Others - Corruption of Champions II [v0.7.25] [Savin/Salamander Studios]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Most of everyone has already said what I'm going to, but god damn, I still feel the need to say it. Even if you didn't play CoC1, I heard about and played this before I played CoC1 and I still play CoCX. This game sucks ass, it's like they made the game to just bait and troll everyone who continues to play it.

    It's a Text based choose your own adventure rpg game, where, most of the time, the text (especially in regards to the main story) is overly bloated and is filled with filler, making it a chore to read. You don't actually choose the adventure, you just go along with whatever the pink haired catgirl says. And it's an rpg with extremely shallow mechanics and level cap where the npcs in your party are always scaled to be stronger than you regardless of what you build.

    The one nice thing I can say is that there are a few nice scenes. Emphasis on few, because the devs and authors will also just pull 180s and ruin their already established characters and stories, and by extension, their sex scenes, seemingly on a whim.

    If you're here for an actual game, I'd recommend to go play CoCX or even TiTs (which has it's own problems but at least it can feel fun to play), Flexible survival can be good too if you get used to the shitty engine the game runs on. However, If you're here for the scenes I recommend to just cheat to see the scenes, you won't even be missing much if you don't see the context of the scene, because it won't add anything meaningful anyway.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I can recommend this game. There are a lot of romanceable/sexable characters and many quests. I think the sex scenes are pretty good. Especially if you are into dom futas there are lot's of scenes. The main story is not finished yet but there is a lot to enjoy already. It's not the most gripping story but it has moments where it really shines. The lore and writing of the world really pulled me in which makes up vor a lot. The fighting system is okay. I could beat most fights without problems allthough they can get quite tough. Fortunately there is an option to make fights super easy. If you are looking for a text based sex adventure game give this a try.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    rather than being a fun playground for you to mess around in like the first game, it's repeatedly and obnoxiously beaten into your head that your character isn't important and is just a tourist there by the grace of the writer's ultra powerful mary sue characters.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    so much potential, wasted. player has very little actual agency and certain questlines (kitsune) are needlessly bloated and kind of boring. The players choices (few as they are) seem to have very little effect on the actual outcomes of events in the various quests.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's okay, there's good parts and bad parts. I see a lot of people in the reviews either worshipping this or completely trashing it, I don't think either is entirely fair. But I do think there are a few things really holding it back.

    1 - Art: Some of the art (for example anything done by Moira), is awesome. A lot of it is really not. I guess you could chalk it up to personal preference, but I'm tired of all the really overexaggerated bloated physiques that pop up. Some of these people look so goofy that it's impossible to take them seriously. To be fair when playing one CoC or TiTs this is kind of expected, but still, not something I at least love.

    2-Combat: The combat is abysmal. This is my biggest complaint. For starters you usually feel pretty underpowered if you're in an area that is supposed to be for your level. You never really feel especially strong or capable except for when you're in areas that you've over leveled for. Beyond that combat is just not very readable. With all the characters and different effects going on - combat frequently has as many as 7-8 combatants involved - each individual turn feels like reading it's own short story. So you can either take *forever* to read everything and resolve each combat encounter or, just sort of idly click through it hoping for the best but not fully aware of exactly what is going on.
    Like seriously I cannot overstate how bad this feels. In CoC I and in TiTs, you usually have a pretty good idea of what's happening each turn. You do an attack, they do an attack, that's it. It's maybe a paragraph's worth of text, no big deal. Here you do an action, each of your companions does something, and then the 3-4 enemies each do something, sometimes with extended descriptions. So like 8 actions, some of which have multiple effects. It doesn't help that all of this is shown to you simultaneously instead of one at a time, meaning you are instantly presented with a wall of text and numbers every single turn. This probably contributes at least a little to the aforementioned combat difficulty, since half the time I have no idea what the hell is going on in any given encounter. Like, I get that this is a text game and I have no problem reading, but I don't want to have to real a small novel every time I fight something.
    Also too much healing, on your side and from the enemies. It's not uncommon to find fights that feel like they just go on forever because neither side is able to outdamage the other side's healing.

