Others - Corruption of Champions II [v0.7.38] [Savin/Salamander Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    honestly one of the best text based games ever made 2nd really only to trials in tainted space and even then there's things it excels in that trials in tainted space could never

    for the story this game has the same problem with trial in tainted space, in that the main story slowly updates because damn it's been a while, the side stories are great and the way this game describes things are guaranteed to make you frisky

    unlike most text based games like this this game actually allows you to go with your companions and have different scenes depending on if they're there or not, which can't be said about trials in tainted space or most text based games like it

    this game has a LARGE army of characters you can find and meet all unique and cool enough for you to love and may woman you can have as lovers, tho a fair warning that cait shouldn't be considered a lover but a friend, especially since she herself is the entire reason this game has a ntr tag tho tbf you can control if it happens but yeah

    sex scenes

    Absolutely amazing sex scenes, now as a warning this game doesn't have much imagery but MAN the descriptions of what happens do them justice, it's
    extremely sexual and hot that you can't help but to love them all and the kinks, THE KINKS, when i tell you they are amazing i fucking mean it, wanna be a bitch boy trap,theres a kink for that, wanna be a dominating mountain,there's a kink for that, wanna be a futa with a giant dick, theres a kink for that, honestly this is probably the 2nd kinkiest game on this site with the first being trials in tainted space
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I spent weeks gooning 5 to 12 times a day with this game. I'm into pretty much everything so the whole game is pure fap material. I sometimes accidentally edge myself for hours cause I'm to entranced by the erotic writing. I love that I can can turn into whatever I want. I feel so free it's great. Keep up the great work this games amazing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    In depth, addictive, and constantly filled with new material every few weeks. The most important part is the sheer amount of choice you as a player have to make your perfect fantasy character and role. Not everyone will agree on the particulars, but I say it's an easy 10/10.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games that I think, the first time you play it, you'll likely be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content and choices available to you; the writing feels good and it feels practically like the kind of erotic fiction you've always dreamed of being a part of. It did for me; until I played it again.

    Then I started to realize that I was really just the pedal in the vehicle that was the story, I wasn't really turning the wheel for fueling the plot even if I could determine how fast/slow I got there. Which, is fine right, a lot of AAA games are like this. But then I play more, and at least up to where I was, I started feeling even more like I was just in on the ride of other people's OCs. All these other characters are able to flesh out personalities, be important; and all I can do is randomly mutate into some furred hybrid that changes adjectives in the scenes that, now that I'm playing them a second time, aren't really that dynamic at all. I think the best analogy I can come up with is, (Even though the genre of games are totally different) I feel like Aether back when I played Genshin Impact a few years ago. I am a vehicle of the plot whose job is just to highlight other characters.

    I think because it's open-ended nature feels more genuine, (And the fact that they don't ax party characters—RIP Berwyn) I end up finding myself enjoying TiTs a lot more even if it's Sci-Fi theme isn't really my thing. From what I understand, the two games share a lot of the same writers, so as much hate as this game seems to get from a writing and narrative perspective, I don't think it's the fault of any person, (Except whoever killed Berry lol) but just the overarching narrative design is different and doesn't appeal to me personally. Who knows maybe it will for you; If you're looking for a sandbox where story is secondary and you want to shift modifiers to match an OC in your head, this could be for you; and there's nothing wrong with that.

    After all, the game seems to be heavily popular regardless the rating, so if you're on the fence I'm still sure you'll get mileage out of it. But personally some of the other games here have spoiled me and especially after my first run I haven't been able to enjoy CoC2 near as much since.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is filled with nearly unlimited perversion and a lot of kinks or fetishes that are down bad
    Game also constain forced sexual scenes and relations that has your character a victim
    Despite even having failed sex scenes there is a lot of moments where you must win or game over...which would be fair, but sometimes you can get stuck on 80 HP and boss instakill you on 1st turn easy dificulty
    Game also feature FORCED body transformations

    what i like:
    Game have actual gameplay
    companions have development and some of them are nice even if weak
    relatively nice development of main character
    building own province (kind off)
    getting titles
    inviting/capturing/accepting servants
    i also like that failure is not always gameover
    i m also glad you can win with temptation/sexiness not just violence

