Seeking Corruption games with overworld progression


New Member
Jun 29, 2018
Hi everyone,

Is was looking for some games that have the corruption element and added also some overworld progression/dialogue progression when corrupting.
This means that event dialogues change according to progression where characters are more open.
Or corruption level is shown through clothing changes and behaviour changes.
Best examples of these are:
- "Corruption" by MrC
- "Research into corruption" by Fallen angel productions
- "Damon" by BraverGames

Anything that is similar to this would be greatly appreciated!
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Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Cyberslayers: Female-MC, the corruption system unlocks actions and interactions with other characters.

ioY: Male MC, Progressive corruption seen in clothing, spy-cams and of course the available interactions. Most trainers would apply, in fact progressively corrupting characters is the whole point, though they're not all sandboxes. Lab Rats and Take Over are close to Corruption thematically, and imo better-written.