    3- Fetishes/Sex: There's a lot of complaints about forced fetishes. I don't know if it's really that bad. Sure there's a bunch of characters/scenes that maybe aren't for you, but like, that's how all of these games are, TiTs and the original CoC similarly had a lot of stuff that grosses me out (for example I'm not interested in of all the dickgirls and gay scenes, I'm quite happy with regular women thank you very much), but this series has always been about having something for everyone. Whether you like women or men, vanilla or weird and wild, humanoid or furry or monsters, there's some characters you'll like and others you might not. Doesn't seem worth getting in a tizzy when some of the characters aren't to your taste, just ignore them and move on to the ones you do like.

    4 - Choices/RPG mechanics: The level cap is too low, and I never really get the vibe that I'm making much of a "build". This ties heavily into the combat issues so I won't go too far into detail, but I don't know why we're only limited to like level 6, and I also wish there was an expanded system of perks/passives like how CoC 1 had to help build and differentiate your character. As are there are a few, but not many. I'm max level and only have like 3 perks, all of which are frankly kind of boring and forgettable.

    Choices in general could be made a little more common. It's not like there are no meaningful choices but I wouldn't say there are a ton either. For example I'm not a huge fan of all the sharing content, but there are a lot of characters who you'll have a sort of romantic/girlfriend-esque relationship only to then find out later they're also sleeping with multiple other characters. It'd be awesome if that's something you could have some control over.

    The game also doesn't really build itself around you as the protagonist, which is a little weird for a game that is essentially a wish-fulfillment power fantasy. A lot of the negative reviews cover this so I won't go into massive detail here either, but I do agree that you often feel like more of a side character than the focal point of the story, which isn't great.

    Summary: I think there's a lot of good content here, but the game has a lot of mechanics and things that are not as well formed, making it often a chore to find the stuff you want to find. It's not bad, but it feels a little unfocused and bogged down. Combat is horrible, building your character is meh, there's some difficulty in shaping the world, the story, characters, and tone the way you want, and that combined with a lot of extraneous side content where your character is a glorified side character really slow this game down.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Oh, and did I already mention that you get to see your LITERAL DAUGHTER, that you cared for, played with and raised (sort of) getting fucked into a puddle by a guy who hates you and tried to kill you? If I did, then let me say it again, just for good measure: you get to see your daughter, your beloved little girl, moaning, cumming and getting fucked into a hot mess by a guy who hates you.
    All you need to know about this game
    This stuff is unavoidable if you want to progress the game
    More stuff like this coming
    The worth thing that from RPG it slowly transforms into kinetic novel where you can't change the future with your actions
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This games score being so low is one of the worst ratings on the whole site, this game is infinitely better than 3 star games and would not be anywhere near as low if it was not called CoC 2

    The game itself has a lot of content that's relatively well written, many choices that actually affect outcomes and the game state and scenes and characters that are epic sexual style.
    I was fully engaged throughout the entire games duration and looked forward to seeing where the characters and story would develop

    and its got some nice illustrations alongside the text to supplement my lacklustre imagination
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Al Gore

    As an old fan of the original CoC, I can tell you that the review bombing this game is receiving is a bit of an overreaction. The art and UI of this game are an unmistakable improvement over the original CoC, and even with the many valid criticisms of this game's writing taken into account it's still leagues ahead of most of what can be found on this site. Make no mistake, this game is not the masterpiece that CoC was, but to the uninitiated this game would undeniably still be described as "good"

    What makes this game a lesser scion of the original CoC is the writing and story direction, which likely experienced a shift in style as this game was directed by Savin instead of Fenoxo. AFAIK Savin has more of a writing background than Fenoxo, which may explain some of the excessive lore dumps and forced OCs as these are common pitfalls in fanfiction. Sometimes less is more when it comes to games like this.

    The most obvious improvements that this game enjoys over the original CoC are the art and the UI, as this game sports full, high-quality character art instead of sprites and a travel map that shares the style of TiTS as opposed to the simple button menu of classic CoC.

    The combat and character progression of this game is kind of a mixed bag. I wouldn't call it better than the original, but it's not atrocious either. The card system feels a bit restrictive, but it does give you playstyle options. Each enemy has its own sex scenes and transformative items as one would expect from CoC.

    Objectively it's a controversial 7/10 just like Starfield
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game, i really do, unlike many other people i really believe this game has potential, sadly this potential is ruined by the makers of this game themselves. How?

