Lab Rats can go bigger then that, it's an awesome game but can be more better, first of all i love this kind of games its like strategy game, so you can controls the most that you can, and make decisions and make girls yours and has so much details in-game so it will not be bored somehow ! but i had a suggestion for devs, what about pregnancy birth control options, what about making girls pregnant forced or not, what about after some progress you can make any married women or fianced one divorce or break up with her husband/ fiancé ( for example ) so you can make them only yours, what about adding some incest stuff like you can fuck their daughters ect of that stuff and even make them pregnrant... much more what about the ability of making a secret wore house in the city so you can manage it, and bring any girl you control or that she obey you or even being your slave ect ... and even that what about adding concurrence to the game like lab concurents and whore house concurence and mafia and cup stuff ect ... I hope this devs would take of consideration of these thoughts anyway keep it up <3