Others - Completed - Countess in Crimson [v1.0.1] [Digital Seductions]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    --- Visual Experience: 11/10 ---

    The renders and 3D models in the game are probably of the highest quality among dozens of 3D visual novels I've played. They are simply astonishing. It doesn't take long to complete the game, and there aren't a lot of scenes, but each scene is extremely detailed and refined. I can see an insane amount of effort behind every single scene (both sexual and nonsexual ones), every single character model. It's like the game takes the best screenshots for you. I've never seen such craftsmanship in any other game.

    Personally, all girl models are breathtakingly attractive to me, which happens extremely rarely among over a hundred games I've tried on this site. Their apparels are especially elegantly designed; the amount of attention to detail dazzled me.

    The sex scenes are also incredibly arousing; even if the animations are not as well-crafted as the artwork, but they are at least very smooth and enjoyable.

    I never wrote so many words so unreservedly praising visual experience in a review. I did so this time because this game deserves it.

    --- Audio Experience: 8/10 ---

    Almost forgot to mention that audio experience is quite good, too. Served its purposed and fit in the atmosphere. I love the moaning voices, which are pretty erotic and enjoyable, unlike a lot of games with horrible moaning sound effect that I decided it's best to turn it off.

    --- Storytelling: 7/10 ---

    Unlike the artwork, the main story unfortunately has nothing spectacular; just a common cultist story with a touch of Lovecraftian vibe. It's short (can be completed within an hour, provided you didn't spend too much time on the sex scenes lol), and it twists and ends abruptly, like what remained in your memory after you watched a movie with 8x fast forward speed.

    The plot by itself is probably five out of ten. The reason I gave it seven is simply because the world building is quite immersive; the dialogs are actually pretty decently written. Each character actually talks in a way they are supposed to, which is pretty basic in the writing criteria but I can't believe how great a portion of self-acclaimed "visual novels" failed miserably in accomplishing this. Even though the core story is mediocre, the impressive presentation of the story actually made up for it.

    --- Gameplay: 5/10 ---

    Pretty straight-forward point-and-click. There're just not really enough stuff to click that matters. Interactions are very limited. The game tells you, in theory, that you could combine two items to craft something new, but in the real playthrough you only get to do this TWICE, to make ONE resulted item.

    What's good is that at least dialog choices determine some stats, which will primarily result in different endings, plus some dialog differences and sex scene unlocks. This part of design is also applied at a very basic level. Just, like, BASIC. Nothing wrong and not enough application here to be worth talking about. But well, at least it served its purpose fair and square.

    The minigame during Master Sex Scenes is an absolute garbage. Thankfully the dev knows they are bad at this and provides an option to ignore it.

    --- Conclusion ---

    I recommend this game with 5 stars, because the dev is apparently humble enough to be fully aware of their own strengths and weaknesses. They provided a pretty nice gallery (in the latest update 0.8.12 the gallery is further improved) to show their magnificent artwork, and they minimized everything they are not that good with, and tried their best to improve the overall quality of life.

    And resulted in such a game, with must-play pros and limited cons.

    Still, I hope there's a longer story, more side quests, more interactions and more branchings. But nothing is perfect, I guess.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This is only 3 stars for two reasons. The graphics are gorgeous, and the writing is surprisingly decent.

    Everything else is terrible. Absolutely everything. From gameplay to the sex scenes, they're all found horribly lacking. Since this is a porn game, that deserves coverage first.

    Each sex scene's only quality comes from the female models and the overall fantastic graphics. The bodies look, for the most part, fantastic, going as far as to have glistening wetness within folds that almost never see any kind of detail. Outside of that, the animations are very, very basic. The sex scenes are composed of very basic and simple loops of about 2 seconds that just loop forever, and though they look to be quite involved at a glance, very little is ever happening. The breasts jiggle relentlessly and very impossibly, and bodies just kind of gyrate painlessly, all making for the look that far more is happening than really is. Worse than that is the absolute lack of a climax sequence, as like I just stated, these are very basic loops. When you progress the scene, it just cuts to a still image of either some fluids on their body, or just them posing. The sex scenes are barebones and lackluster, leaving much to be had.

    The male models look absolutely terrible whenever their faces actually emote, but they're just there otherwise.

    The gameplay is the next point of contention for this overall poor game. It's a horribly linear and boring point and click game where your "choices" are less about you, and more about who you want to bone with slightly extra scenes. You MUST commit to a route if you want to get more than 1 or 2 extra "mastery" scenes, which are unlocked by having high enough character points in certain categories. This is an incredibly stale game where you just click through 4 areas, 1 of which is only used once until the final chapter, and try to find your objective. Side missions are little tid bits of lore and not much else.

    This game is just boring and astoundingly lacking in the erotic section thanks to its basic and exaggerated animated loops. Great graphics are sadly, even in porn games, the same throughout the gaming industry. All pomp and no delivery.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything about this is what I look for in the genre. Amazing renders, great scenes. The slight click and play elements to explore the environment are fun, but don't bog down the player. The story is fun, and helps move you along to the next scene. Very impressed by this, and can't wait to see their next project.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this dev's last game, and I really liked what I saw in the demo version of this game. Gfx and anims are actually a little worse than the other one. Some of the anims are too robotic/awkward and lighting effects are overdone in a few cases.

    Story is okay, even interesting. Does its job while leaving ample room for the porno. I hoped they'd improve the UI, gallery and save systems of their previous game, but they haven't. Still, those aren't too big of an issue, so I'll deduct -1 star for that.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Digital Seductions' art is always supreme, although the sex scenes in this game is kind of let me down because you can interact much like Cockwork Industries. Anyway, the art work is too hot and ofcourse this game worth my 5 stars. Hottest girl imo is Eva heh
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Amazing art, amazing characters, great music, this should serve as an example for any game developers here, you don't need millions of lines of dialogue to make an interesting story.

    Though this is not a very original story, the art, the characters, the fast plot development without hundreds of pointless lines of text and the music all work together to create an immersive experience. Instead of skipping the dialogues to get to the sex part I actually found myself interested in what the characters have to say, also helps that a lot of the stats that unlock sexy times are built up by dialogue.

    Unfortunately the sex scenes, despite being very hot, high-quality and well animated, are a bit too short for my liking, hence 4 out of 5 stars.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll call it average but it's borderline on that. It has some great renders and decent scenes but nothing industry changing, the game engine didn't exactly leave me impressed with the play experience, then toss in you'd probably need multiple play throughs to see everything but it's just not that smooth of a game, it's not bad and if you liked their last game you'll probably like this one but it certainly didn't make my top list.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this is the most exquisite 3D game I've ever played. Futa I think it's acceptable. After all, I like affect3d very much. I think EVA in the game is the best sexy character.I think it's on a par with the previous work, and I'm still looking forward to updating it(y)(y)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Astonishing. Simply astonishing.
    The only thing I'd change is the tutorial part, it definitely needs to be faster. I know the developer had to explain but somehow I feel he could have done it with fewer words and in a faster way.

    9/10 for me!
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    It's ok. Reads like a C list horror movie with porn... so like any other C list horror movie. There isn't much 'gameplay' and the story is pretty predictable and boring.
    The sex scenes are alright, if choppy. And the various morality systems exist only to lock you out of content, not really add more.
    It's not the best, but it takes like an hour.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow - what a game this is going to be, I cant wait to play the full release. Graphics are stunning, the characters are smoking hot and it definitely hits my sweet spot. I'd give it 10 stars if I could...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks amazing same better graphics with same art style as CockWork with a fantesy theme even the three or so sex scenes in this are really hot no saving yet but it is just a demo and for that its incredible