    Well, they constantly insist on trying to input their own fetishes onto the game, this can be seen in almost every character who then turns out to be another cardboard cut character with the same gimmik. The only thing different about each character is their own "unqiue quirkiness". Suffice to say, its not working.

    The biggest issue is that the creators seems to greatly enjoy forcing the people playing the game to focus onto their own OCs. Multiple times i am forced to look and read the writers poorly designed OCs which all seem to be the Mary Sue of their fanfics.

    TLDR, this game had potential but has turned into a writer's poorly designed fanfic where their own OCs reign supreme whislt you the player are forced to go through this vomit inducing game.

    If i was to describe this game experience, it will be similar to watching a truck slowly crash into an occupied hospital bed whilst The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy plays in the background as well as some random e-girl tick tok dances just in the corner of your eye. Its a terrible mess with no hope for any improvement in the future yet you can only watch while feeling you just got beaten by a drunk father.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    As the ancestors bequeathed, "I'd rather not touch it, not even with an eighteen-foot stick."

    As a COC fan who can still play a couple of runs in COC XiaXia, COC 2 was a complete disappointment for me. I won't talk about the hackneyed gist of it, about the awful feeling of being in the story as the protagonist, about a bunch of unmissable and sometimes very persistent fetishes, about the sometimes overly THICC character artwork (slightly less awful than in TiTs), no, I'll touch on the aspects that pissed me off the most.

    - Disgusting gameplay. The first installment had a very simple yet enjoyable RPG system, not too simple, but not complex either (if you need complexity and millions of numbers, it's in XiaXia). Here, not only the maximum level is very small (and it's very easy to gain it), but also the auto levelling is absolutely disgusting! Throughout the game, I never felt powerful, as it is supposed to champion, not only do I have two companions walking with me, taking on themselves part of the merits, often they are even stronger in terms of stats!
    They added different types of damage and armor, which should have made it stand out qualitatively from the first part, but they forgot to work that system out. Few abilities, and if there are any, in most cases it's just a copy but with a different damage element or minimal differences. Few really worthwhile items, for example, I as a black mage, having received a staff on the quest of the wolf boy with a huge penis, did not change it until I found two sticks that gave me on... 5 more spell power! 5! And that's still a lot, there's a difference of 2-3 spell powers. And in general, there are no ways to level up outside of leveling up, only items and companion talents. Is it even worth talking about the system of transformation from the first part?

    - The text is either not enough or too much, sometimes lacking a description of the situation, and sometimes 3 pages of text describing completely useless things, so the text itself is still terrible. Instead of working out the main story, they decided to finish the side-story about a wolf-femboy with a huge dick, of course, which also became a demigod, yes, of course, I'll just stand aside, I'm just a champion, of course.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    CoC2 is probably the worst ERPG due to the creators wasting time on side contents that don't need to be expanded on or to be added later, companions being so boring and contribute nothing to the already terrible lore and story of the game, underwhelming classes and weapons, forced OCs, and contradictory stances on certain fetishes and theme. Unless you want to play as a male character with a large dick and a knot to impregnate every female NPCs, you're better off skipping the game until it gets fully retcon and modded by fans.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    While the game may not be perfect, and some of the criticism I've read about it was warranted, the end product is still an amazing game with more raw content and hours of fun than 95% of the games on this site. The combat needs some rebalancing, and I'm not a huge fan of the card system used in the fights; I absolutely have a lot more stuff about the game I do enjoy, mainly the character-focused sub-plots and the sex scenes.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Literally twice the amount of content if you choose to play pure rather than corrupt. You literally can only get the bimbo bee companion if you DON'T turn her into a bimbo. That makes no sense, especially not for a game that claims to be a sequel to COC.

    Even more egregious is how you can knock up more characters than you can can actually corrupt? Like- at least call it preggers of champions instead of implying that engaging with the corruption mechanics is anything but a trap that leads to no content and no updates that are relevant to your interests.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Remember the original CoC? Yeah, well, this one barely shares any resemblance to that.