    Things i hate:
    you can not lock your character look, especially not body part size...
    your character can mutate into disgusting creature, but followers get cool armor or bigger tits...
    You can remove from the game few characters, but can not remove rape scenes on failure or forced demon encounters or force the unwinable battle to just skip itself
    A lot of woman have dicks or option to get a dick, there is never an option to remove a dick from a girl!
    game also think your sex is some kind of jelly state where you can bounce in and out of who you are...
    one of the best perks is unburdened bcs this game is made by a maniac, even wearing a ring can get your tits to size of a planet so you end with debuff, perk remove debuff but you must engage in getting pregnant with some disgusting racoon woman as perk is vagina exclusive...
    its impossible hard to maintain or obtain specific look
    Game perform clunky and slow, engine clearly struggle with displaying text or battle progress making chokes and causing double-clicks often
    Outcomes of some events are permament and unforseen, you can end with annoying companion character who refuse to be submissive or entitled cow that constantly need fucking and milking and literally force you into it like enemy
    If you openly tell companions that you don't wanna be their personal vibrator they will often get debuffs related to sex, which are quite harsh, not drastic, but i ended in situations where elf, cat and cow was unusable due to their constant needs and debuffs and started blaming my loses on it
    Game take confidence as "better" than submissiveness, which you might argue to some degree it might be, however this two are not mutually exclusive and its kind of stupid to end with demanding companion who calls you a "slut" on "hey how are you" visit and outright rape you bcs you tried to play as bimbo-queen and was too good for people
    Corruption goes up very easily, losing or winning you can land yourself on 100, but it almost never goes down, only early mission allow you to drop it by -2 and -5 few times
    My character is never strong enough to even live thru fights, i use resurrections, i have max toughness and evasion, it doesn't do anything
    game heavily favor tank build and walking with catgirl as permament companion for occasional heals and resurrects
    game needlessly limit storage and inventory slots, you have to end up selling rare or unique items just to get space
    There is not easy way to compare better/worse items for your build, i think despite efforts in this direction game does not clearly indicate which attacks use which attribute or item bonus so most of my non-brute builds end up not working because of it
    FEDEX quests force you to have all the items at once, you can't just deliver 1 or 20 of one type you have now... its very tedious
    Quest items to deliver takes valuable inventory space, making whole management even harder
    Storage stacks are sometimes not good enough, stone stack to 20, you have quest to deliver 45 + wood + metal basically items for single quests you can spend hours collecting will take half of your inventory
    Game also put interesting interpretation towards building up confidence and companion relationship, you can ignore or refuse to support elf companion in every dialogue, but if you fuck her good enough times she now believe in herself? dialogue change is 1 time only sex is repeatable

    Futa is gay and this game is full of it
    Game lack wholesome relations or ability to address characters in your own way, i don't wanna call lady a slut or cockslave just because i dick her down

    Honestly i do not recommend playing it unless you are too deep in porn games to quit...its not worth it
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Seems a lot of people's complaints about this text based adventure game is that it's...*checks notes*...a text based adventure game...huh.

    While the development time of this game and other games by the developer is absolutely abysmal, the fact that there seems to be a lot of low rated reviews complaining about the amount of text in a text based game is just silly.

    This game is a bit of an improvement to the first CoC in some areas, especially in the art department since the first one didn't really get any significant art, but it also feels like a step down from what it could have been considering this started development maybe halfway through the development of TiTS but the only thing it seems to have taken from that is the map movement.

    The character transformation also isn't as intense as the other games, which kinda just leaves you playing as the same kind of character the entire time, which is alright I guess.
    Pregnancy is still a mechanic, but without any way to speed it up, it feels closer to a punishment if you are into repopulating the world with your own spawn, and I don't even think there are any characters the player can impregnate aside from like...one kitsune lady that was implemented years ago.
    In fact, I think the game might even still be limited to just the one area, which is really bad considering it's the same area that was there at the beginning.

