ALL fetishes are held only by a minority. There are no fetishes that are common to a majority of people, unless you consider "pussy" to be a fetish. That is why porn that caters to specific niches is always more successful than porn that tries to appeal to a broad audience.
That aside, my point was that the intersectional hyper-real fantasy society that post-reason tumblrinas envision as our present reality is unintentionally the perfect medium for an erotic sandbox. It has entire races of fantasy monsters (cis white males, actually attractive women, Americans) who will constantly try to rape you with their freaky powers (mansplaining, misgendering, mean words, othering, making you feel badly about your own shortcomings). It has sex magic everywhere complete with spells and divine protections (pronoun powers, safe spaces, critique, invent sexuality, and the impossibly ductile consent). It has legendary artifacts of awesome power (hair dye, womens' clothes in mens' sizes, a social media platform, an obligation to find me sexy, Settlers). It even has otherworldy Big Bads that command the problematic forces of evil from the shadows (The Gendered Subject, Colonialism, Fascism, and the dreaded Patriarchy). I don't know whether it would be more amusing if played straight or with tongue in cheek, but it would definitely play to certain crowds.