Creators, how and where do you advertise your adult stuff?


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
Been thinking about this a bit lately. Other than being "spammy" in forums or discord servers, how do you guys advertise your work, whether as an artist or, more importantly, for a game you're working on?
I know some booru type sites have a small space for ads, are these worth it? Where else can you buy this type of ad space and does it tend to give decent returns?
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Sorrow / Joy
Game Developer
Mar 2, 2020
This is an interesting question, because I'm also wondering where to PR my game xD

But I noticed the thing that over time different sites just add my game to themselves. It's very cool. It's worth just doing the game and the ads appear on their own.

Here on the forum among the developers also sometimes mutual PR. This can be the addition of some event in the game, taken from another game with the source (This is an example)

Not too long ago, one developer was collecting posters from everyone for a theater that he will have in the next update. He just scattered these posters on the walls and the player could look at it all (Poster is a render + game name). I also threw my poster in there, but I didn't check to see if it all worked out or not xD

By the way, here's my poster


Later, I was also inspired by this idea and created the same topic, only I didn't need posters for the theater, but pages for a magazine (a sexology textbook in general)

Guys sent me their posters and I added them to the game (Exactly as with the theater)

Well, that's how it is, maybe there are other interesting ways to PR, I do not know a lot about it. I'm just a novice developer.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
If it is a good game you don't need to advertise anything, just post it on F95 and it will advertise itself.
Another way i think is rather effective is Steam.
Steam needs a small investment, but also allows you to earn at the same time. :giggle::coffee:
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
The reason many opt to go with adult games is exactly that you don't need to advertise them, no matter how shitty your game is people will play it because of sex.
Just share your game on as many platforms that share adult game as you can and you will be set to go.


Super Moderator
Game Developer
Nov 3, 2017
1. Take a deep breath. You're likely to find success if you stick around, have patience and invest in every update . Porn patrons who like your game tend to support you for many months and even years.
2. Advertise here. Put your game in your sig, I faceplam myself whenever I see fellow developers who hang around in F95 and don't bother to put a decent sig promoting their games.
3. Some piracy sites are also good platform to publish your game. Many players will download it and play for free, some will become supporters.
4. No video? Great. Your game is more accessible for web version. Gamecore and Newgrounds will let you publish there.
5. Set up your own Discord server. Get in touch with your fans.
6. Some developers bother setting up a Twitter and Instagram. Personally, I didn't.
7. And again: deep breath. If you look at all of the top grossing games they are doing it for years. Porn games fans are loyal as long as you're active and invest in your game so patience pays off.
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Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Honestly, I have no idea. I started sharing the game betas on a discord channel on my signature (it's a shared channel between many gay devs), and I've had my own dev thread here on F95 for more than 7 months, and the game is ready to be published here officially on the next update. A good idea would be having a dev thread on the programming & arts section here on F95, showing the progress and publishing updates to have them test here. In my case I have some people following my game since I started the thread on August 2021.

Wish me luck, in 2 months I'll have my first game officially here. Damn, I can't wait.
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