    Anyways, it's not as bad as people want to make it seem.
    Yes it has a lot of text, that comes with the territory of being a text based game, and yes the development speed is slow as balls, but it's still a good play once every few years.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    You know what it is.

    The discord server model of development rarely works well unless there's good managers and this game flounders on that. Endless patreon bloat and questionable gameplay with story stagnation, Someone on the dev team writes as if they think verbosity is a mark of quality.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    A game that emphasized more the writing than the art itself. Its pretty much your typical choose your own adventure book with the twist of sex.

    The game is your mix between a turn based dungeon crawler and a interactive story set in an open world. The graphics are primitive and the game reaches more towards text, with some supplemental images with ranging quality

    The customization options are great, but sometimes feel to get into the wait of the writing. Some of character traits and how it translates into the interaction during a sex scene can be hit or miss.

    In the way, this game is a 4 star when it comes to the gameplay but the quality of the art and writing differs quite a lot. I'd say this games overal fapability is closer to 3 star than a 4 star game.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Had a strong start in the beginning but over time the quality of writing and characters has gone down hill. Updates come in at a decent pace but offer so little actual content there might as well not have been a patch to begin with and only really offer more one off characters that dont add anything to the story. And my biggest gripe is that for a game called corruption of champions, corruption hardly plays a part in the game, hell you're actually locked out of content if you wanna play an evil character. The game is alright if you wanna burn a couple of hours outta your day but I would wait for public releases on their website instead of the early access backer releases this game isn't even worth a nickel.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Forget Me Not

    While the criticism for this game is largely justified I prefer this to their other work. Trials in tainted space seems barren and shallow compared to this game. I like that characters will treat you differently based on your history.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Does this game have serious problems?

    Sure. For starters, the game is outrageously verbose, with text that varies wildly in quality. Like, comically so.

    It's in desperate need of a good, decisive editor to go through with a chainsaw and clean things up.

    To be honest, I just skip or skim a good amount of it, only reading the stuff that's of particular interest to me or written by one of the better writers.

    The development is slow and seems to lack direction, being pulled in multiple different directions at the same time, with many of them going nowhere.

    That being said, people go way too far in their criticisms. Seriously, half the shit on this site is made in RPGM and has dialogue so poorly translated it barely makes sense. Claiming this game is 1 or 2 stars just because it's different than the original or because you don't like the developer is petty.

    Anyways, here are the positives:

    - Though there are only a couple "busts" per each character, the art is really good
    - The RPG mechanics are solid, if a little on the easy side
    - There is quite a bit of "C&C" (choice and consequence), even more than a lot of modern non-smut RPGs
    - The character customization and the way it is reflected in scenes is top-notch
    - And while the smut is, again, of varying quality, there is tons of it, with a lot of different fetishes covered -- and some of it is really good

    In short, yes, it's imperfect, and who knows if it'll ever be finished in a satisfactory fashion. But it's still definitely worth playing.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is a text based sandbox. There's a passable story there with optional content and a main quest. While there's no end in sight, and probably won't be for a long time, if you forget the story and focus on the smut you won't be disappointed:

    - Lots of smut.
    - No grind.
    - Plenty of optional fetishes.
    - Serviceable combat. You can lower the difficulty in the options.
    - Regular content updates.

    To conclude, the game is weirdly controversial despite being widely popular; if you're uncertain because of the average rating I suggest still giving it a shot.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    While I still play the game almost everyday, it's pretty obvious that is has been getting worse for a while now and I highly doubt the dev will improve the issues.

    The gameplay is bland and boring with followers keep on getting new classes as an excuse to stay relevant. You, the player, have little to no impact to the story from the chocies you make, and the items they added into the game for armor or attire is lackluster to the point I'm still using the same armor few years ago. The updates have been mostly bad since it's mostly just new sex scenes and dount steel ocs that will be quickly left behind and not continuing the main story. Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware this is a porn game in the end of the day, however it shouldn't excuse not advancing the main story. And that's just ignoring the "favoritism updates" of futa characters. It's almost 2025 and we're still in Khor'minos or haven't encounter the Harpy Leader again after the first zone. The followers we collect to our party hardly have anything going for them to be interesting and are just there to be usefully shields to tank any damages.