    Freedom? Nah, fetishes, content and NPCs will get shoved down your throat whether you like it or not, just like the LMBTQ shit IRL. The original game made you the main character, you explored a fucked up and strange land, encountered weird stuff and fought corruption or welcomed its embrace. Here? Nah, you are side content. Essentially, nothing that you do as the Champion matters. You are not the focus. Hell, in some cases you are a loser whether you like it or not... though luck.

    No branching storylines, no immersive corruption mechanic, cluttered jank UI, unavoidable fetishes, inconsistent writing and visuals. Whatever this is, don't call it Corruption of Champions II. My recommendation would be "Furries and Demons" or "Furries vs Demons". If you want to keep this title, maybe make it so that the game is about corruption and/or a champion. Currently, this game is NOT about either of those.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm not one to throw stones as a writer though if there a project to stone the writing of it is CoC.

    You want a story without focus meandering as the writers interests come and go. You have it. You want a protagonist who is merely there to be a no personality camera to the scenes. You got it. You want half-assed bad endings. You have those too. If there were a race to the bottom CoC II will have to take the prize.

    What redeeming 'qualities' does this have? Well, if you're a voyeur then every scene feels like your watching without interacting and that's that.

    CoC II is a one star project with features tacked on haphazardly on top of non-existent story with unengaging gameplay for a text-based game. What more can be said?
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    A few years ago I bought the steam version of this game to support the devs, since I, for personal reasons, dislike Patreon due to some of their policies. On this way, you can see that I liked the game enough to want to support its development. Yet, it is with a heavy heart that I'm forced to rate this 2/5, for the reasons I'll disclose bellow.

    Earlier versions of this game were absolutely amazing. It felt like a high fantasy tabletop rpg campaing with lots and lots of eroticism. The freedom of choice and progression you were presented with felt unique and added so much flavor to the experience that I just couldn't stop playing/reading through the game's story, and mind you, this is coming from someone who has no interest whatsoever in futas and furries.
    The game was just that good, to the point where I got invested into a story with lots of things that I sincerely dislike. That being said, with each new update everything that made this game great is just getting buried beneath a pile of nonsensical mental masturbation and ego stroking of egotistical writers, in a convoluted mess of self-inserts and Mary Sue / Gary Stu OCs, that some very specific writers keep inserting into the story like there's no tomorrow, to the point that the MC (our chosen champion) feels just like an incompetent side character.

    I could literally write a paper with how many poorly thought of pieces of content have been shoveled into the original project, in a way that make no sense and feel, at the very least, out of place when compared to the main plot originally presented. But, since this is supposed to be a "short" review, I'll stick to what I believe is the crux of the issue, that being, the point where I believe the overall quality of the game starts to nose-dive into a convoluted, unoriginal mess. That'd be the Kitsune related content.

    I fail to understand how come so many resources, development time and focus have been wasted in something so outlandish to the originally presented project. A piece of contet that feels out of place and, quite honestly, like a work of fanfiction, forcefully inserted, as a joke perhaps, in what was otherwise a solid erotic fantasy story with lots of freedom of choice to mold it to your champions preferences.

    When it comes to the Kitsune related content, from the get go we are stuck in a railroaded experience with close to zero alternatives of progression, that, in many instances, treat our champion as weak and/or stupid for no reason other than to show the reader how great the writer's OCs are. One specific encounter throughout this storyline sticks to mind like a sore thumb: The first encounter and subsequent fight with Nakano, the edgy samurai from the Kitsune Den.
    By playing a massive, strength based Orc warrior, accompanied by Arona, another massive strength based (although you can change that with clothes sets)Orc warrior, Brint/Brienne -- another ENORMOUS and incredibly strong warrior, and dumpstering the samurai boi in a couple of turns, what do we get at the end of the fight? Of course, our characters are injured, extremely tired and oh my, would you look at that? Our party with two enormous muscular orcs and a gargantuan minotaur, all over 2 meters in height and ripped out of their minds, is struggling to even hold the 5 foot 5 samurai femboy in place! Amazing! That's what I call immersion! I guess Nakano had the power of anime on his side, huh? That and plot armor for being an egostistical writer's precious OC.

    Such immersion breaking moments can be observed all throughout the den's content, with how other characters treat your champion, with their remarks, with the champion's passive and out of character reactions, etc. Basically, from all that I've observed throughout many different playthroughs with many different champions, you have no choices here; regardless of everything else, even the "choices" (more like illusion of choices, really) there's only one possible outcome to your interaction with the Kitsunes: Your character will be treated like a wimp who has no say in any matters, and can do nothing but follow whatever your fox overlords want you to do.

