Others - Corruption of Champions II [v0.7.8] [Savin/Salamander Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game and updates, hope there is some mods soon too, very detailed and with some depth to the story, just wish it had some more foot content hehe.

    Please keep the speed of updating the game fenoxo
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Search History

    If you have played the first corruption of champions than I implore you to ignore this game entirely. It is a shade, a poor imitation of the first. Yes there was incredibly nuanced sexual content however there was always a choice to partake or ignore the content. You had influence and power to effect the story in meaningful way.

    COCII feels more like you are a background character. There is less choice, less meaning in what you do. There is much more pushback from authors to protect the characters that they introduce to the story (Cait, Kinu).
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Let's get this out of the way before everything else. You play the game because you want to have sex with furies and all sorts of non-human critters. I play it because I get to beat the living crap out of them and sometimes kill them.

    Now, about the game. It's like a stew, everything is mixed up with no concern for individual parts.

    A lot of different graphic styles mixed together, obviously designed by different artists with different visions about how the final product should look.

    Same goes for writing. Some scenes are going on like forever, while other are rushed like they had a limit on how many characters /letters should contain.

    UI is also a mess. After combat buttons are almost never in the same position. Instead of a companion menu where each companion stat is listed, divided in attributes, perks, traits, gear, you have everything tossed in the mix, along with PC. You can't compare x with y. You have to memorize x then to go in the menu where y is listed. What that specific equipment does for the companion? It gives a power? A special trait? It boosts the stats? You don't know, you need to check wiki for that.

    Gameplay. Somehow it feels like you are not the main character in the story. You do influence events with your deeds, but I don't know, if feels like you are there only to push story forward, not to actually change the course of it by your decisions. Fate of most story NPCs is already set, and no matter what you want to do, the decision is already made for you.

    Max level is reached way too soon in the story, you literally walk around half of the game with max level, with no need for money, loot or anything else.

    This makes you focus your attention only on story, and unfortunately to see all the underwhelming / unsatisfying things and crappy rewards. And boy... there was a lot of them. Example: you spend money to rebuild your own castle, and as a reward you get... money. You chase evil queen almost all the game, and in the end is imprisoned in your castle. You take a bee princess with you to help a dragon, the dragon dies, you get a shitty weapon and the bee becomes half-dragon.

    Like I mention before, I dislike non-humans, so my party had PC and Tui, then later on PC, Tui and Vivi. Because of that I've been spared of sentimental bs about caged futa elves or orphaned cat-people, exiled foxes and whatnot. Only NPCs I was involved with were Tui and Vivi.

    "But you are missing a lot of content". Yeah, not content I would've enjoyed, thank you.

    I get it took a lot of work and dedication to make this game. That's why it got the second star. But I think the dev(s) should've thought at players wishes, not at their own fetishes when they made it.

    Just my 2 cents. Cheers.

    Later edit. I've read other reviews and apparently I'm not alone in how I feel about this game. There are actually a lot of people annoyed by the same things. Who would've thought, heh. Only difference - they wrote about those annoyances way better than I could. That's what you get when English is your 3rd language.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    It was so bad that it made a lurker like myself want to dunk on it.

    It's hard to start a review about CoC 2 because there's much to talk about yet I believe most of the negative reviews went over the points I would've gone with. Nothing improved. It actually got worse, come to think of it.

    What resulted from all the time spent on its development is a load of stuff thrown in without the slightest hint of an end goal. The only solace I can genuinely think of would be some of the art.

    Characters are insufferable more often than not while also being either OCs that will get things their way or playthings for said OCs so I dunno why one would even care. The fighting system is ass. The levelling system has a cap for reasons of salt which seems to be the justification for many other things in this collective effort. The story is essentially waiting for the backer money to dry up.

    Do yourself a favor and don't touch this thing until modders pick it up after it's either finished or dropped. Go read the thread instead - it's way more fun.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great rpg with the added bonus on boning most things you come across. If you've played trials in tainted space, you know what youre getting into. Characters are varied and interesting. The world and plot is engaging and interesting.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is just all over the place. The writing is so varied between characters and places, the characters are all over the place. It makes no sense. There are just soooo many characters that don't need to exist, and they all seem to play a more important role than you. It's like your MC just is there to push the story forward to see the other characters and zones, but not to bring your choices with you. It's like you are the side character to your side characters in your party. It's a strange feeling and it doesn't feel good at all. The art is also all over the place. There are sooooo many different artists and they don't draw all the characters so you will just see a bunch of different art styles smushed together and it breaks any type of immersion. All of this is a huge disappointment compared to the first game where the game followed YOU. YOU changed the world and all the characters were written to follow in your footsteps. That just doesn't exist here at all. Honestly a downgrade in every single way and I hope that the current writers and designers for this game never touch another, as it is clear that they do not have talent in game design.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Narration - You are not the hero or even the main character. You are a side character made to witness the stories of the OCs everyone shoved into this. You'll soon forget what your story even is.