    When it comes to the NPCs most exist as vendors, representing a specific fetishes, or to bore you about the city's history, which is fine. The issue is when the NPCs try to be part of the lore/story in the game despite them being underwhelming that it feels forced. Nihara and Hotaur are examples with the former just being a paid OC that exist for motherly breeding fetish, but is somehow had a role with the deities in the game and a small quest; and the latter who is obvious another "fox waifu with breeding obsession" being involve with helping your concubine and jealous of your wife. The NPC that at least does well or hasn't been a problem, is the recent futa centaur, Kalysea. The dev also keep on adding NPCs that just ends up being one of the groups of your wayfort. And while yes, you can choose to keep them or not, it's annoying it's keeps almost happening while other NPCs like Byvernia and the Frost Pupper is still stuck in their own areas.

    I'm known that the game have been avoiding certain fetishes in order to keep getting money from supporters, and that the dev doesn't like certain fetishes, but I do have to question or call out why the include a bit of Incest fetish for the Tanuki and the Kitsune species with the Tanuki mother having a random scene screwing one of her daughters and Mai and Miko of the Kitsunes kissing and the Bad End of them raping the now feminized player, and treating them as their new sister. Feels contradictory to me. And when it comes to fetishes they do add, it sometimes be the whole Poly relationship that doesn't go one-sided for the player and favors characters like Cait or Arona which can turn people off from continuing the game. Or adding futa/dickgirl/bustyboy NPCs in which the player couldn't be given a choice to remove their dicks, especially when you either defeated them in battle multiple times or in a relationship.

    The story sucks since your choices as a player never impacts it, what makes it worse is that the dev drops Corruption all together that basically hurts not only the player (regardless of of being pure or corrupted) and the story, but also the followers and NPCs. What made CoC1 great was that your choices impacted the story and as well as losing or earning new places, items, and followers based on your purity.

    I can understand why some like this game. For many, it introduces a new fetishes for them to enjoy and expand in other forms of media. For others, it's due to being the only ongoing smut game that gets updated "frequently" compared to other games similar to it. Or to roleplay since many are part of the RPG fandoms like DnD and Warhammer. However, I think they deserve a better game to play since CoC2 is a failed "sequel" of a great smut game and should just stick to playing the OG CoC(with or without mods). Yes, CoC1 has issues similar to CoC2, but the difference is that Fenoxo was creating CoC1 mostly by himself before it caught lots of attention, whereas Savin announced CoC2 while mentioning how the "studio" has six people and you expected him to learn both the positives and negatives of CoC1 to improve upon in the "sequel". Turns out Savin has been the only member of the "studio" working and coding the game to this day, which explains why important aspects like Corruption got dropped, why people only write just NPCs and sex scenes, and why it's taking him way too long to finish each main quests. At this point, Savin should just make the game open source.

    To call CoC2 a sequel is an insult because outside of the portals, the only references of the OG we got are the Mai and Miko duo(basically the futa fox twins of the Fenoxoverse that you meet for gangbangs) who are pure female Kitsunes in CoC2 with ghost cock and somewhat supporting roles in the story, and be impregnated(credit where it's due) and Raphael, an anthro fox who is based on the other version of him in CoC1, but with a deep hatred Kitsunes to the point that he targets your daughter. The worse thing about this game is that the world is already filled with sex-crazed races before the main villian appeared, which ruins the atmosphere and the plot of the game. Even if the game gotten mod supports to add additional contents, the main issues that needs to be fix is the story.

    I recommend this game if you're only interested in just finding and enjoying fetishes to fap to. If you're interest is well-written characters to bond with and good story/lore, or even to indulge on your fantasy of having a one-sided harem, best to skip CoC2. The game did had potential when it first started in 2018, but as time went on, it's becomes clearer that the game is all about adding more mediocre sex scenes, pump and dump more donut steel OCs, and updating futas to no end while ignoring the main quest and story.

