It's chuuuu sweeet...I love it!
Hey guys, wholesome slut here, bringing you another review of shorties I have been finding on this site.....now...now....get a hold of yourself before you cream your knickers from my presence......
Overview: mc has to accidentally cross dress in public....and then his best friend sees him. Fill in the blanks
- I like the art and change in expressions especially during H-scenses. It's quite hot (especially last scene)
- Writing was decent. It properly displayed the conflicting feeling of LI and insecurities of MC.
- Wholesome as shit (1 hr read time)
- Give me more!!!
- Musical pieces would have been greatly appreciated (I just used famous osts from the tube)
- I'm a certified degenerate....so show me kissing,handholds, patting, and hugs rather than just mentioning them. Some focus on chest would have been good too.