    Gameplay - Most classes are muted and your character could easily be replaced by any fucking party member without it making a difference. You might as well let combat run on auto then fall asleep for all the difference it makes.

    I can't even be bothered to write a thought-out review on such a dumpster of a game to be honest. It's just bad even as a stand-alone. These guys just took a bad idea and ran it into the ground with worse ideas.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Hoo boy where do i even start...

    Five years ago this project popped up and despite some clunky UI decisions was still a decent starting point. This game could have been really good however over time the "developers" started to spend less time making interesting encounters and more on cramming in half finished characters and throwing tantrums in responce to anything negative the CoC fanbase said.
    The amount of incomplete content 5 years on is staggering and the writers ego's have only gotten more fragile as time went on.

    Honestly the game should be renamed Cuckold of Champions because that's where the bulk of the content is other characters fucking about.

    It's amazing how badly this game came apart due to it's creators petty, spiteful behaviors.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    if you've played TiTS or the first CoC, you know what to expect. dense (and sometimes cringeworthy) writing, mostly optional TF fetishism, and good old turn-based RPG combat. the sprite art and UI are notably better than its predecessors, too, though this one isn't nearly as finished.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is not bad, just not what I expected from the dev(s) who made TiTs, and not at all as it is described to be.

    Firstly forget about attempting to play/roleplay how you want. There is little to any transformation outside of rare potions, and even then little interactions or mention of the transformations outside of the original scene itself. You want to play a sub? No, you can have subby sex, but you will forever be treated as a dom and forced down a railroad path that forces your MC into situations that aren't exciting or fun for anyone outside of the creator's own fanfiction.

    In fact that's pretty much what all scenes are, a collection of different fanfictions that don't corollate or mix together in any sensible way. The map reflects this. Apparently in this Fantasy world, the cities/environments are designed like neighborhoods with giant spider-webs comprising all movement. You want to go visit the Orcs? Well better hope you understand which direction they are in, and once there you hope you can navigate the god-awful UI. Want to find the next part of the mainquest? Well it doesn't tell you where to go or which direction to even go in, HAVE FUN!

    I don't want to sound like I'm bashing the game, it was clearly made with the dev's intentions in mind and certainly is for some people. But for me and a vast majority of people who played and loved TiTs, this is the K-Mart version of TiTs with all the best aspects ripped out, not Kroger-brand, K-Mart brand, that's how disappointing it was for me.

    Which I don't understand, CoC 1 was actually pretty good. A little confusing to get into, but it's smaller world, even with less characters, scenes, and mechanics, felt far more exciting, meaningful, and IMPACTFUL than this game. Yes impactful. In CoC2, you can make whatever decisions you want and there are almost 0 consequences or bad ends. Even the good in this game is dredged down by the lack of consequences from that decision such as the Orc Chieftan or Elven queen, or most importantly THE MAIN ANTAGONIST/DEMON!!! You want to submit to the main demoness? "ehhhh best I can do is a love story", you want to dominate the demoness? "ehhh best I can do is some casual sex", we'll when can I even see her again regardless of my choice? "ehh maybe in 40 minutes or so after the next major event". Will anything I chose in the last encounter matter or open up more spicy options? "No."

    In CoC 1 you didn't see the demon much either, but they felt like a serious threat/enemy that was intimidating tofight and hard to conquer, but in this game she's like an ex-girlfriend you see every few weeks. You have a "moment" for good or bad, and then move on until you see each other again. What kind of story/main antagonist is that? I would recommend cut out all the fat dev(s) and make your options clearer and add more spicy stuff to her, with encounters being less but more impactful with larger consequences. Because right now your main antagonist feels like a fuck-buddy and that's not fun for either side of the spectrum of dom or sub players.