    Edit: Needed to expand a few points.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    As much as i love the first game, I cannot get behind whatever this is.
    The main problem in this game is the writing. Unsurprisingly, for a game that's 80%-90% text, that is damning. There are good things in there, but they are buried under mountains of tedious slop, amateurish script, and down right bad sex scenes. Some of it comes down to general lack of polish and editing, and in more severe examples, entire chunks are unsalvageable due to their overall terribleness. If some of that lower quality content was straight-up cut out of the game, this would be a solid 4. But right now i can't recommend it. Will check back in a year too see if things improve tho.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is something that is better than it often gets credit for, lets break that down a little bit.

    First and Foremost, this is TEXT BASED game, you need to be able and willing to read heaps of words at a time. If you are unable to read this review in one sitting and without looking at your phone maybe this is not for you.

    In terms of sexual content most players will feel disappointed simply because they are unwilling to read more than 2 sentances before proceeding to the next scene. Those who are will find a variety of content between all kinds of partners. Some scenes are better than others but be warned. There is straight stuff in here, there is gay stuff, is a furry game, expect futa characters doing all sorts of stuff that falls into the grey area between straight and gay.

    Game play is a bit more similar to a very simple J-RPG in terms of combat and a little closer to an early 2010s top down explorer in terms of adventuring. Combat ultimately boils down to picking up to two allies and having faith that they will fill the roll they are intended too while your character is entirely in you control. Exploration and searching for items is very much walking through enemy infested areas.

    Overal the story is simple but compelling, the incident that sets off the main quest is a bit lack luster but as it progresses you will spend an unhealthy amount of in game time doing side quests that are often much more intersting. Some characters are very well fleshed out others are still being worked on and as such do not have a completed quest line. A number of these side quests have entirely new maps sections exclusively set aside for that quest, meaning the game rewards you for exploring.

    TLDR: Its a lot of text that if you are willing to read is a very interesting and entertaining story with alot of good smut.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I’m a huge fan of (isometric) RPGs and I never shied away from info dumps and wall of texts before now. Both this review and this game can be surmised in quite a short sentence: CoC2 is a bad porn game and an even worse text-based game.

    The writing quality varies wildly because there are so many different authors and nobody who actually review or enforce a style; overall, it is mediocre at best.

    As someone pointed out in the other reviews, the MC is like the wind: it has no agency, it is merely a tool used by the writers to both describe and usher changes in their little world. Being a tool, the MC has no personality whatsoever: in one instance they can be a psychopath, in another a knight in a shining armor, in yet another a dom and the scene after the biggest slutty dumbass ever. *You*, as the player, have no agency either but to witness to the writers’ stories — the main plot ceased to exist past the prologue — and as such you have *no choice at all*: there are instances here and there, but they are far in between and just fluff (like choosing if a character is going to be a sub or a dom). The characters of these stories are… huh, okayish? They are nothing deep. I actually stopped caring because you are told their stories and background all the time, but you never really see them struggle and grow; the only exception is Ryn, actually, who is the only redeemable character alongside Kasyrra. Everyone else too is a tool of the writers to tell *their* stories.

    If you see nothing wrong with this, ask yourself: what was more important in LOTR, the journey or the lengthy descriptions of the shire? CoC2 is what LOTR would be if Tolkien somehow forgot about the journey and spent the whole book describing the shire, tom bombadil, and telling Frodo everything about Morgoth demise and what not. Sure, those stories as cool but can you imagine pages and pages and pages of the shire’s description *again* and *again* and *again*? CoC2 is that, minus the beauty of Tolkien’s writing.

    The sex scenes are plain bad. I wish they would stop reading coomer porn and read your average booktok smut romantasy book, whose sex scenes will probably be better. I don’t have words to describe how bad it is, but it feels like most of these writers never had sex; again, there are some exceptions here and there.

    I remember, but I may be imagining it, that once Savin or one of the writers trash talked CoC for being bad and what can I say? They surely wrote something worse. But CoC never shone for its writing, it was fun to play and it was stupid. It wasn’t pretentious so you never gave it too much thought… after all, it’s a porn game! CoC2, unfortunately, can’t receive the same treatment: it feels pretentious and you can see how the writers think it’s some good, hot shit whose writing is on par with AAA games (Which is fitting considering the state of the industry).

