Adding this in for anyone that wants "full package futanari" characters. I have not extensively tested this to see what problems may arise in a playthrough but for anyone curious, Open up the CourseOfTempation.html file and look for
" setup.species.human.genders["transgender female"] = { "
Underneath where it lists body parts you can add "vagina" and "clitoris" into the list. You can also remove the balls if you want and/or remove the clitoris to fit the kind of "futanari" you want. While I don't know how to change the text of it in all instances (option menus specifically) you can alter the "labels" portions for how the in-game text will refer to them. For example you can change one of them to;
"choice label": "a futanari"
This will make it so checking someone's "bio" will have it say they are "a futanari" instead of "a transgender woman".
These are rudimentary changes and not tested a ton. I'm sure there's other parts of the text that will still say "transgender woman" but the adding of body parts seems to work. In my brief testing of adding a vagina and clitoris to transgender women I went into the "rub out a quickie" option in the prologue and the game allowed me to "Rub Vagina", "Rub Clit" and "Tease Cock with Fingers" so it does seem possible to make hermaphrodites. Please note I did not have an option to fondle my character's balls. Not sure if I was missing stats (I chose sheltered virgin) or if the interaction was replaced by having a clit and/or pussy. So if you want to "hentai-ify" your game a bit there's small things you can do like that. KEEP IN MIND THIS METHOD CHANGES EVERYONE THAT IS UNDER THAT GENDER CATEGORY. I do not know enough about coding to make a hermaphrodite "futanari" as it's own selectable gender. Also when modifying as far as I can tell while you may be able to have a penis and a vagina it seems that whenever the character reaches orgasm it is always with the penis and no "vaginal" orgasm happens. Have not tested if anything happens when the "Squirter" inclination is applied.
Side note I'm sure someone may have pointed this out before but when altering around the "setup.species.human.genders" for any of the genders, at the bottom you can find;
"roommate genders":
Which allows you to add opposite genders so it's possible to wind up with your roommate (and NPC's roommates) as opposite of your gender. So basically males could get a female roommate and vice versa.
Seems a decent amount of fun can be had by modifying the files and I am very much interested in the "species.human" stuff and seeing if it would somehow be possible to add additional fantasy races such as elves, orcs and others into the mix but I am nowhere near good enough at coding to add brand new options. I only understand simple editing of already made code.
EDIT: Do you play using the Android APK and want to modify it too? Look below.
You'll need to find an APK editing program to open up the APK itself. Diving into the contents you want to open the "Assets" folder then "www" folder. Inside you'll find a file called "index.html" this is the exact same file as the browser version's "CourseOfTemptation.html".
Make whatever edits you wish of it or make a copy of your already modified "CourseOfTemptation.html", rename it "index.html" and replace the one inside of the APK contents. Save/Rebuild the APK and you should be set. I have tested this by importing an html that was modified already from using LubricatedKitty's mods and so far everything appears to be working.