    Still for those who try and like this game, props to you. I am genuinely glad the creator is continuing the game for their sake's. However wish it didn't come at the cost of TiTs getting less content, and more content like in this game (random and unfun/unexciting). I genuinely hope if the dev makes a TiTs 2, they do not make the same mistakes in a sequel/remake and actually pay attention to what people liked about the game. They have the talent and the skills, I am just confused on the direction of this game and their content going forward if this is their new direction.

    Hope this constructive criticism helps and I mean no hate towards the devs, I'm not mad just confused and disappointed.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    This game only succeeds in making me want to play the first one.

    Your character no longer has any agency in ANYTHING happening around them, you're basically dragged around from scenario to scenario with little to no input. In the original you could shape the entire world around you, but now there's barely even any interesting interactions.
    It feels like the new writers are just pushing out fanfiction and forcing us to watch it, to say nothing of the constant weebisms, or how boring the combat is when they keep nerfing things people find fun. There's entire swathes of game where you're just reading overly long and descriptive text only to have a pointless response that doesn't change anything (Fallout 4 style) and then move on with your life. The entirety of the Kitsune content, the way your supposedly very important character is treated, and every single response you have is like you're some kinda useless brainlet barely managing to fuction enough to meander between locales.
    It's such a drop in quality, and the writers don't care. They're immature and so far up their own asses it's hard to believe they can breathe in anything but their own farts, they'll randomly pivot places and drop in content that makes no sense with the same overly descriptive and bloated writing that feels like it's meant to pass a minimum word count in a school paper. Every single NPC in the original game felt unique and interesting, in this game we have 3-4 varieties of the same stereotypical boring slate.

    This game's a disappointment in every aspect whether it's in the combat, the writing, the characters themselves, the UI being a mess or the MC mostly functioning as a camera with no input. With that said Fen himself is working on TiTS, and that's the main reason this came out the way it did. Play that, or the original game.

    A very flaccid pass on this one.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I got into the game around the first time it was announced and jumped on to support the creator before it really even kicked off. As time went on, more and more characters that werent just generic npcs or enemies were introduced, only to be just left there and forgotten. Companions are in the game but they dont really interact with one another and when they do interact other than sex, it feels like the writers half assed it. The text has been getting longer and longer with a noticeable drop in quality and passion. Combat is treated with nerf after nerf whenever someone finds a playstyle that the creators dont like. The game came out strong with updates that would draw me back in everytime to current updates that come in at a crawl because they know people are hooked regardless of what they spew. The game itself is okay at best but really shines because it floats atop a sea of lack luster competition. I genuinely dont understand how people can give this game such high reviews because their descriptions, if any doesnt match the score they gave with some of them sounding like they only gave high reviews to spite the people that arent enjoying the game. Also the review system says that non constructive reviews may be removed. So why are the ones that feel like theyre just there to raise the overall score for this game while not adding any actual reviews or even trying still around?
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I really tried to enjoy this game, but it just didn't stick to me:

    For the Pros:
    • The game has a wide variety of content, I went pretty far into the main quest, completed some side quest and did some exploring for at least 20h and by looking at the wiki I barely scratched the surface of the game
    • Many mechanics, It is pretty much a sandbox game
    • A very wide cast of characters, one for every taste
    The cons:
    • The biggest problem for me was the UI, It is the most important part for a text -based game:
      • It lacks colors, making important announcements missable during repetitive actions such as combat
      • Support actions are not that noticeable because of the UI
      • Again, some colors would be appreciated during quests making it easier to understand the context
    • The combat is incredibly repetitive and lackluster. You can start important or over leveled fights without knowing it, also I encountered enemies that insta killled my party i the first zone.


    A lot of content, overshadowed by a mediocre UI and combat system
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The worst of the 3 (CoC 1, Trials in Tainted Space, CoC 2) despite a pretty great start.

    Sadly the attitude and behavior of the lead Devs have turned a promising lewd text rpg into a very railroaded mess of completely disjointed content where the player has absolute 0 agenda anymore.

    I would give 1 star for that alone, but there is still content (although usually old) which is rather decent quality, the art (where present) is good & I can't completely shun the game, because some characters and interactions are fairly sweet, while still being kinda hot. Normally I am enjoying subby stuff even more, but this game managed to make me strongly dislike those scenes, due to a mix of repetitiveness, poor writing and apparent lack of personal insight into actual sub/dom relations on the writers end.

    All things considered this is a very, very mediocre game that offers nothing unique. All it has can be found in it's predecessors and some other games inspired by Fenoxo's legacy, usually at the same level of quality but minus the unprofessional, hostile attitude towards the players (who enabled the crew around Savin to live from developing CoC 2 in the first place).
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    It's pretty great.

