go to many different locations and everything is a bit different, also dating is a nice addition. It is sometimes difficult to know what you can and cannot do.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    High quality 3D animations, rich contents, just the 'slut' style after corruption might not be acceptable for anyone.

    The corruption process of each girl is different and interesting on its own, making it a excellent game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v1.35
    This is a harem game, pure and simple. Mr. C makes no pretense as to this as with every update, the same formula is applied with the same method of "Corruption" but only to more and more girls. For those who want a simple and fairly straightforward game of collecting all the women in your life, this will tick all the boxes.

    This game isn't quite perfect in that goal as there are grammar mistakes and a few bugs that continue to crop up, and there's just something a bit off about the way all the girls react, but those are easily overlooked and won't slow down your harem-collecting efforts in the least.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A really great game, one of the bests I've seen in the genre in the last time. And it keeps getting even better with every update.
    Translation is lame tho, so keep in mind that it may break the atmosphere of you are a very picky person.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're picking this up for the first time, I recommend you talk to each character every time you interact with them. You might miss vital info. I'm currently checking out this one. So far it's pretty cool. Money is easy to make after a certain point, and there are tons of different characters being introduced all the time. I believe I'm around 100 days in game so far and yes, I've been taking my time farming money to get potions. Although I wish there was a way to check the corruption levels of each character the MC has made contact with. I'm sure there is, I just haven't found it yet. Over all I think this project has some serious potential to be a huge success. Keep up the good work. Thanks
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game!

    First of all, what a world! Mr.C is putting together, every location and characters keeps evolving and becoming more interesting.
    Secondly, the plot can be seen as a simple thing but it's really interesting how it's turning and the way to implement it.
    And the most important thing!
    419mb! (v1.30) for an extraordinary quantity of content.

    One of my favorite games, period.
    Great work!
  18. J
    4.00 star(s)



    Fast gameplay, little bullshit grinding(just use the console).

    The models are nice, execpt some of the tits really being to big.
    There is great variety in girls and I vastly prefer the simple corruption via potion/spells over the elaborate writing other games have, justifying the females turning into huge sluts.

    However the main selling point is the level of sexualness and submissiveness that an be reached, the whole female world is bending over for you.

    There already is a lot of content, but almost all of it stops at some point so I can only give 4 stars.

    I am loving it though.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice game
    All these possibilities. I don't even reached the halv. I see hours and hours of programming behind this masterpiece.

    Many points to work on. It's not yet finished but very well done till now.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Hi , im not gonna say anything that isn't said before. But i wanted to make my own review too.

    first of all, this game have a lot of possibilites, you can interact almost with everything and that interaction will produce something random, almost all the times, the effort of the devs is real

    second, the girls, all kind of women, married, single, with boyfriend, another from church, even a teacher from your old school, i like it when a game doesn't focus in the same stereotype as others games do and try to be original.

    third. the climax of the game. turning the womens in a sex slaves is my fantasie in the game and i like it when you have to play throught the game and isn't easy to do it. (IGNORING THE MODS)

    four . this is a game which you download and download again and yo unever will get bored because you will see things you didn't see in the last play,

    guys that's something really amazing.

    and five. Fuck it, this game is a masterpiece using the design of ILLUSION GAMES.