Ok, I've managed to make this work, and yet still there is no progress in unpacking. Backup is created, but no progress in checking first string condition - no errors, no messages, just nothing. Considering that I have AMD Ryzen 7 4800H 2.90 GHz and 16 Gb RAM - doubtful it's all about performance, I won't believe this script requires more than CP2077.
View attachment 4545519
And this is after 4 hours of waiting.
I guess cheating not for me anymore.
Now you using the git bash, your problem its not about your cpu architect or something about cpu power (you seen in my video the script runs fast on the pentium), but only thing i can say to you in this condition, the script can not to write on these files on your pc.
Your pc has a special permission for this file, now i will ask
are your user is the pc administrator ? Is your user has the permission to write ? I think you have no permission to write on the files. Go to "game folder/resource/app" now press ctrl+a to select all of files in this folder, after that right click with your mouse and choose properties when you selected all of that files, then look at the files condition, if they are in read only status, uncheck it that box and apply and ok.
But if you has a problem again, i think you must change your user permission ! But of course im not using windows, so i do not know about that, search in the google, i hope you can run the script, but i think your problem belongs to the permission.
At the end if you have a problem, and you can not solve it, i give you the ultimate solution, your system like mine has a 16gb ram, so its enogh, now hear the solution, search in google oracle virtualbox go the site download virtualbox and the
extension pack too, install it on your windows, now you can run inside of your windows any os you want, linux windows or mac any one you want ! Now install a windows 10 (kliteos search in google you must register in their own forum to download) or you can search for any linux (ubuntu, mint ...) install any one with virtualbox after install another os, inside of os install virtualbox additional pack, so with this you can share any file or folder with your original os with your virtual machine, share the game with your virtual machine, and inside of the virtual machine do the script job like me. I used virtual machine to run the windows app, like test of my scripts. (If you know about the vmware you can use it instead of virtualbox, of course we have kvm, qemu, xen and ..., to creating virtual machine)