    The game
    The gameplay is bad and spammy. It is annoying to navigate the map because there are so many boring trash mobs. I never liked this either about CoC1, but I don’t like erotica games with Grindy/complex systems. I think the only outlier are Seeds of Chaos with its management system that I kinda like and Kingdom of Subversion, which keep it simple and removes the trash mobs of lower level

    The “Corruption”
    Imagine a world where everyone was a sex crazed addict, where monsters and vandals alike roaming the land unchallenged, pillaging and raping the weak — or being raped in return. Terrible, right?

    That’s *exactly* the oh-so-pure world the writers makes the MC protect from Kasyrra. The player can rape, or be raped, on a whim based on who wins the fight — sometimes the companions are raped too — and somehow this is a pure world. Kasyrra unleashed some bad shit, true, but most of what is wrong with the in game world is not on her. This is, straight up, bad writing. BAD writing. We are told how this world is good and cool and whatnot, but it mismatches completely both the stories of the characters and the damn presented world. This is as bad as CoC1’s world but without the demon corruption. CoC2’s world is fucked up beyond redemption, there is no corruption in this game because there is nothing left to corrupt: the inhabitants did this all on their own. Everyone wants to have sex with you or to sex with you, there are no stake, there is no build up nor growth… You end up not caring about the characters because, as I said in the writing review, they aren’t alive: they are placeholders to fill whatever lore dump is being *told* (remember, never shown!) at the moment by the writers and you, the player, are just a puppet they use as they see fit.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    After reading through all the 4/5 star reviews that praised the writing/story, I genuinely started asking myself if I played the same game as those people. For all the hours I put into this game, not once did I feel captivated or truly immersed by the writing, and though you may call me overly critical, the only feeling I got for this product was that of a B-tier movie that tried to take itself far too seriously.

    Writing aside, the Combat - a total joke. Minimum customization, 2 hours in and it felt like a chore, unfun and tedious. Even turning down the difficulty so that I can go thru it quicker, didn't make it feel any better. Would it have been difficult to make more interesting skills/combos, more levels and more ways to customize your playthru? Is it that much to ask in a game like this?

    As for the Romance/Sex part of the game - any and all forms of romance or subtle sexuality simply do not exist. You find thing, you fuck thing. End of story. And trust me, that's kind of a saving grace, because the ONE storyline where you're led (LED INTO, you have no control over it) into "romance" and a feeling of building genuine connection and investment of emotions, the end result is that you watch helplessly as your literal daughter gets fucked by an antagonist. There is only one thing on my mind since that moment - and it's that the writer for the whole storyline, wanted to humiliate and laugh in the face of the players.
    If you have a cuck fetish, you do you, but forcing it down our throats while making sure we absolutely can't do ANYTHING about it? How about fuck no.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    M Salvo

    This game is super well-executed, with writing that, while a bit dense at times, is easy to follow. Though there are no animations, it’s anything but dull—there’s plenty of spice to keep things interesting. Unlocking all the content takes time, especially since your choices can lock you out of certain paths, but it’s a rewarding challenge that adds replay value.

    However, it’s not a game where you can freely roleplay exactly how you want. Transformation elements are minimal, and the rare potion scenes don’t carry much weight beyond their initial moment. If you’re hoping to play a submissive role, the story tends to push your character in a more dominant direction. if this had a proper character creator, it would have been perfect.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR - COC2 is fine definitely not better than COC. Less choices and less freedom for the player. Uninfluenced world and people. Too many writers leading to inconsistent tone and theming. Paraphrasing a quote from Dougdoug COC2 would be a "big bowl of candy bars with chocolate sauce all over it, tasty on its own and if combined still tasty but a mess and I would prefer the candy bars by itself." Also too many cooks in the kitchen can apply as well.

    I want to make it clear that I played and enjoyed the first COC, so most if not all my feelings on COC2 will have some influence from the first COC. I don't think COC2 is bad by any means but if you take it in comparison to the first one you will most definitely find it lacking.

