VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Crochet Cavalcade [Chp.1] [Crochet Cavalcade]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3150590

    This isn't a game, more like a fun WIP demo the devs made out of boredom. There is no story, the CG's are all made by different artists and all choices end up in the same place, except the "private room" one.

    All the time you are bombarded with 4th wall breaking jokes, that get very annoying after a couple times - and there are at least 2 dozen of them. Too much pointless text, too few images.

    At least the visuals are nice. MC is cute and hot, and the backgrounds are well made. But that's pretty much it, given the extremely lacking amount of content: 5-10mins of playtime, but if you consider 99% of the text makes no sense and is just some random bs the writer came up with to pass the time, I'd say there's a minute or two of actual content.

    2/5 Don't waste your time.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall, a good game. The script is the best part. It's very funny, rich and over the top, which goes great with the exaggerated art. Everyone's super horny all the time and that's awesome. I wasn't expecting an introspective view of the human nature using a blonde bimbo with giant tits as one of the main characters.

    That being said, I miss having more visual content. Yes, the characters change their expressions as the scene progresses but other than that, the dialogue goes on and on and the screen stays essentially the same. Even when the narrator is talking about a completely different new action. I'm not saying I want a new screen for every line of dialogue, but it would be nice to have the characters change positions every few lines. I know 2d art is hard. You can't just hit render and forget about it, but after a while, it feels weird just reading what's happening and not seeing it at the same time. After all, it's a visual novel.

    Other than that, great work.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, from characters to scenes to backgrounds.

    The writing STYLE can be very over the top, and others have said overly-wall-breaking. But besides the style, the quality of the writing is quite good for what it is.

    The ratio of scenes-to-text can be overwhelming for the simple-minded. But if you have an above 5th-grade attention span/patience, you can appreciate it.

    Character development is so far good, keeping in mind it is the first chapter. Progression may be a bit quick, but the dialogue fits the characters.

    Overall, this is a really well made game with almost no-flaws. The only criticism of this game can be made on its overall style. But, no game creator is obligated to make a game in the typical adult-game style, nor are they required to make the style something everyone would like. I see it having a bright future, but wish subsequent versions have more content per chapter.