    The kitsunes, at every opportunity, will show you how powerful and amazing they are, and how insignificant and unimportant your champion is. They will always stay in control , since they are, after all, written to be superior to your champion. They will treat your champion like a stupid joe schmoe whenever given the chance. They will also show how "cool" and "amazing" and "important" and "badass" and yada yada yada they are, and how you will be forced into the role of side character to empower their storyline.

    During some of the sex scenes in the den, a 5 foot foxgirl will manhandle your gigantic champion like he was a bitch and, with the power of anime and the writer's personal fetishes, she will show you how much of a dommy mommy she is -- regardless of your choices, by the way. Oh, and forget about ever satisfying them during sex. Best your character can do is have a barely decent, sub-mediocre performance, which, in lots of cases, won't even bring them to orgasm. Your champion, however, will almost pass out and leave the scene limping, in a specific case while the other character spouts a snark remark to the effect of "that's it?" and "you're nothing much huh?". After all, they are too cool and important to have good, fulfilling sex with the champion, who is nothing but a meal to them. Ain't that cool? Ain't that amazing writing for an erotic power fantasy? Nothign better and more immersive for an erotic fantasy rpg than having sex and not being able to satisfy your partner! Oh, author-sama, how can you be so good!? You're a genius!!! Pfft...

    There's so many, so damn many things wrong and out of place with that specific piece of content that if I keep writing about it this review will turn into a full blown dissertation on the matter. So, with that in mind, I'll try to be brief and just proceed with a few other points that I noticed about the experience and that made me particularly angry:

    The Kitsune storyline as a whole feels EXTREMELY out of place when compared to the the story that was originally proposed for the game. I can say, with full certainty, that it feels just like a low quality fanfic from some over eager teen, which was, for some weird reason, inserted into the general CoCII storyline.

    The whole Kitsune storyline has Zero variety of interactions throughout its whole extension, never taking into consideration your champion's background, race, alignment and behaviour thus far, and, above all else, it disrespects and disregards yours -- the player's -- preferences and choices by railroading you into what amounts to a kinetic novel (linear story).

    So, you are playing a cruel, chaotic evil mofo that even kicked poor Liaden into the corrupt honey just for shits and giggles? Well, well, well... guess what? Time to be a bitch for the oh-so-incredible kitsunes. Go on, errand boy, move your ass! And do keep your head low while you're at it! You don't wanna upset the god-race, the incredible Kitsunes, do you? All that you can do during this storyline is speak to them respectfully, never talk back, and be super passive with every small ilusion of choice you are given, probably because your femdom mommies and cool, edgy daddies have to show off how "amazing" they are.

    Oh, and while we're at it, care to watch your daughter getting fucked by an npc that openly hates you? Isn't it such a turn on, playing from your daughter's pov and watching her get fucked by a man that literally hates you and tried to kill you? This is LITERALLY daughter NTR. And yes, even if there's no relationship between father/mother and daughter, the NTR is still a thing, same for mother NTR, which is a full blown genre (very popular, by the way)-- just like the daughter NTR we are forced to see with poor little Kinu. You literally can't progress their storyline without watching your beloved daughter getting porked and cumming her brains out while bouncing on the cock of some dude who hates you! Peak fantasy content right there!Oh, and mommy approves of it, by the way! Because of course she does!
    I'm actually surprised that we haven't had content where Kyoko (our Kitsune wife) bangs some other dude and we're forced to watch and accept it because "it's part of their culture!" -- the same sad, tired excuse given every single damn time the author railroads us into a plot point where others disrespect our character and force choices onto us-- most of which we would never, ever, ever, ever, ever agree with.

    Ah, and, once again, while you're at it, grab a chair and go watch that other cool Kitsune from the den, that one hot guard you can barely interact with, get gangbanged. Oh, and would you look at that...! The ones you do interact with, the hot kitsune sisters, are getting fucked by some chumps as well! And OMG! The randoms are sastisfying them and making them cum their brains out-- something your champion wasn't able to do! Isn't that amazing!? Isn't that peak fantasy right there!?