    A lot of the 1 star reviews you see here are people who have gotten tired of the developers' antics. And they'd be right.

    But if you just wanna play a game you don't have to give a shit what some dev did or said. The game on its own legs is pretty good, probably one of the best in the text based medium. It has enough and varied content that you'll most certainly find something you like.

    Don't judge it by its low ratings here. That's really just the grievances between players and devs.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is not interesting at all, the scenarios are not sexy, there are some decent CG's but you dont feel like anything is actually cohesive, couldnt get through it or even nut to any scenario, didnt find any interesting one.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    It feels like it's just riding the fanbase of CoC. But it just misses the mark entirely.

    You don't feel like the MC of the 'story' really. You feel like one of the many MC's, you don't have much influence on the world as the player, and comparing it to CoC (which, naturally, we all are since it's CoC2) just throws how bad it is right in your face.

    As many have said, it feels like devs are writing for their OC's in the game and not for you the player. I give it a 1/5 because it's trying to follow up a pretty good game with something just.. completely lackluster. Nothing stands out except for how not amazing the PC feels. It's like a D&D campaign with several DMPC's in the party.

    TL;DR a flop trying to ride the success of CoC
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Even the writing and cringe OCs aside, the gameplay is dogshit, COC1 was a simple game, sure, but every new piece of gear youd get felt special and impactful, like getting a massive double ax for your hunk and finally slaughtering damage scores.

    That was orgasmic despite simplicity, here we have all sorts of skills, companions mechanics, but none of them really bring anything new, infact just reading what those skills do is already a chore since you know full well that devs hate fun powerscaling.

    To summarize, story is awful as many people here said, and gameplay as well.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    the first game was about exploring a world at your peril, slowly losing your humanity and morality and turning into a hybrid of various different creatures that smashed everything in it's path, physically or sexually and turned their camping grounds into a hub of various lovers, friends, and slaves. it was considered one of the best smutty text adventure games of it's time.

    However there was a Achilles heel, namely it relied on freelance writers to well, write content for the game, but the developer got in a scandal that caused these writers to distance themselves from the dev and development slowed to a crawl, effectively killed the game.

    So, after working on another project, TITS aka "CoC in space." CoC2 was finally in development, so what was the problem? most people at first were happy for more CoC but there was several design issues in-game and outside of it. Rather then just your Player versus the world, instead you gather a party of other characters who are essentially the OCs and self-inserts of the writers, it didn't seem that bad in concept, your camp followers are actually following you now, but this is where the "outside" game decisions kicks in.

    the current developer for CoC2, Savin, made it blatant that if you wanted to write for the game that you would have to be in for the long haul. your character wouldn't be implemented unless you stayed around, and the writers that did, tended to be considerably attached to their characters, leading to one of the big red flags for the story where your first companion insisted they should be allowed to have sex with other people besides your player character, which immediately ruins the common player fantasy of a one-sided polyamorous relationship in their favor AKA a harem.

    The prioritization of the writer's own characters over the player themselves caused a lot of friction in the community and quickly led to writers insulting the players in-game, with one writer insisting one of their characters wasn't allowed to have sex with player and then went on to commission art of that character having sex with other people just to rub salt on the wound.

    this combined with the amount of fetishes such as incest being forbidden due to Patreon rules caused further division which finally cumulated when a party member, a femboy sorcerer, was demoted from party member to camp follower because the writer moved on and the other writers had no interest on working on content for the sorcerer. This was the breaking point for the community and why your seeing more low scores than usual from all parts of the internet. even the slablands community finally moved on.

    If you reached the bottom of this review, i'll make it simple, the game is fine if your okay with NTR and the story's disregard for the player, but once your committed to the game and see what's going on behind the scenes. your opinion of the game might sour considerably as I demonstrated by talking almost only about the drama between the devs and writers and the fanbase.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    When playing CoC, did you ever think Urta was the only good thing in the whole game, and that everything else should be adapted, reduced, or even removed to make space for more characters like Urta?
    Because that's what Savin thought when developing CoC 2.

    This isn't a game about you, the player character, nor is this a game for you, the player: this is a game for the devs to create extremely verbose yet poorly written stories about their OCs, then drop them all in the game with little to no attempts to make them fit together.
    Finally, the devs pay notice to how their OCs conflict with gameplay options and player feedback, and try their best to gut those gameplay options and spite those players.