Initially, you can find about 3 poisonous Alraune. But to remove the "poisonous purple fog" you need to kill 5-6 of these monsters (this is so that the twisted plants can become "platforms" to rise higher).
Moreover, you will not be able to go far in the Deep Lands until you visit the catacombs and get the Fire upgrade there, which will burn the "thickets" that prevent you from going deeper or further.
Most likely, you will not be able to get "gloves" to the catacombs, but you will also not be able to go through the catacombs without gloves. You will have to actively use teleports.
When you defeat the "catacombs" and all the Poisonous Alraune, you will be able to kill the boss of the Deep Lands (the Boss with a sniper rifle and "ricochets"), and then get another upgrade "weighted boots", which will allow you to move underwater.