    Well, in any case... you better be into voyeurism with slight undertones of cuckold, because this power fantasy is turning into a sharing fantasy real fast! Jokes aside, I get that you don't have any actual relationship with the kitsune sister, nor that hot guard Kitsune girl... but seriously, passing by a random corridor and getting a scene to watch them getting gangbanged by some other dudes, just a little while after they slept with your champion, is something that shouldn't happen-- not even in the background-- unless you were presented with a CLEAR choice for it to happen. That's another instance of literally NTR being forced into the storyline. Oh, and don't get me wrong, I absolutely love NTR! It's my second or third favorite porn genre after corruption and mindbreak. But you see, I kinda prefer my NTR to be in the NTR games/other media that is specifically advertised as NTR or presents it as an option, not shoehorned into my power fantasy game, where the Champion was advertised--marketed even-- to be the badass hero chad/chaddete that gets all the pussy/cock.

    Oh, and that dude that tried to murder your family? Do nothing about it. Because. you known, your family are strong, independent Kitsunes that need no Champion to solve ther problems.

    And speaking of familly... you better be into disfunctional families where the children hate their parents, and you also better enjoy roleplaying an absentee dad that gets treated like a tool and has no say in anything that happens in the house, because... well... once you free your fox wife, that's exactly what you will be getting.

    Hmm... Did I already mention you get to see your daughter fucking a man who hates you and tried to kill you? She cums a whole whole lot and is very enthusiastic in describing how much she loves his cock. Anyway... That happens more than once, and you have more than one daughter *wink* *wink*.

    Since the author who specifically wrote that contet seems to like japanese culture so much, let me tell him this: Dude, you write like a fucking Chūnibyō. Stop trying to make your OCs more important and relevant than the MC of the whole damn story. And for fuck's sake, please stop trying to railroad your goddamn fanfic into the game's story! I want to play as MY CHAMPION, not your damn OCs. Also, if you want to add NTR/Cuckold content, then just go for it ffs. Stop trying to veil it by making us watch sexual interactions between characters other than the Champion -- characters that we don't really care about! Seriously, go for it. Just don't force it in routes/storypaths where the player might not want it. Give a choice for it to happen or not-- and for the love of god, make it make sense, instead of just dropping it like a turd in the middle of a public square.

    Right... let's wrap things up.

    You, my dear reader of this very lengthy and slightly angry review, might think that these rather colorful complaints of mine are reserverd to just this "tiny", specific piece of content (that actually makes for around 40% of all available contet in the game thus far, and, for some reason, keeps increasing at a faster pace than the rest)... However, as things are progressing, with each new update added to this once great game, the issues that were once specific to the boring, bland piece of garbage content that is the Kitsune den storyline, are actually starting to bleed out into what was supposed to be the main storyline. What was once a MC (Champion) driven storyline-- even being advertised as such on Patrean and other media where the game was being "marketed", is slowly but surely turning into a railroaded experience, driven by npcs (writer's OCs) that more and more feels out of place from the initial vision/project of the game.

    Oh, and did I already mention that you get to see your LITERAL DAUGHTER, that you cared for, played with and raised (sort of) getting fucked into a puddle by a guy who hates you and tried to kill you? If I did, then let me say it again, just for good measure: you get to see your daughter, your beloved little girl, moaning, cumming and getting fucked into a hot mess by a guy who hates you.

    Indeed, in order to progress the storyline, your daughter, your beloved little girl, must be porked by an unlikeable npc character that hates you, and to make things "better", she will marry him. Why? Because these characters are the author's OCs and that's what he wanted to happen. Fuck you, your opinions, your choices and your preferences. The god king author has decreed that there will be daughter NTR and you will enjoy it.

    Ah... Yes. Peak fantasy writing right there from author-sama.

    Only reason I'm giving this review a 2 star and not a 1 star is pure copium on my part that, one day, the main dev will get his head out of his you know what, and will force the entitled writers that are running rampant to actually comply with the game's original vision and stop railroading their fantasies and OCs into the story.

