Others - Abandoned - Creampie City [v0.6] [Tommy Pound]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ Creampie City v0.6]


    Art's better than what I could do.

    Writing is nonexistant. Scenario's been done.

    Porn is weak. I can't even get butthurt about the anal because it's all just smacking paperdolls together. The only preg image I found was a stylized icon on the gameover screen you get for getting pregnant.

    Gameplay is weak but has potential. The fighting system is clunky, the sex screen lacks any impact, and pregnancy being a gameover is a personal hateboner of mine.

    TLDR: Decent enough for a .6 release; has potential and I wish ya the best.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    It's good.
    It's a prostitution simulator, where you are a girl in debt and you must find ways to pay money. Even if the animation remember old flashgames the gameplay is solid.
    You move in the map, do the interaction, combat are simple and fast
    There are only few technical problem like the fact there is no option button in the menu, there is no button for exit the game and the hairsaloon/brothel have a bug that make you lose hairsaloon if you leave building but i hope it will be fixed.

    Overall, the start is good