RPGM - Cozy Fantasy: Corruption [v0.1] [DingoDonger1]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is based off the 0.1 version.

    Renders are the biggest selling point of this game. They are well done and especially the ones that use various camera angles and positions. For example, there are many cleavage shots while working in the bar because of the revealing barmaid outfit. It makes sense to watch it from a customer's POV and see the cleavage yourself. This kind of first-person POV based experience is not seen very often in games. (I'm hoping for some groping action soon!)

    The character models of the protagonist and her sister are perfect. The story hasn't progressed much to be able to write home about but whatever quests and dialogue are present, they are good. The humor lands well too!

    The only shortcomings I see are the bugs. I'm sure as time passes, the dev will get proficient enough to prevent bugs entirely.

    The Wardrobe is also a minor issue that needs to be looked at. Currently there is only one proper outfit that Dolly wears - the classic red top and a black skirt. However, there is no choice given to equip any lingerie. The character simply does not wear a bra, nor does anyone else in the game.

    I think it would be unwise to add loads of outfit choices as it will only lead to more work creating separate renders for each outfit; rather it should be a balance between outfits and underwear. Allow the player 2-3 outfit choices and the game can react to this choice accordingly in the form of dialogue or special scenes. Wearing a certain outfit can lead to less attraction from perverts, while not wearing anything can lead to all sorts of sleazy and groping events.

    ++Good renders, good animations.
    ++Sleazy world, everyone wants to get a piece of MC.
    ++Perfect medieval setting, as long as it maintains a balance between realism and magic.

    --Some game breaking bugs. It's nothing that can't be fixed with some effort and hotfixes.
    --Lack of quest markers.
    --Lack of content.

    It's safe to say that I'm totally invested in this game's development, and I'll certainly look forward to future versions. I'm hoping to see future tags like Blackmail, molestation, and rape but only time will tell.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Promising, but currently broken even after the alpha patch/re-release. It's entirely too easy to get stuck in a loop or find yourself unable to progress. For example: despite finishing the day and starting a new one, the onsen changing box never reappears and the tavern owner keeps thinking you've worked that day.

    This genre is one of my favorites (innocent girl slowly corrupted) and the models are quite well done. The humor is rather good as well -- the potion seller gag and the conversations with animals had me chuckling.

    Looking forward to future releases with the hope that @DingoDonger1 continues to improve their RPGM coding skills.