    By the way, let me put this here again, just in cased I missed it before... To progress in the Kitsune storyline you have to watch your daughter, your dear little girl-- yes, that one who you played with, cuddled and patted her head as a child-- having hardcore sex with an extremely unlikeable npc that openly hates you, thinks you are inferior, and has tried to kill you before. Oh, and he also gets to marry her and become part of your family! I'm also pretty sure that if Amazing-Incredible-Godking author-sama has his way with the story, at some point in time there will also be an oyakodon scene where this dude gets to fuck both your wife and daughter at the same time. But don't worry, it's all because of their different culture.

    EDIT: Fixed typos, added some stuff I forgot to mention.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game and updates, hope there is some mods soon too, very detailed and with some depth to the story, just wish it had some more foot content hehe.

    Please keep the speed of updating the game fenoxo
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Search History

    If you have played the first corruption of champions than I implore you to ignore this game entirely. It is a shade, a poor imitation of the first. Yes there was incredibly nuanced sexual content however there was always a choice to partake or ignore the content. You had influence and power to effect the story in meaningful way.

    COCII feels more like you are a background character. There is less choice, less meaning in what you do. There is much more pushback from authors to protect the characters that they introduce to the story (Cait, Kinu).
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Let's get this out of the way before everything else. You play the game because you want to have sex with furies and all sorts of non-human critters. I play it because I get to beat the living crap out of them and sometimes kill them.

    Now, about the game. It's like a stew, everything is mixed up with no concern for individual parts.

    A lot of different graphic styles mixed together, obviously designed by different artists with different visions about how the final product should look.

    Same goes for writing. Some scenes are going on like forever, while other are rushed like they had a limit on how many characters /letters should contain.

    UI is also a mess. After combat buttons are almost never in the same position. Instead of a companion menu where each companion stat is listed, divided in attributes, perks, traits, gear, you have everything tossed in the mix, along with PC. You can't compare x with y. You have to memorize x then to go in the menu where y is listed. What that specific equipment does for the companion? It gives a power? A special trait? It boosts the stats? You don't know, you need to check wiki for that.

    Gameplay. Somehow it feels like you are not the main character in the story. You do influence events with your deeds, but I don't know, if feels like you are there only to push story forward, not to actually change the course of it by your decisions. Fate of most story NPCs is already set, and no matter what you want to do, the decision is already made for you.

    Max level is reached way too soon in the story, you literally walk around half of the game with max level, with no need for money, loot or anything else.

    This makes you focus your attention only on story, and unfortunately to see all the underwhelming / unsatisfying things and crappy rewards. And boy... there was a lot of them. Example: you spend money to rebuild your own castle, and as a reward you get... money. You chase evil queen almost all the game, and in the end is imprisoned in your castle. You take a bee princess with you to help a dragon, the dragon dies, you get a shitty weapon and the bee becomes half-dragon.

    Like I mention before, I dislike non-humans, so my party had PC and Tui, then later on PC, Tui and Vivi. Because of that I've been spared of sentimental bs about caged futa elves or orphaned cat-people, exiled foxes and whatnot. Only NPCs I was involved with were Tui and Vivi.

    "But you are missing a lot of content". Yeah, not content I would've enjoyed, thank you.

    I get it took a lot of work and dedication to make this game. That's why it got the second star. But I think the dev(s) should've thought at players wishes, not at their own fetishes when they made it.

    Just my 2 cents. Cheers.

    Later edit. I've read other reviews and apparently I'm not alone in how I feel about this game. There are actually a lot of people annoyed by the same things. Who would've thought, heh. Only difference - they wrote about those annoyances way better than I could. That's what you get when English is your 3rd language.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    It was so bad that it made a lurker like myself want to dunk on it.

    It's hard to start a review about CoC 2 because there's much to talk about yet I believe most of the negative reviews went over the points I would've gone with. Nothing improved. It actually got worse, come to think of it.

    What resulted from all the time spent on its development is a load of stuff thrown in without the slightest hint of an end goal. The only solace I can genuinely think of would be some of the art.

    Characters are insufferable more often than not while also being either OCs that will get things their way or playthings for said OCs so I dunno why one would even care. The fighting system is ass. The levelling system has a cap for reasons of salt which seems to be the justification for many other things in this collective effort. The story is essentially waiting for the backer money to dry up.

    Do yourself a favor and don't touch this thing until modders pick it up after it's either finished or dropped. Go read the thread instead - it's way more fun.