    Let's talk about the gameplay and I will be honest it's bad, in my opinion there should be minimal to no gameplay to porn games, exploration feels like a chore moving in between every single room just to get to the point of interest. They didn't even have a way to quickly return to the fast travel until 2022 which is 4 years after the first release. Combat is garbage, bottom of the barrel crap that should be entirely removed. I am sure there are people who enjoy it but it's so slow each character has an attack and that takes up several lines of text, so eventually you might get fights where both sides have at least 4-5 characters each and make the combat log long for no reason. Combat in COC was faster both because it didn't expand beyond you hit X with Y for Z damage and they represented multiple enemies as a single group with increased damage and health. Also classes for your character are overly complex and feel like they barely add anything to your character. I don't see a point to differentiate the classes if you can just acquire almost all the magic and skills from people, just leave us as a blank canvas as COC.

    The writing, I don't claim to know anything about writing but from a reader's perspective its not the greatest and I think this is the worst part. As a sex text based game the smut writing has to be top tier, so good that your brain can imagine the scene happening, I don't find myself enjoying the writing as much. And I can't tell if it's because they appear to have by the wiki's count about 45 writers writing for this game at once which causes the writing to be not enjoyable. How do you ensure quality writing from all people involved, from my perspective it feels like they don't ensure quality. I am not sure how to word it but when I am RP or wanting to put myself into the PC many scenes just don't have the feel like I am the one making decisions. If for instance you want to view it as a third party I would whole heartily agree that most if not all scenes are good but not for people RP.

    The story, i think is a sore point for many people. The story is to put it bluntly in my opinion not about you the PC but about Cait. Cait's sister gets kidnapped and spirited away, it's Caits quest to go out and find her sister and chase after the demon. The inital reason you are there is to find riches and you are forced to help Cait on her journey, it's literally game over if you do nothing at the start. Many of the story beats and actions are not influence by you and it makes you a passive observer.

    The characters are another sore point for many people. Some of the characters are open in their relationship and I feel that some including myself prefer to not have the character that we want to be in an open relationship. Nothing wrong if that's your thing but there are people that want the characters to our self. For instance Cait and Azyrran are two examples off the top of my head, Cait flat out says she can and will fuck others if you want to tap and Azyrran appears to already be in a relationship with someone and that someone doesn't like or at least care about you in the relationship if you are male gendered.

    Overall COC2 doesn't feel like a sequel to COC but more like a fan fiction or just using the ideas of something great to replicate.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I've played a lot of CoC and TiTS. I can't quite put my finger on what keeps making me drop CoC II, but over the years, no matter how many times I come back to give this game another try, I've never ended up advancing far past the first area. I suspect that Savin is just a generally worse game developer than Fenoxo. The combat UI is awkward and poorly communicative, especially since the default is to bring along multiple party members, resulting in a lot of clutter. The TF system is a little more complicated than the other games. The overworld layout is seemingly random (in contrast to maps in TiTS), which makes exploration less intuitive.
    One big issue might be the lack of a real hub zone. In TiTS you have your ship and in CoC you've got your campsite by the portal, but in CoC II the closest you've got to a personal hub is some inn owned by a bland wolf guy.
    People complain about ntr in this game but, as someone who enjoys ntr, I don't consider it to be substantially present. The sharing/non-monogamy almost seems to have been included as much for the sake of annoying people who dislike ntr as it is to provide quality netorase content. I believe that Savin also wrote Anno in TiTS; he did a much better job with her, though in her case I also would complain about the ntr being rather touch-and-go and non-committal. It seems to cater very specifically to the sort of open relationship that Savin prefers, rather than conforming to a fetish that the reader might be expected to enjoy, which is a bit of an issue when the character in question is so key to the experience.
    Overall, this game seems to me to be a tube of toothpaste with a long thin structure. There's technically a lot of toothpaste in the tube, but it's a real nuisance to get it out of there. At the end of the day the cost of toothpaste isn't prohibitive enought to warrant the additional effort required to extract the toothpaste from this tube, so I just set it aside and look at something else.